Sunt la mare si ma bucur de soare dogoritor de vreo 4 zile incoace. A venit mult asteptata vara a lui 2018. Daca o tine tot asa… iarna va debuta o data cu Pastele lui 2019.
Jumatate din hainele cu care am venit s-au dovedit a fi complet nefolositoare, pentru ca vremea se comporta de parca traim la tropice. Trebuia sa-mi car cizmele de cauciuc, jacheta de ploaie si pantalonii din fas. Am norocul ca, venind acasa la parintii mei, pot imprumuta haine de la unul sau altul dupa bunul plac. 😉 Exista totusi cateva haine si accesorii cu care nu dau niciodata gres la mare, fie vreme buna sau nebuna. Despre ele vreau sa va povestesc pe scurt astazi, poate inspir vreo domnita la ananghie. Stiu cat de grea este lupta cu zmeul ce se ascunde in bagajul de vacanta.. iar Fat Frumos nu e mereu in forma optima pentru a birui. 😉
Palaria de paie trebuie musai sa ne insoteasca in orice vacanta la mal de mare. Eu o pun de obicei intoarsa pe fundul bagajului si am grija sa o umplu cu lenjerie intima sau cu ciorapi. In felul acesta, am grija ca forma ei sa nu fie periclitata. 😛 Exista si varianta sa o iau pe cap in timpul calatoriei, sau… si mai indicat, sa imi procur una la fata locului. 😛 Baiul este ca tot in bagaj va ajunge pe drumul de intoarcere… Este inutil sa va explic cat de folositoare se va dovedi pe tot parcursul sejurului, atat ziua cat si seara.
Costumul de baie este vedeta oricarui sejur la mare. Eu am in bagaje mereu 2 sau chiar 3 pentru variatie si pentru a ma bronza cat mai uniform. Mai exact, caut ca forma sutienelor sa fie diferita. In felul acesta, daca am grija sa le alternez zilnic, nu ma voi bronza cu inestetice bretele. Exista si varianta sutienelor „fara bretele”, clar! Doar ca mie nu imi stau bine… 😉 La propriu! Nu au pe ce sta! 🙂
Moda costumelor de baie se schimba an de an. Ei bine, eu nu tin cont de asta. Prefer sa port unul care imi sta foarte bine. Imi place slipul cu forma „braziliana”, sau popular zis, „pe jumatate de fesa” (scuzati exprimarea! Si popular… se zice chiar mai elocvent de atat 😛 ), cu talie destul de joasa. Imi sta mie bine acest model, pentru ca imi acopera exact ce vreau si imi descopera exact ce trebuie. 🙂 Nu port costume de baie intregi. Stiu ca sunt la moda si le recomand cu caldura! Dar mai stiu ca atunci cand voi fi mai in varsta, le voi purta doar pe ele… Asa ca acum ma bucur de „tinerete”. 😛
Am avut anual grija sa pun in bagaj un costum „de brand”. 😛 Trebuie sa-mi statisfac snobul interior. Fiecare il are, iar cine nu recunoaste e si mai snob decat noi, astialalti. 😛 Anul acesta am ales un costum de baie D&G auriu. Pe o piele extrem de bronzata, galbenul auriu face minuni. De obicei il port catre finanul sejurului. 😉
Pantalonii scurti din denim sunt un alt element vestimentar ce nu imi lipseste niciodata la mare. De fapt, aici este singurul loc de pe pamant unde ma simt bine purtandu-i. La Timisoara nu ma veti vedea niciodata in asa ceva… 🙂 Ca si in cazul costumelor de baie, am mai multe perechi: unii cu talie inalta, unii cu talie joasa… unii care imi stau foarte bine si unii „de brand”. Nu stiu de ce… marea face ca orice femeie cu pantaloni scurti din denim sa arate absolut bestial. Fie desculta, fie cu niste tenisi…fie cu pantofi cu toc, fie slaba, fie mai cu forme sau chiar planturoasa, la mare, denimul scurt ne face pe toate sa aratam innebunitor. 🙂
Numarul 4 nu e element vestimentar sau accesoriu, dar e ceva fara de care eu nu pot „pentru ca sa” imi imaginez existenta in vacantele de vara. Anul acesta m-am bucur de un cadou minunat primit de la MUAH, cel mai nou brand de cosmetice din Romania, la Timisoara Fashion Week: o paleta de 4 iluminatoare, numita Backstage Glam. Aceasta ma insoteste acum la Constanta. Am avut zile cand singurul make up pe care l-am aplicat, a fost putin iluminator pe coamele pometilor, la colturile interioare ale ochilor si pe varfurile nasului si al barbiei. Accentueaza foarte frumos bronzul si trasaturile. Aceasta paleta in special, are nuante pentru toate gusturile si ocaziile, una dintre ele numindu-se sugestiv Bronze. 😉
Dar… cred ca elementul cel mai important al bagajului vacantei de vara ramane de foarte multi ani (in cazul meu!) rochia alba din panza topita. Am pus doua astfel de rochii la mine, dar am ales sa v-o arat pe cea mai „pretioasa”. Are niste detalii foarte frumos lucrate, este comoda, lungimea ma avantajeaza… imi place si partea superioara, pentru ca este usor transparenta. Daca nu v-ati dat inca seama 😮 , rochia este vintage. 🙂 Imi place ca nu trebuie sa o calc, ceea ce constituie un avantaj atunci cand plec in vacanta.
