Buna ziua dragi cititoare si cititori! Sunt in vacanta. Am incercat sa detectez niste elemente vestimentare ce nu mi-au lipsit niciodata din bagajul cu care am plecat anual spre Constanta. Spun Constanta, pentru ca in ultimii 10 ani nu am mers nicaieri altundeva in concediu… Motivele? De toate felurile: ba copii prea mici, ba prea mult de lucru, ba lipsa de bani, ba investitii… Cred ca este blestemul generatiei noastre. Imi amintesc cum copil fiind, mergeam de cel putin 3 ori pe an cate 2 saptamani la munte… Aci la noi in Bucegi, nu mai departe. Dar era concediu adevarat… cu stat la hotel, mancat la restaurant, ore de schi, drumetii, plaja, gratare la mal de apa curgatoare, poze facute cu Zenit-ul tatalui meu, pe care le vedeai la cel putin 2 saptamani distanta sub forma de albume groase si lucioase. Ce vremuri! 🙂
Acum sunt in vacanta la maica-mea… Ce presupune asta? Ma pune sa duc gunoiul, ma cearta daca imi las hainele insirate (dah… sunt blogger de moda, NU am cum sa fiu ordonata! Ordinea presupune o anumita platitudine, de care fug ca de Naiba), inca nu m-a pus sa gatesc… 😉 dar simt ca urmeaza, ma uit toata ziua la stiri 🙁 sau ascult muzica simfonica (ceea ce nu e rau!! dar eu am alte „cerinte” la ora asta 😉 ) si partea cea mai putin placuta o constituie constanta critica: „mananci numai prostii”, „nu te-ai demachiat”, „nu mai zace toata ziua, fa si tu ceva”, „pune mana si citeste o carte”, „piaptana-te!” (am parul ondulat natural… daca ma pieptan, arat ca o matura), etc… Voi pleca de aici cu cel putin 3 puncte in plus la IQ, cu 5 ani in minus la ten si cu 2 kg in plus pe solduri (fereasca Dumnezeu!! 🙂 ).
Dar sa revenim la bagajul de vacanta, ca-i mult mai interesant. 😛 Sa stiti ca exista cateva elemente ce apar recurent in acesta. Astazi ma concentrez pe o singura piesa vestimentara, iar in urmatorul articol va voi prezenta un conglomerat de 5. Va fi un articol de genul „Cinci elemente ce nu trebuie sa lipseasca din…” Din punctul meu de vedere, bineinteles.
Rochia din volane este vedeta acestui articol. Este o piesa pe care mereu am purtat-o cu placere la mare. Nu-i mare filosofie: briza marii o face sa para „vie”. In orasele de ses sau de munte nu bate vantul ca la Constanta… 🙂 Dupa cum puteti vedea, anul acesta am la mine doua astfel de rochii. Ma bucur ca sunt foarte diferite. E important sa am „pe ce lucra” styling-urile.
Am ales sa le prezint in doua tipuri de tinute de vacanta: una de seara si una de zi. Pozele sunt facute de mine, am sa va rog sa treceti peste anumite aspecte mai putin „estetice”. 😛 De exemplu, in cateva poze, privirea-mi pare… cel putin dubioasa. 😉
Daca vrem sa purtam o asemenea rochie seara, la un restaurant sau la club, trebuie sa o accesorizam corespunzator: pantofi cu toc si elemente „glam”. Daca as fi purtat o geanta, aceasta ar fi fost un clutch auriu. Pentru varianta „de zi”, am ales niste tenisi inalti de la Palladium (v-am spus intr-un articol anterior ca nu suport tenisii Converse 😛 ) si nelipsita palarie. La mare nu avem cum sa iesim ziua din casa cu capul descoperit. Nu este indicat. Geanta perfecta pentu aceasta combinatie este un „schopper” ciclamen, visiniu sau portocaliu… Indiferent cum ar fi, culoare calda sa fie.
Pozele sunt facute la mine in cartier, pentru ca imi plac la nebunie aceste peisaje urbane cu aer „de trista amintire”. Blocurile au 30 de ani, la fel si buruienile de langa ele… E un tip de estetica. Lupta intre natura si betoane. Viata va gasi mereu o solutie… 🙂 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!
Hello dear readers! I’m on vacation. I tried to detect some clothes I had in my luggage every year as I went to Constanta (on the Black Sea Coast). I say Constanta, because in the last 10 years I have not gone anywhere else on vacation … The reasons? Of all kinds: too small children, too much work, lack of money, investments … I think it is the curse of our generation. I remember how, as a child, I went at least 3 times a year for 2 weeks in the mountains… Here in Bucegi, no further. But those were real holidays … we were staying at a hotel, eating at the restaurant, I was taking skiing hours, we were hiking, sun bathing, having BBQs on the shore of running whaters, we had pictures taken with my father’s Zenith, that we saw at least 2 weeks later, in the form of thick and glossy albums. What times we had! 🙂
Now I’m on vacation at my mom’s home… What does that mean? She makes me take out the trash, we are arguing because of my clothes (hello! I am a fashion blogger, it is normal to be messy; I am affraid that too much order will put my brain to sleep) , she didn’t got me to cook … but I feel this will follow, I watch the news all day long 🙁 or listen to symphonic music (which is not bad at all !! but I have other „requirements” at this time 😉 ) and the less pleasant part is the constant criticism: „you eat only nonsense”, „you did not get your makeup off”, „don’t just lay all day, do something”, „read a book,” „brush your hair” (I have natural curly hair… if I brush it, it will look like a broom), etc … I’m going to leave here with at least 3 extra points on my IQ, 5 years in minus to my complexion and 2 kg extra on the hips (God forbid! 😛 )
But let’s go back to my vacation bag, because it’s more interesting. 😛 There are some elements that recurrently show up in it. Today I focus on a single piece of clothing, and in the next article I will present a 5 conglomerate. It will be an article like „Five Elements That You Should have in Your …” From my point of view, of course.
The all-flounce dress is the star of this article. It’s a dress I always wore with pleasure at the sea coast. It’s not a great philosophy: the sea breeze makes it „alive”. There is no wind in the city, or in the mountains, that can compete with a good old breeze… 🙂 As you can see, this year I have two such dresses. I’m glad they are very different. It’s important to have what to work with.
I chose to put them in two type of holiday outfits: one for the evening and one for the day. The pictures are self-made, so I will ask you to „close your eyes” to certain aspects, less „aesthetic”. 😛 For example, in some pictures, my eyes seems to me … at little dubious. 😉
If we want to wear such dresses in the evening, at a restaurant or at the club, we have properly accessorize it: high heel shoes and „glam” items. If I would have had a bag, that would have been a golden clutch. For the „day” option, I chose some tall sneakers from Palladium (I told you in a previous article, that I am not such a good friend to Converse shoes :P) and a hat. At sea side we can not get out of the house without something on our head. It’s not wise. The perfect bag for this combination is a „shopper” in cyclamen, burgundy or orange … Whatever color it is, it should be a warm one.
The pictures were taken in my neighborhood, because I love these urban landscapes with „sad communist memories”. The blocks are 30 years old, just like the weeds next to them … It’s a kind of aesthetics. The fight between nature and concrete. Life will always find a way … 🙂 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
H&M cream dress and sunglasses
Högl sandals
King Kong silk dress
Palladium shoes