
Nu aveam cum sa ratez strada „umbrelata” de langa Opera, realizati, nu? 🙂 E adevarat, nu banuiam ca voi merge sa fac poze acolo la ora 7 dimineata… dar cand ar fi fost oare un moment mai bun? E una dintre cele mai „traficate” strazi pietonale din Timisoara (mai ales in perioada aceasta, cand toata lumea isi face poze sub bolta de umbrele)!! Adevarul este ca merita sa o vezi, sa te pozezi, sa prelucrezi, sa postezi, sa comentezi… 😉 Pentru „netimisoreni”, este vorba de strada Alba Iulia, unde 700 de umbrele au fost instalate în  în cadrul proiectului „Colorează Oraşul – Umbrele pe cer”, care a ajuns la ediţia a patra. Proiectul este initiat de „Noi Re-Cream” si este parte integranta a festivalului „Timfloralis”, proiect sustinut de Primaria Timisoara prin Casa de Cultura a municipiului, cu mentiunea ca, desi acesta s-a incheiat deja, umbrelele mai pot fi admirate si „abuzate” in continuare, durata „expozitionala” depinzand de planurile „mamei natura”  🙂 .

Cred ca este evident ca umbrelele mi-au inspirat tinuta. Si ma bucura asta, pentru ca, pana acum, nu am purtat niciodata costumasul din fas transparent. Lesne de inteles, la varsta mea nu ma vedeam etalandu-mi lenjeria intima prin oras… 🙂 Ideea de a suprapune doua costume de sport mi-a venit tot in urma contemplarii feeriei coloristice sub care ma propun astazi. 🙂 Deci, port echipamentul meu de sala ( colanti si bustiera), peste care am pus un alt echipament sportiv ce zace de vreo 4 ani la mine in dulap si care a scapat in mod miraculos de „valorificare” ( fiind de la un brand faimos, m-am gandit de multe ori sa il vand… 🙂 ). Rezultatul? Un outfit „athleisure” propriu si personal! Trend-ul „athleisure” a fost in mare voga in anul 2016, in special datorita celor doua fashion icon-uri Gigi Hadid si Kendall Jenner, care au fost si sunt surprinse frecvent combinand echipamentul sportiv in tinute streetstyle. Hoody-ul argintiu e una din „comorile” gasite la Fashion Swap 🙂 , iar platformele statement… 🙂 cred ca duc tinuta in zona fashion pe care o doream. Am retinut si exemplificat ce a spus Iulia Albu in cadrul emisiunii Bravo ai stil (pe care o urmaresc uneori, din greseala… 🙂 ): „pentru ca o tinuta sa fie reusita, trebuie ca un element sa fie gresit”. 😮

Mergeti neaparat  si faceti poze sub bolta de umbrele!  Este un „must” al lunii mai! Exista si un concurs de fotografie pe aceasta tema, deci beneficiile pot fi multiple. Pentru detalii intrati pe pagina de Facebook a celor de la Noi Re-Cream. Cu zi ce trece ma indragostesc iremediabil de acest oras. 🙂 😉 Pup la voi tare si apasat!


There was no way for me to miss the „umbrella invasion” happening near the Opera, right ? 🙂 Ok, I admit it: never expected to go there at 7 o’clock in the morning… but wich would have been a better moment? It’s one of the most „trafficated” pedestrian  way of Timisoara (especially now, when everybody is taking pictures under the little umbrella „sky”)!! The reality is that you have to see it, take pictures with it, Photoshop it, post it, comment it… 😉 For the  „outsiders”, I am talking about Alba Iulia Street, where 700 umbrellas were installed for the „Colour the city – Umbrellas in the sky” project, in it’s fourth edition. The Project was intitiated by „Noi Re-Cream” and it’s part of the „Timfloralis” festival, a project supported by Timisoara City Hall through the City House of Culture, with the mention that, although the festival is already over, umbrellas can still be admired and „abused” further, the duration of the „exhibition” depending on the plans of „mother nature” :).

It’s obvious umbrellas inspired my outfit. And glad of it!  Why?  Till now I never weared the „see through” little costume. Displaying my underwear through the town at my age… well, not the best idea… 🙂 The idea of overlapping two sport suits has come to my mind as a result of the contemplation of the colorful „unit” I am posing under today. 🙂 I am wearing my fitness equipment ( pants and bra), and over it, I „layered” another sports outfit who layed for about four years in my closet and who miraculously escaped „capitalizing” (being from a famous brand, I thought many times about selling it… 🙂 ). Result? My very own „fashionable athleisure” outfit! „Athleisure” was a hit of 2016, mainly because of the two fashion icons Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, who frequently combine their sports outfin in their „streetstyle”. The silver hoody din is one of the „treasures” found at the Fashion Swap 🙂 , and the statement platforms… 🙂 are sending the outfit in the fashion direction. I have retained and exemplified what Iulia Albu has said in the „Bravo ai stil” show (which I sometimes watch, by mistake … 🙂 ): „For an outfit to succeed, an element must be wrong”. 😮

Go and take pictures under the vault of umbrellas! It is a „must” of May! There is also a photo contest on the subject, so the benefits can be multiple. For details, go to the „Noi Re-Cream” Facebook page. Every passing day I fall irresistibly in love with this city. 🙂 😉 Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

Versace Sport see through deux piece

Hoodie from Fashion Swap Timisoara

Marni iconic platforms 2008 collection

Escada „heart” mini bag

Adidas sunglasses

Meli Melo ribbon

Photos by Elena Borcan