
Nu stiu cum sa incep acest articol. Stiu ca trebuie sa il scriu, dar am ideile impietrite si creierul amortit. Nu vreau sa dau detalii… scriu doar atat: am suferit o pierdere iremediabila in sanul familiei si eu, personal, sunt in perioada de negare. De aici amortirea de care va spuneam si pauza ceva mai lunga intre articole. Stiu ca timpul le rezolva pe toate, dar mi-e groaza de urmatoarele etape ale constientizarii… 🙁

Acestea fiind spuse, revin cu putina energie pe care o am, la a scrie un articol despre o tinuta dintre cele mai purtabile pe care le-am propus vreodata pe acest blog (stiu ca au fost cateva „imposibile” 😛 , dar apreciez ca nu v-ati pierdut speranta si ca ma cititi in continuare; eu port ocazional si tinute mai putin „purtabile” de catre alte persoane). De ce am numit articolul „Adevaratii blugi boyfriend”? Pentru ca pantalonii pe care ii vedeti in aceste poze sunt ai sotului meu. Sau, mai bine spus, au fost ai sotului meu… caci acum sunt ai subsemnatei. Peticele de la genunchi si din zona superioara a piciorului stang sunt menite sa ascunda trecerea timpului si o utilizare excesiva a acestora de catre proprietarul de drept. 🙂 Aveti si voi acasa specimene, care poarta aceeasi unica pereche de blugi… pana cand aceasta isi da obstescul sfarsit? 🙂

Ideea este urmatoarea: asa numitele modele de jeans „boyfriend” din magazine, indiferent de firma de la care provin, sunt doar slabe imitatii ale originalului. 🙂 Vreti varianta 100% „orighi”?  Luati de la sot, iubit, frate, tata, verisor, etc… mai exact, acela dintre ei, care este cel mai apropiat de propriile dumneavoastra dimensiuni. Problema va fi probabil, la nivelul lungimii si nu a latimii acestora… Eu nu as numi-o problema, deoarece blugii suflecati sunt foarte in trend. Va va trebui cu siguranta o curea si pregatiti-va sa-i purtati ca pe niste pantaloni cu talie joasa, caci barbatii moderni nu detin pantaloni cu talie inalta. 🙂

Ca si tinuta, consider ca este perechea de blugi la care se preteaza cel mai bine un pulover supradimensionat. Va sigur, nici un alt model de pantaloni nu se va potrivi mai bine la un styling de acest fel! Aveti in vedere sa completati cu o pereche de botine cu toc, pentru a mentine o proportie frumoasa a piciorului. Ar fi mers genul acela de „pantofi-ciorap sport mulat pe glezna” care s-au tot gasit in magazine in perioada reducerilor, dar eu am optat pentru o varianta mai „calduroasa”, caci la momentul pozelor erau afara in jur de -4 grade Celsius. Optic, am pastrat ideea prin perechea de jambiere de fotbal pe care le-am purtat pe sub blugi. Solutii se gasesc mereu, credeti-ma.

Botinele de la Enzo Bertini sunt cele mai comode pe care le am sau le-am avut vreodata. Imi place culoarea, imi place forma… le consider o investitie absolut geniala! Nu veti gresi niciodata daca veti folosi intr-o compozitie vestimentara alb, albastru marin si rosu. Uitati-va la colectiile Tommy Hilfiger ale ultimilor 33 ani… 😉

Este ger, iarna isi face de cap, dar asta nu ar trebui sa ne impiedice sa iesim din casa imbracate stylish si fashionable  ( „cu stil” si „la moda” 🙂 ). Va pup tare si apasat!


I do not know how to start this article. I know I have to write it, but I have all my ideas in a numb state. I do not want to give you many details … I am writing only this: I have suffered a irreplaceable loss in my family and I, personally, am in denial. That is why the numbness I was telling you about and the longer break between the articles. I know that time will solve all of them problems, but I’m afraid of the next stages of awareness … 🙁

That being said, I focused the little energy I have left into writing an article about the most wearable outfit that I have ever proposed on this blog (I know there were a few „impossible” ones too, but I appreciate that you have not lost hope and that you further „read” me; I occasionally wear less ordinary outfits, because they are an important part of me). Why did I call the article „The true Boyfriend Jeans”? Because the pants you see in these pictures are my husband’s. Or, better said, they were my husband’s … till now. 🙂 The patches on the knee and the upper part of the leg, are meant to hide the passage of time and excessive use. 🙂 Do you have at home „specimens” that wear the same unique pair of jeans, until they break? 😛

This is what am I talking about: the so-called „boyfriend” jeans we find in stores, regardless the brand they belong to, are just the weak imitations of the original. 🙂 Do you want the real thing? Take one pair from your husband, lover, brother, dad, cousin, etc. … more precisely, the one of them closest to your own size. The problem will probably be in terms of length and not in width …And I would not call it a problem, because the rolled up jeans are very trendy. You will definitely need a belt and be ready to wear them like some low-waisted pants, as modern men do not wear high waisted pants. 🙂

As outfit, I think it’s the pair of jeans that best suits an oversized sweater. For sure, no other pants will fit better for this kind of styling. Consider adding a pair of „heels” to maintain a beautiful proportion of the legs. I would have gone with that „sports-socked ankle shoes” that were found in all stores during the sales, but I opted for a „warmer” version, because at the time of those pictures, autside were around -4 Celsius degrees. Optically, I kept the idea through the pair of football leggings I wore under  my jeans. A solution is always there, believe me.

The Enzo Bertini ankle boots are the most comfortable I’ve ever had. I like the color, I like the form … I consider them an absolutely brilliant investment! You will never be wrong if you use  white, navyblue and red in the same composition. Look at the Tommy Hilfiger collections from the last 33 years … 😉

It’s frozen outside, winter is bad, but that should not prevent us from getting out of the house in a stylish and fashionable way.   Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Zara jacket here

Zara sweater, similar here

vintage Vuitton hand bag

Hand Clothing gloves

Enzo Bertini shoes similar here