
Multa lume ma intreaba cum reusesc sa fiu atat de slaba la varsta mea,  mai ales ca am si doi copii. 🙂 Am sa incep prin a va spune ca nu am fost mereu asa. Surpriza! 😛  In clasa a IX-a si a X-a de liceu, am avut  68kg. Nimic foarte grav la 1.72m ati zice… dar am silueta de tip triunghi,  ceea ce insemna ca paream umflata cu pompa de la buric in jos, in timp ce pieptul lipsea cu desavarsire. Ma vedeam diforma, urata.  Pentru a vizualiza putin ce va povestesc eu aici, trebuie sa stiti ca acum am 53,5kg…

15 ani, 66kg … Singura data cand ma afisez in aceasta forma! 🙂

Am decis sa slabesc. Mai intai m-am infometat, ca orice adolescenta lovita de streche. Infometarea nu m-a ajutat cu nimic, cred ca toata lumea a auzit de efectul yo-yo. Apoi a venit o perioada de incercare a curelor de slabire celebre. Cred ca in aceasta perioada, care a tinut pana prin clasa a XII-a mi-am stabilizat oarecum greutatea pe la 60kg. Dar… in continuare, nu eram multumita. Ma uitam non stop la Fashion TV si imi doream enorm sa arat ca fetele alea. Se pare ca am avut o adolescenta fooooarte lunga… 🙂

Cand am dat peste regimul disociat, totul s-a schimbat in viata mea. Este vorba de regimul in cadrul caruia, nu ai voie sa combini grupe de alimente. L-am inceput timid, mancand in fiecare zi din saptamana cate o grupa importanta de alimente: legume (radacinoase in special, salate, broccoli, ciuperci, etc), fructe (fara banane, pepene galben, avocado) , lactate (in special cele semi-degresate), proteine (carne, peste, oua), cereale (orez, mei, grau etc), alti carbohidrati (paste, cartofi, mamaliga, etc) iar duminica mancam ce grupa imi placea cel mai tare (in cazul meu… proteinele! 🙂 ). Dupa 2 saptamani deja aveam rezultate spectaculoase, asa ca am continuat. Sunt o persoana extrem de ambitioasa si inacapanata ca un catar cu sange oltenesco-moldoveano-evreiesco-german (cam asta imi curge prin vene… 🙂 ), iar daca am vazut ca regimul acesta functioneaza, mi l-am transformat in mod de viata. Dupa 4 luni am inceput sa impart grupele de alimente pe mese ale zilei, pentru ca imi era greu sa mananc toata ziua acelasi lucru. De exemplu: dimineata lactate (un iaurt cu fulgi de porumb fara zahar, o felie de cascaval, o cutie mica de branza dulce cu smantana), la pranz legume (legume sote, plus o salata mica de morcov, telina si mar – fara maioneza!!) si seara carne (vita sau pui la gratar cu o salata verde simpla, doar cu otet si piper). Am renuntat complet la paine, zahar alb, sucuri de orice fel, nu am mai mancat nimic dupa ora 19, am redus consumul de sare aproape la 0 dar… nu am renuntat niciodata la cate o bere rece cand mi-a picat bine, un pahar de vin rosu sau ocazional un Bailey’s on rocks (banuiesc ca fiecare are un calcai al lui Ahile, nu? 😛 ) Nu stiu daca ma credeti, dar am mancat in felul acesta timp de 5 ani. Probabil multi deja credeti ca sunt dusa…rau! Dar, povestea nu e gata: dupa ce am ramas gravida, nu m-am mai abtinut de la nimic si am mancat normal, incercand totusi sa nu fac excese. Am luat cam 17kg cu primul copil si 23kg cu al doi-lea. Surpriza enorma a fost ca, de fiecare data,  la 2 luni de la nastere am a reajuns la cele 52kg cu care plecasem la drum… mai mult decat atat, de 9 ani mananc absolut tot ce vreau, mai ales dulciuri 😛 , beau zilnic cate o bere, nu ma abtin de la nimic si…nu ma mai ingras! In concluzie, „nebunia” mea care a durat mai bine de 5 ani, mi-a schimbat metabolismul! Am de mentionat ca in toata aceasta perioada analizele mi-au iesit foarte bine, am avut energie si pentru a merge la sala de 3 ori pe saptamana, iar calitatea vietii mele s-a imbunatatit vizibil! Este evident ca anumite obiceiuri alimentare, mi-au intrat deja in informatia genetica, cred: nu amestec carbohidrati cu proteine orice ar fi, nu termin niciodata tot din farfurie, daca mi se face foame exagerata, mananc un pumn de nuci sau migdale si imi trece instant, nu mananc niciodata fructe seara pentru ca, desi pare greu de crezut, ingrasa mai rau decat o friptura mare de vita, nu beau nimic in timp ce manac, nici macar apa- de aia nu am pic de burta – si incerc sa mananc putin si des, pentru ca stomacul meu sa ramana mic.