Doamnelor, rochia alba la mal de mare … e ca spuma de pe coama valurilor, ce se sparge in milioane de bule pe nisiul plin de cochilii. Este pescarusul ce umbreste firele de nisip pret de o secunda, pentru a le elibera mai apoi plenarului soare, intr-u oglindire… 🙂 Este causul din sidef in care se strange nisipul manat de vant si batut de valuri. Este norul pufos ce binecuvanteaza cu a sa umbra, piei imbrobodite de sudoare, brazdate de sarea marii si patate de sclipiciul migrator al uscatului.
P.S „Papucii” crosetati sunt facuti de soacra mea. 😉
Inchei asta „poezie”, cu a mea urare vie
De-a pupa pe toti si toate
La mare intensitate,
Zgomotos, familiar
Apasat, furis, strengar…
I’m at the sea and I enjoy the sunshine we’ve had the last 3-4 days. The much awaited summer of 2018 has come. If it keeps it so … the winter will debut with the Easter of 2019.
Half of the clothes I came with turned out to be totally useless, because the weather behaves like we live at the tropics. I should have brought my rubber boots, a rain jacket and matching pants. I am lucky because, being home to my parents, I can borrow clothes from one or the other at will. 😉 There are, however, some clothes and accessories that were never a mistake at seaside, whether we had a good or a crazy summer. Those are the subject for my article today, maybe I can inspire a damsel in distress. I know how hard it is to fight the dragon that is hiding in our holiday luggage … and Prince Charming is not always in the best shape to win the fight. 😉
The straw hat must accompany us in any seaside holiday. I usually put it on the bottom of my luggage and take care of stuff it with lingerie or stockings. That way, I make sure it’s shape won’t be jeopardized. 😛 There is the option to wear it during the trip, or … and the more apealing of them all, to buy one on the spot. 😛 The problem is that you still have to place it in your luggage when you get backwill get on the way back… It is useless to explain how useful it will prove throughout the stay, both for day and night time.
The bathing suit is the star of any seaside vacation. I always have 2 or even 3 in my luggage, for variation and to get my tan as even as possible. More specifically, I look for the ones with different bra shape. This way, if I am careful and alternate them daily, I will not be tanned with strapes. There is also the „strapless” bra version, that’s for sure! They just don’t suit me very well … 😉 They don’t have what to hold on to… 🙂 😛
The shape of them swimsuit changes year after year. Well, let’s just say that I will not be influenced by this fact. I prefer to wear one that looks great on my body shape. I like the „brazilian” or the „half-hearted” bikini shape. And the low waisted ones. I’ like this model because it covers exactly what I want and unravels exactly what I need. 🙂 I do not wear one piece swimsuits. I know they are trendy and I recommend them to everybody with full confidence! I juat know in a deep corner of my brain, that when I will get older, they will be the only swimsuit I will ever wear … So for now, I’m enjoying being young. 😛
Yearly I brought with me a „brand” swuimsuit. 😛 I have to feed my inner snob. Everybody has it, and who does not recognize it, is even more a snob than us, the snobs. 😛 This year I chose a golden D & G. On extremely tanned skin, golden yellow does wonders. I usually use it in the final part of my staying. 😉
The denim shorts are another piece of clothing that I never miss. In fact, here is the only place on earth where I feel good wearing them. In Timisoara you will never see me with such an item… 🙂 As with the bathing suits situation, I have several pairs: some high waisted, some low waisted… some that suit me very well and some from a well known brand. I do not know why … the sea makes every woman with denim shorts look absolutely stunning. Whether we’re barefoot or in some sneakers or even in high heels, wheather we are skinny, with curves or even a little overwheighted, the denim shorts will makes us all look as sexy as hell on the shore… 🙂
Number 4 is not a clothing item or an accessory, but there is something I can not afford to leave behind in summer holidays. This year, I enjoyed a wonderful gift from MUAH, the newest cosmetics brand in Romania, at Timisoara Fashion Week: a 4-shades highlight palette called Backstage Glam. It is now joining me in Constanta. I had days when the only make up I applied was a little highlight on top of the cheekbones, the inner corners of the eyes and the tips of the nose and the chin. It accentuates the bronze and the features. This pallet in particular, has shades for all tastes and occasions, one of which being called Bronze. 😉
But … I think the most important element of my summer holiday has been for many years the white dress. I took two such dresses with me, but I chose to show you the most „precious” one. It has some very nice details, it’s comfortable, the length fits me very well … I also like the upper part, because it is slightly transparent. If you have not figured it out yet :o, the dress is vintage. 🙂 I love that I do not have to iron it, which is an advantage when I go on vacation.
Ladies, the white dress on the seashore … it’s like the foam on the waves, breaking into millions of bubbles on the beach full of shells. It is the seagull that shades the sand for a second, only to release it to the plenary sun, to become it’s mirror… 🙂 It is a clout from mother of pearls, where the wind-washed sand is being turned into solid ground by haisty, infinit waves. It is the fluffy cloud that blesses us with shade, our sweaty skins, crossed by salt traces and stained by the migratory glitter.
I conclude this „poetry” with my living wish
To place a kiss on every soul of you…
Loud, pressed, sweet, yet elegant and chic
So it’s memory will not be lost so quick…