
Cam toate colegele blogger-ite au propus deja cel putin o tinuta de festival pentru aceasta vara si simt ca trebuie sa ma aliniez la tendinte, nu pentru ca ar exista o „lista” cu subiecte pe care trebuie musai sa le bifam, ci pentru ca, idei pentru tinuta de festival, chiar se cauta!! Voi, cititoarele noastre aveti prioritate absoluta si ne bucuram ca va putem ajuta, chiar si intr-o mica masura. De cand Coachella a devenit „the THING” in materie de festivaluri, s-a raspandit in randul fashionistelor si nu numai, ideea de „tinuta de festival”. Multe vedete internationale, fotomodele, cantarete sau influenceri ai lumii modei folosesc acest festival ca pe o pasarela uriasa pe care sa defileze in tinute care mai de care mai funky, trash, boho, punk sau fresh. 🙂 Toate cu ghilimelele de rigoare… Iar noi, grozavi mimetisti ce suntem (si nu in sensul rau al cuvantului!), dar si posesori de spirit artistic viu si transmisibil din tata in fiu/fiica (ca de, romanul e nascut „poet”), preluaram si prelucraram tendinta, adaugand izul mioritic inconfundabil. Mi se pare misto.  Rezultatul? Multe festivaluri ce coincid cu sarbatori calendaristice „romanesti”, care promoveaza portul popular, diverse genuri de muzica si mancare, toate autohtone. Bravo, zic! Sa o tinem tot asa! 🙂  Avem totusi si latura mai „comerciala” de evenimente, care are ca centru absolut de interes festivalul Untold de langa Cluj, un festival de muzica electronica considerat cel mai bun din Europa la ora actuala! 🙂   P.S. Mandra. 😉

Tinuta pe care v-o arat azi nu este o prima optiune, vrand initial sa folosesc pantaloni scurti din denim, o bluza cu trena si ceva bocanci pe care i-am gasit in dulapul mamei. 🙂 Dar… ieri am achizitionat minunatia asta de rochie-furou la H&M si din cauza ei mi s-a schimbat optica. Am vrut neaparat s-o folosesc la asa o tinuta, pentru ca se preteaza. Este o rochie lejera, sexy, usor de accesorizat, versatila. Feminina. „Imbulinata” m-ati mai vazut si in articolul Polka Dotted. De fapt, cele doua tinute au multe elemente comune: buline, cizme de vara, palarie de paie, dar accesorizarea le trimite in registre diferite: ladylike vs girlish. As fi pus in picioare niste ghete de tip biker, dar neavandu-le cu mine, am facut un giumbusluc si mi-am legat niste sireturi late din bumbac gros in  jurul gleznelor, pentru a mentine cizmulitele fixe pe picior. Rezultatul? Parca mi-am bagat picioarele in ambalaje de bomboana. 🙂 Copiii mei s-au distrat copios pe seama asta. Din nou, incurajez sa va jucati cu elementele vestimentare pana le gasiti „forma” ideala, chiar daca asta inseamna sa puneti mana pe foarfeca sau pe masina de cusut… 🙂 Choker-ul este un element absolut necesar unei tinute de festival. Sau nu… 🙂 Ideea e sa va accesorizati intens zona gatului si bratele (tatuaje, bratari statement, sau chiar manusi…asa cum am facut eu 🙂 ). Palaria nu este obligatorie, dar trebuie sa luati in considerare faptul ca veti sta, probabil, o zi intreaga in soare… Daca vremea e capricioasa si se anunta ploi, luati in picioare o pereche de cizme de cauciuc. Daca nu vreti sa stati toata ziua cu ochii pe geanta, optati pentru o borseta. E o varianta chic si utila. Sa imi spuneti si mie unde se gasesc borsete faine, ca inca nu am gasit…

Daca titlurile articolelor mele ar fi fost scrise in limba romana, acesta s-ar fi numit „Furoustival” 🙂 😛 Am ratat deja multe festivaluri in aceasta vara, probabil voi mai rata multe, dar macar tinuta exista! 🙂 Voi pe la ce evenimente de genul ati mai fost? Ce este „ne-ratabil” in aceasta vara? Ajutor! 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat!


Almost all colleagues-bloggers have already proposed at least one festival look for this summer and I feel like I have to keep up with the trends, not because there is a „list” of topics that we need to check, but because people are really searching for ideas regarding this topic!! You, our readers have absolute priority and we are glad we can help you, even to a small extent. Since Coachella has become „the THING” when it comes to festivals, it has spread among fashionists and not only, the idea of ​​”festival outfits”. Many international celebrities, models, singers, or influencers of the fashion world, use this festival as a giant runway, on which they show all kinds of funky, trash, boho, punk or fresh outfits. 🙂 All of them between quotation marks … And we, as great mimetists that we are (and not in the bad sense of the word!), owners of astistic spirit alive and transmissible from father to son / daughter (you know, the romanian is born a „Poet”), we addopted the trend, adding the unmistakable „mioritic” (untranslateable romanian word…)  mirage. I find it cool. The result? Many festivals that coincide with „romanian” calendar holidays that promote the traditional costumes, various genres of music bands and food, all native. Bravo, I say! Let’s keep it that way! 🙂 We still have the „commercial” side of events, which has as an absolute center of interest in the Untold festival from Cluj, an electronic music festival considered the best in Europe at the moment! 🙂 P.S. Proud. 😉

The outfit I’m showing you today is not a first option, initially I wanted to use denim shorts, an asymetric blouse and some boots I found in my mother’s closet. 🙂 But … yesterday I bought this wonderful slip-dress at H&M and because of it, I changed my optics. I really wanted to use it for this outfit. It’s a light, sexy, easy-to-wear, versatile dress. Feminine. „Dotted” you’ve already seen me in Polka Dotted. In fact, the two outfits have many common elements: dots, summer boots, straw hat, but accessorization sends them to different registers: ladylike vs girlish. Some biker boots would have been a better choice, but not having them with me, I used my „magic wand” and tied some thick cotton laces around the ankles to keep the boots from slipping down. The result? Candy shaped feet. 🙂 My children enjoyed this. Again, I encourage you to play with the items until you find their ideal „shape”, even if it means putting your hand on scissors or sewing machines … 🙂 The Choker is an absolute necessity for a festival outfit. Or not … 🙂 The idea is to intensively accessorize your neck and arms (tattoos, statement bracelets, or even gloves … as I did 🙂 ). The hat is not compulsory, but you have to take into consideration that you will probably spend a whole day in the sun … If the weather is unstable and might rain, mix  a pair of rubber boots to the outfit. If you do not want to watch your bag all day long,  choose a waist purse. It’s a chic and useful option. Tell me where you found some nice ones,  cause I am still searching …

If the titles of my articles were written in romanian, this one would be called „Furoustival”. 🙂 😛 I have already missed many festivals this summer, I will probably miss many more, but at least , the outfit is ready! 🙂 What festivals did you already attended? What is „not to miss” this summer? Help! 🙂 Kiss you hard and hard!

I am wearing

H&M slip dress you can buy here

Stradivarius straw hat

Meli Melo choker & necklace

handmade fingerless gloves, gift from my mother in law

Photos by Marian Sarbu