Pulpa de pui facuta la cuptor pe pat de salata mixta, masline, nuci, ghimbir ras si cubulete de cascaval. Dupa masa, berea mea favorita: Leffe bruna! 🙂

Totusi, atentie! O schimbare drastica de metabolism, poate „naste” monstri, in sensul ca, daca nu te alimentezi constant si hipercaloric, risti sa arati cum aratam eu la 34 de ani si 49kg…  anorexica! (cu alte cuvinte, ai grija ce-ti doresti!!). Totul trebuie echilibrat, altfel iti faci rau si tie si celor din jur.

Trei Papuci 2013 – yap, I look like a model… but far from sexy

Asa ca, daca cineva se mai intreaba cum de arat atat de bine 😛 pentru varsta mea, pot sa spun ca, mi-am programat „tineretea”, ca sa imi ajute batranetea… ultima e mult mai lunga. 🙂 si ca, de vreo 6 luni fac si sport destul de intens, de aia am ajuns de la 52kg la 54kg… 🙂 (muschii sunt mai grei…) si va spun cu mana pe inima ca niciodata nu am aratat atat de bine cum arat acum, la aproape 40 de ani… In viitorul apropiat voi face o postare despre importanta sportului in viata mea si ce mi s-a intamplat de cand am antrenor personal. 🙂

Pup la voi tare si apasat! 🙂

Smartfit 3 locker room


Many people wonder how come I am so skinny at my age, especialy after two kids… I will start by saying: I wasn’t always like this! At the beginning of Highschool, I had 68kg… which is not so bad for a 1.72m girl, but my body has a triangle shape, which means that I looked as if someone pumped me from navel down, while the upper part was completly missing.. I saw myself ugly, disproportionate. You must know that now I have 53,5kg…

I decided to lose weight and like all teenage girls I know/ever known, I started to starve myself. As you know, that didn’t work (yo-yo effect). Than, I started to try all famous diets I read about. I believe that, by the time I was 18 years old, my body weight was somewhere around 60kg. Was still to much for me, I was watching Fashion TV all day long and hoped to look like the models I „saw” to be so beautiful. Let’s say, I had a loooong teenage…

When I found the dissociate diet, my whole life changed. I am talking about that diet where you don’t mix the main food groups. I started it by eating each day of the week one group: vegetables ( mainly roots, salad, broccoli, etc), fruits (without bananas, mellon, avocado), dairy ( especially the semi-skimmed), proteins (meat, fish, eggs), grains (rice, wheat, etc), other carbs (pasta, polenta, potatoes) and on Sunday my favourite one (proteins!). In two weeks I had great results!! I am very stubborn and ambitious, I guess my mixed blood is guilty for that 🙂 , so I changed my diet in a way of living. After 4 months I ate one group each meal of the day, because was really hard to eat the same thing one entire day! For example: morning – one yogurt with corn flakes without sugar, one slice of Cheddar, a small cup of fresh cheese and cream, noon: vegetables sote and a small salat with carrots, celery and 1 apple (without mayo!), in the evening – a steak or grilled chicken with a simple green salad (only with vinegar and pfeffer). I stopped eating bread, white sugar, bottled juices, I never ate passed 19 o’clock, I reduced the salt to almost none, but…I never stopped myself from having a cold beer, a glass of wine or a Bayley’s on rocks whenever I felt like it! (this is my Achille’s  heel). I don’t know if you believe me, but I ate like this for 5 years. Now…most of you must think I was pretty crazy! But, the story doesn’t end here: when I was pregnant I stopped and started to eat like a normal person 🙂 , and gained 17kg with my first boy and 23kg with the second one. The crazy part was that each time, at 2 months after giving birth, I was back to the 52kg I started the journey with, more than that…since 9 years ago I eat all I want, especially sweets :),  I drink a beer each day and I don’t get fat anymore 😛 . In my 5 year crazyness, I managed to change my methabolism! I must mention that, all this time, my blood measurements were ok, I had energy to go 3 times to gym every week, and the quality of my life really changed! Of course, some „food” habits entered my genes 🙂 : I never mix carbs with proteins, I never finish all the meal, if i have a fake hunger, I eat a fist of almonds or other nuts, I never eat fruits in the evening, because, believe or not, they make you fatter than a good steak, I never drink anything while I eat , that’s why my belly is flat and I eat small portions but often, so that my stomach will not grow in volume.

Be careful ! When your methabolism is very intense and you do not eat enough, you risk to look like an anorexic! So, be careful what you wish for. At age 34, I was 49kg and looked like a model, but far from sexy. 🙁

If you ask me how come I look so good now 😛 , I will answer that I scheduled my youth, in order to help my old age – the last one is longer – and that in the last 6 months I got into fitness pretty serious, so I gained 2 kg I am very proud of (muscles are heavier .. 🙂 ). I tell you, I never looked better as I do now, at almost 40.. 🙂 I a future post, I will tell you about the importance of sport in my life and how my body changed since I have a personal trainer. 🙂 Kiss you all, loud and pressed!