
…glam-punk? 😮 Nu stiu nici eu. Este o tinuta recomandabila zilelor reci de iarna, cand nu mergem (totusi!) la plimbare in parc (desi, eu asa am inceput seria pozelor de azi 🙂 ), ci mai de graba, la un mall la cumparaturi, la un film, sau la orice fel de activitate indoor (mai putin la restaurant, caci manusile respective nu cadreaza..) 🙂 .

Apropos de poze, le-am realizat din nou la Shopping City Timisoara (in parcarea de la etaj), deoarece lumina si simplitatea decorului, nu sunt egalate de nici un alt loc in care am pozat pana acum. Piata Libertatii e un alt loc peferat, dar azi nu m-am trezit destul de devreme cat sa o gasesc… parasita. 😉 Nu imi place sa imi fac poze cand sunt oameni in jur. Yak! 🙂

Am pornit de la a integra o rochie care imi place foarte mult, dar de moda veche… intr-o tinuta cat mai actuala. Manusile nu sunt set cu rochia, dar mi s-au parut foarte potrivite in acest context. Pantalonii model „biker” de piele au „luat” din banalitatea prafuita a rochiei, intinerind-o cu foarte multi ani. Puteam opta la fel de bine pentru niste bocanci, dar am vrut sa va prezint un mod stylish de a purta cizmele de tip „UGG”.. Ale mele sunt Koolabuura by UGG, cam tot aceeasi „Marie” dar cu alta palarie.  Adevarul este ca: mare inventie au fost aceste cizme „de cioban”. Parol! 😉 Cardigan-ul „fluffy”, care este piesa de rezistenta a tinutei, este vechi si el.. dar se mentine extrem de bine, mai ales ca il port iarna de iarna non-stop. Am vazut variante asemenatoare la Reserved, Stradivarius si la Pull and Bear. Va sfatuiesc sa va cumparati unul, este „demiurgic” de-a dreptul… 🙂 (ca daca scriam „dumnezeiesc” suna rau, mai ales in postul Craciunului…).

Paream fada fara accesoriile aurii adaugate: o brosa cumparata de la un SH din Piata 700 cu 19 Ron 😮 , bratara cu motive tribale din Peru, niste creole si cei mai „glam” ochelari de soare pe care ii detin.  Aduc un strop de stralucire, acel strop care face diferenta intre o tinuta reusita si una mediocra. Cum va dati seama la ce categorie va incadrati? 🙂 Sta scris pe fetele oamenilor pe langa care treceti. Pentru mine, ei sunt barometrul „suprem”. Va pup tare si apasat!


… glam-punk? 😮 I have no idea!  I wanted to show everyone a cool, casual-cosy outfit for cold winter days, when we do not go for a walk in the park (though, I started the series of today’s photos in the park next to my home 🙂 ), but rather when going to a shopping mall, a movie, or any kind of indoor activity (except at the restaurant, because these gloves do not work ..) :).

Regarding the pictures, I made them again at Shopping City Timisoara (in the upstairs parking lot) because the light and simplicity of the decoration are not matched by any other place I have fotographed myself before. Freedom Square is another favorite spot, but today I did not get up early enough to find it … deserted. 😉 I do not like taking pictures, when people are around. Yak! 🙂

Today’s outfit was about fitting a dress, that I like very much, but that is considered to be old fashioned … in a stylish, actual combo. Gloves do not make a set with the dress, but they seemed very appropriate in this context. The „biker” leather pants have „taken” the dusty banality of the dress, rejuvenating it with many years. I could have choosen just as well a pair of army boots, but I wanted to show you a stylish way to wear the UGG boots. Mine are Koolabuura by UGG,  the same „Mary” but with another hat. The truth is,  these „shepherd boots” were an insanly cool invention. Parol! 😉 The „fluffy” cardigan, which is the piece of resistance for this outfit, is old too .. but it looks extremely well, especially as I wear it winter by winter non-stop. I have seen similar variants at Reserved, Stradivarius and Pull and Bear. I advise you to buy one, it is „wonderfully” cosy … 🙂 (writing „divine” sounds bad, especially in the Christmas fasting time…).

I was looking „tasteless” without the added golden accessories: a brooch bought from a SH in the 700 Square with 19 Ron :o, a tribal bracelet from Peru, some round big earrings and the most glamorous sunglasses I own. They bring a drop of brilliance, that one, that makes the difference between a successful outfit and a mediocre one. How do you figure out which category are you in? 🙂 It’s written on the faces of the people you are passing by. For me, they are the „supreme” barometer. Kiss you all, loud and pressed! :*

I am wearing

old Zara hat, similar here

no name wool dress

Koolabuura boots, here

leather biker pants, similar here

Tom Tailor cardigan, similar here

wool, long fingerless gloves

Versace sunglasses

H&M bag