
M-am trezit mult prea devreme azi… adica m-au trezit copiii, care sunt „setati” pe ora de scoala si in weekend. M-am uitat la ceas si pret de 5 secunde, m-am bucurat ca e deja 8.30. Dar, vai… nu in noaptea asta s-a dat ora inainte? Deci e f…ing 7.30!!! Anumite weekend-uri sunt foarte obositoare pentru mine si se pare ca asta e unul dintre ele. Ma gandisem aseara sa mergem in parcul copiilor, sa ii alerg bine de tot, pentru ca, mai apoi, sa am si eu o dupa-amiaza linistita. Dar inainte de asta, mergem la shoppingcitytm.ro, unde duminica de duminica se organizeaza spectacole de tip teatru de papusi pentru cei mici. Si sunt gratuite, deci au acces la ele toti copiii, iar pentru asta tin sa va felicit, Shopping City Timisoara!! Iar azi se joaca Peter Pan, nu putem lipsi… 🙂

Zis si facut. Ma ridic din pat, hranesc pruncii, dau pe gat 2 cafele, un croissant, 2 briose si 5 biscuiti ( eu mananc exagerat de multe dulciuri! Am o postare pregatita despre cum am facut sa pot manca orice fara sa pun pe mine…), ies sa hranesc cainele, intru in casa cu o fata lunga pana in pamant si incep sa injur – in cel mai inocent mod cu putinta, pentru ca baietii mei abia asteapta sa ma prinda cu „porumbelul” in gura 🙂 – deoarece nu-mi mai simteam creierul! In 2 minute am fost bocna de sus pana jos. Si un vant…de toate hainele puse cu grija la uscat in ziua precedenta, serveau acum drept pres proaspat si mirosind a flori, pentru dragul nostru Ajax…

Am smuls telefonul si m-am uitat la vreme: Timisoara 1 grad Celsius la ora 8 dimineata. WT…?? Imi pregatisem de cu seara outfit-ul – mereu fac asa si va sfatuiesc sa imi urmati exemplul, o sa-mi multumiti cu siguranta mai tarziu – un pulover supradimensionat, niste pantaloni barbatesti subtiri si noua mea palarie fuchsia de la Meli Melo, obsesia acestei perioade…, in speranta ca il conving pe fiu-miu sa imi faca ceva poze in parc pentru o postare. S-a dus dreaq’ toata combinatia..

Repede, am compus alt outfit, unul extrem de … tomnatec. Mi se pare chiar foarte reusit, avand in vedere ca mi-a luat exact 5 minute sa ma hotarasc la varianta finala. Mi-am „indesat” copiii in masina, ne-am oprit 10 minute in parcul de langa casa noastra, unde am realizat „shooting-ul” 🙂 si ne-am continuat drumul catre Shopping City, unde ne-am delectat (eu de-o potriva cu ei) si am calatorit in Neverland (eu putin overdressed, ce-i drept… o pijama ar fi fost varianta optima 😛 ). Acum, cand scriu la articol..afara e un soare de numa’!!! 🙁 Lasa, tot raul spre bine, zic!) A.. am iesit putin afara… si pot spune ca asa dinti nu a avut soarele de mult!! Brrrr… Pup la voi, tare si apasat!


I woke up too early this morning… I mean the kids woke me up, because they are on „school” hours even on weekends. For no more than 5 seconds, I was glad it was already 8.30am … than it hit me: wasn’t last night, the night when we had to turn our watches one hour ahead? It’s f…ing 7.30am??!! There are there tiring weekends for me, and this is one of them. Yesterday I decided I will go with the boys to the Children’s Park and have them running hard, so that I may enjoy a peaceful afternoon. But only after we first check the weekly puppet theatre show at la shoppingcitytm.ro , which I find very cool, cause any kid can be a spectator and I felicitate Shopping City for it! Today we have Peter Pan, so it’s a must!

Said and done. I get out of bed, feed the babies, drink 2 coffees, eat a croissant, 2 muffins and 5 biscuits (I eat a lot of sweets 🙂 , and I have a post about how I managed to eat all I want and not getting fat…), get out to feed the dog, get back inside cursing (but in the sweetest way possible, because my boys don’t miss any oportunity to mock me back), because my brain was freezing. In two minutes I was frozen. And the wind… oh dear, all my clothes that were on the drier outside, were now a very fresh and perfumed carpet for Ajax, my dog…

I took my phone and browsed to the Weather Channel: 2 degrees Celsius in Timisoara at 8 o’clock am. WT..??? I had my outfit for today ready since last evening – I do this every time, and I advise you to do so too. In time you will thank me  🙂 – an oversized pullover, some thin masculine trousers and my Meli Melo fuchsia hat, an obsession these days… hoping I will get my son to take some pictures of me for a new post. My whole ideea went down the drain…

I had to find another outfit ideea in less than 10 minutes, so I went…autumn! 🙂 And did a hell of a job, if I may add… 😛 . I stuffed my kids in the car, we stopped for 10 minutes in a park near the house for the great „photoshooting” 🙂 , and we got to Shopping City in time to travel back to Neverland (me a little overdressed, a pijama would have been terrific! 😛 ). Now, as I am writing this article, the sun is nicely shining 🙁 .  (Never mind, it tured out for the better I say!) Well, I went outside …and the sun never had such big teeth!! 🙂 Kiss you all, loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Mango camel coat (a „must have” in any fashionista’s dressing)

Mötivi culottes  (bought in Shopping City)

Zara hat (from 3 years ago)

top with  stripes bought at TK Maxx Germany, because orizontal lines make things bigger 😉 and are in trend this season

Shabbies Amsterdam boots, here are similar

Primark Atmosphere bag

Galliano Sunglasses