
Probabil sunt „ultimul mohican” indragostit de aceste fuste gogosar/balon. Stiu ca nu sunt in voga in momentul de fata, dar nu consider ca asta conteaza foarte tare. Toata lumea spunea ca timpul „kitten-heels-ului” a apus de mult si iata-i cum stralucesc in toate vitrinele!  Sunt in stare sa pun pariu cu voi ca in cel mult doi ani, acest tip de croi va invalui coapsele multor vedete internationale, implicit si pe ale noastre.  Nu le-am numarat, dar am exagerat de multe „gogosi” d-astea „pe numele meu”. Norocul e ca nu ingrasa, ba as putea chiar sa sustin contrariul… 😉  Eu le folosesc in scop terapeutic: daca sunt in faza „sub 52 kg”, moment in care arat ca femeie snur… etc, gogosarul din dotare, imi face „popoul” mai mare… 🙂 ; un alt aspect pozitiv al acestui tip de croi este fapul ca, picioarele arata mult mai frumos iesind de sub asa o volumetrie, in special daca lungimea fustei tinde spre 0. Eu, in speta, am picioarele usor in X… ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa port fustele fie exagerat de scurte, fie pana sub genunchi, fie maxi. Va spun sincer, nu ma mai simt foarte bine in fuste scurte si mulate.. Greu de crezut, dar am cam depasit varsta aceea… 🙂

Tot in legatura cu corectarea „optica” a picioarelor in X, va sfatuiesc sa mixati la acest tip de fusta scurta, o pereche de cizme de vara. Inlocuiesc cu succes „gambele” pe care nu le avem. 🙂 Eu am obiceiul sa prind brose pe acest tip de cizme (deoarece sunt perforate), fapt ce le transforma in elemente „statement” ale tinutei. Dupa cum spun destul de des, doar imaginatia noastra ne limiteaza optiunile!

Daca fusta tip gogosar nu este la moda, bulinele in schimb sunt! Si sunt faine! 🙂 Rochia asta imbulinata imi e tare draga. Am achizitionat-o in luna de miere din Lion si ma bucur ca dupa doi copii, incap inca in ea cu succes! 🙂 Tin minte ca in timpul numeroaselor mele cautari si framantari „stilistice”, am dat peste doua chestii misto legate de asa numitele „polka dot”: Marc Jacobs zicea ca „I don’t think there is ever a wrong time for a polka dot” si ” cand purtati imprimeu de tip polka dot, trebuie sa adaugati si ceva de culoare galbena tinutei dumneavoastra” -citatul asta nu mai stiu cine l-a dat, ma scuzati… dar am citit in http://www.instyle.com/, cu siguranta era cineva avizat in a da sfaturi legate de moda si stil.

Elena nu este deloc multumita de pozele acestei postari 😮 , va marturisesc ca mie imi plac. Destinatia initiala a fost parcul din dreapta catedralei, care, spre stupoarea/oroarea noastra era inchis pentru restaurare. Fiind in criza de timp, caci biata mea Elena este in sesiune… (Iti tin pumnii!!! 🙂 ) am invadat parcul de langa primarie, care la ora asta arata destul de sec (in primavara se intampla o invazie de lalele absolut feerica acolo…). Va invit pe voi sa judecati daca ce a iesit e demn de lauda sau de critica… 🙂 😉 Pup la voi tare si apasat!


I’m probably the „last mohican” in love with these paprika / balloon skirts. I know they’r not in vogue right now, but I do not think that matters very much. Everybody said that the time of „kitten-heels” has long gone, and look how they shine in all store’s windows! I  bet you that in two years or so, this type of cut will wrap the thighs of many international stars, and ours, too. I did not count them, but I exaggerated in buying a lot of such „donuts”.  Luckily they  do not make me fat, I can even say the opposite … 😉 I use them for therapeutic purposes: if I am in the „under 52 kg” phase, when I look like the „string woman” … etc, the donut  makes my po’ bigger… 🙂 ; Another positive aspect of this type of cut is the fact that the legs look gorgeous if they „come out” from under such volumetry, especially if the length of the skirt tends to 0. I have an easy „X” legs situation happening below my waist… which means I have to wear my skirts either overly short, either under knee or maxi. I tell you frankly, I do not feel very good in short and tight skirts. Hard to believe, but I have just passed that age …  🙂

Also about correcting „optically” an „X” shaped legs, I advise you to mix this type of short skirt with a pair of summer boots. They successfully replace the leg muscles  we do not have. 🙂 I have the habit of putting broches on this type of boots (because they are perforated), which turns them into „statement” elements of the outfit. As I say quite often, only our imagination limits our options!

If the balloon skirt is not in fashion, the polka dots are! And they look cool! 🙂 This polka dotted dress is so cute. I bought it in the honeymoon from Lion and I am glad that after two children, I still fit in it! 🙂 Keep in mind that during my many „stylistic” quests and wonderers, I’ve come across two cool stuff about the so-called „polka dot”: Marc Jacobs said „I do not think there’s a wrong time for a polka Dot „and” when you wear a polka dot print, you must add something yellow to your outfit „- for this one I do nothave an author, you excuse me … but I read in InStyle, there was certainly somebody competent in giving advice on fashion and style.

Elena is not at all happy with the pictures of this post :o, I but I must confess I like them. The original destination was the park on the right side of the cathedral, which, to our astonishment / horror, was closed for restoration. Being in the crisis of time, because my poor Elena is in session … (I keep my fingers crossed !!! 🙂 we invaded the park near the City Hall, which at this time looks pretty hallow (in spring happens a tulip invasion absolutely enchanting there …). I invite you to judge if what came out is worthy of praise or criticism … :);) Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

Belle by Oasis dress – I have to admit I found a beautiful balloon skirt that I will buy in the very near future which is not polka dottet, but has a „statement” print and you cand see/buy  here

No name summer boots – similar here

Stradivarius straw hat – 50 Ron

Atmosphere yellow bag bought in Germany – similar and better!! here

Photos by Elena Borcan