
Va anuntai acu’ ceva vreme (pe Facebook. Apropos, ma gasiti acolo ca Stil’ish Tribe sau Anamaria Bacila) ca vreau sa fac niste postari despre ceea ce consider eu a fi tinute sexy. Nu ca as avea o viziune despre a fi „sexy” diferita de a celorlalti, caci ce-i frumos si lui Dumnezeu ii place, dar am oroare de vulgaritate si fac parte din grupul de „fosile” care considera naturaletea (inclusiv aplicata la compunerea unei tinute) a fi  mai sexy decat orice artificiu „medical” menit sa ascunda/scoata in evidenta diferite defecte/atuuri. Cu alte cuvinte, in momentul de fata, sunt impotriva operatiilor estetice de orice fel (nu garantez ca dupa ce implinesc 50 de ani nu voi lua in considerare vreo procedura… 🙂 ). Adica nu sunt impotriva oamenilor care apeleaza la asa ceva, orice om e liber sa faca ce vrea, ci doar cred ca, daca nu e o problema de viata si de moarte la mijloc, putem trai foarte bine si armonios in forma pe care ne-a dat-o natura. Iar daca nu ne mai place forma aia, suntem liberi sa mergem la sala sa ne remodelam, sa incepem sa mancam sanatos, sa ne „cremuim” de sus pana jos si de jos pana sus, sa ne demachiem vartos in fiecare seara, sa mergem la masaje si proceduri non-invazive, apoi sa mergem din nou la sala, sa bem lichide (dar atat cat sa ne hidratam, consider ca a bea peste 2 litri de lichide pe zi in timp de iarna… e o aberatie), sa ne gasim un hobby care sa ne relaxeze, sa incercam sa radem indelung si des (chiar daca rasul face riduri 🙂 ), caci un om fericit va fi mereu mai frumos, etc, etc, etc… Alternative exista! 🙂

Bine, este posibil sa vorbesc din perspectiva femeii de 38 de ani care nu are inca nevoie de interventii estetice. 🙂 Dar acest fapt este 100% meritul meu, nu o mostenire genetica fericita. Pentru cine ma citeste de curand, exista un articol numit „Skinny me” unde povestesc ce si cum am facut ca sa ajung la aceasta forma 🙂 . Revenim la subiectul articolului, caci am deviat mult, ca de obicei! Dupa ce am avut grija sa ne aducem corpul in forma cea mai apropiata de ce consideram noi a fi ideal (e important sa ne placa noua, nu celorlalti!), urmeaza felul in care alegem sa il imbracam. O rochie „second skin”, un pantof cu toc extrem de inalt, o bijuterie frumoasa… sunt ingrediente „basic” ale unul look sexy. 🙂 Nume de cod: minimalism. Ponturi: diverse retusuri de ordin „vizual” pentru a desavarsi compozitia finala.

De exemplu, eu sunt o femeie cu sani mici. Acesta este motivul principal pentru care am ales ca port un tricou negru simplu pe sub rochie: triunghiurile nude ale rochie, proiectate pe negru, par mai mari, mai pline. Este acelasi efect pe care il observam in oglinda cand ne scoatem sutienul de la costumul de baie dupa o zi petrecuta la plaja: sanii 🙂 par mult mai mari decat de obicei. In mod antagonic, daca doriti ca sanii sa para mai mici, luati pe dedesubt un tricou alb. 😉  Coborand de-a lungul siluetei, ajungem la solduri. O rochie mulata ne scoate in evidenta atat talia cat si soldurile. Recomand sa purtam o lenjerie modelatoare. Sau sa nu purtam lenjerie deloc 😮 (citat din Iulia Albu). Sau sa gasim acea pereche de chilotei, care sa faca orice actrita de filme pentru adulti sa paleasca de invidie. Ideea este ca urmele lenjeriei intime vazute printr-o rochie mulata, in special deschisa la culoare, sunt odioase. Asa nu!!! 🙂  Dintre toate felurile de pantofi cu toc, consider ca pantofii stiletto sunt de departe cei mai sexy. Adjudecat! Restul, dragile mele, tine de atitudine si increderea pe care o avem in noi. Pana la urma, cele mai sexy femei sunt cele imbracate intr-un t-shirt si sosete de lana, cu parul ravasit, pregatindu-se sa-si savureze cafeaua de dimineata… Just? 🙂

Va pup tare si apasat! 😉 :*


I told you a while ago (on Facebook, by the way, you find me there as Stil’ish Tribe or Anamaria Bacila) that I want to make some posts about what I consider to be sexy. Not that I have a vision of being „sexy” different from others, because „what is beautiful even God loves”, but I am horrified of vulgarity and I am part of the group of „fossils” that consider naturalness (applied also to outfits) to be sexier than any „medical” adjustment meant to hide / highlight various defects / advantages. In other words, at the moment, I am against aesthetic operations of any kind (I do not guarantee that after I will get to my 50th  birthday I will not consider any procedure … 🙂 ). I mean, I’m not against people who want to change the way they look, every man is free to do what he wants, but I just think, if it’s not a matter of life and death in the middle, we can live very well and harmoniously in the shape that was given to us by mother nature. And if we do not like that shape anymore, we’re free to go to the gym to remodel ourselves, start eating healthy, „bath” in moisturizing creams, deeply clean our face every night, go to massages and non-invasive procedures, then go back to the gym, drink fluids (but only as mush needed to hydrate, I think drinking more than 2 liters of fluids a day in winter … is an aberration), find a hobby to relax, try to laugh long and often (even if laughter makes wrinkles 🙂 ), because happy people will always be more beautiful, etc, etc. etc … Alternatives exist! 🙂

Okay, it is possible that I speak from the perspective of a 38-year-old woman who does not yet need aesthetic interventions. 🙂 But this is 100% my merit, not a lucky genetic legacy. For whom read my articles only recently, there is one called „Skinny me” where I tell  what and how I did to get to this form 🙂 . But let’s come back to the subject, because I’ve been deviating, as usual! After taking care of our bodies (it’s important that we like the way we look, not  others!), we have to take care of  the way we choose to dress it. A „second skin” dress, a high-heeled shoe, a beautiful gem … are „basic” ingredients of a sexy look. 🙂  Code: minimalism. Tips: various „visual” retouching, to complete the final composition.

For example, I am a small-brested woman. This was the main reason I chose to wear a simple black T-shirt under the dress: the nude triangles of the dress, seen on black, look bigger and more full. It’s the same effect we observe in the mirror when we remove our bathing suit after a beach day: 🙂 the breasts seem much larger than usual. In an antagonistic way, if you want your breasts to look smaller, take a white T-shirt underneath. 😉  Descending along the silhouette, we reach the hips. A second skin dress highlights both the waist and the hips. I recommend wearing a modeling lingerie. Or not wearing lingerie at all 😮 (I quoted Iulia Albu). Or find that pair of panties that make any adult film actress pale from envy. The idea is that, the traces of intimate underwear seen through a tight dress, especially a light one, are hidious. Not to do !!! 🙂 Of all kinds of heel shoes, I think stiletto shoes are by far the most sexy. 🙂  The rest, my dear ones, is about the attitude and the confidence. After all, the sexiest women are those dressed in a t-shirt and socks, with wild hair, getting ready to enjoy the morning coffee … Right? 🙂

Kiss you all loud and pressed! 🙂 :*

I am wearing

Kookai dress  ( visit www.kookai.com.au )

Seven Hill T-Shirt, similar here

JusFab stiletto shoes, similar here

https://www.facebook.com/alessandrabags/ bag from 3 years ago

H&M earrings

C&A xl bracelet