
Iubesc lunile februarie si martie. In primul rand, avem succesiunea de tip matriarhal : Valentine’s, Dragobete, Martisor si Ziua Femeii, ce loveste profund in buzunarele si ego-ul „dusmanului” 🙂 , iar apoi, sau printre cele enumerate anterior, hop si magazinele cu reduceri, soldari, oferte si paraoferte.

O am pe mama in vizita la mine, de fapt ea este cea care mi-a facut pozele pentru acest post, asa ca imi cer scuze pentru stangacie…dar sa aplaudam intentia. Mama e o mare amatoare de shopping, iar gustul ei in materie de haine este impecabil. Am incredere 100% in sfaturile pe care mi le da ( de fapt, femeia stramba din nas – pentru cei ce cunosc filmul „Diavolul se imbraca de la Prada”, e vorba de grimasa Mirandei Priestly – iar eu pun instant umerasul la loc pe stativ… 🙂 ). Dupa acest gest, reapare zambetul. Evident, in multe cazuri, dupa ce mama pleaca inapoi la Constanta, revin in magazinul respectiv sa achizitionez „umerasul” cu pricina. Fructul interzis lume, ce sa-i faci??!! 🙂

Stand la nici 2 km de Shopping City, in ultimele 2 saptamani am fost des la plimbare prin el. Reducerile au flirtat cu noi in mod lasciv, neobrazat…iar vremea urata a asigurat motivul de a lungi preumblarile. Mie imi plac hainele de la Zara, desi mama zice si a zis mereu ca materialele nu sunt de calitate foarte buna.  Este totusi de acord pana si ea, caci la soldare, merita cumparat en gros pentru ca modelele sunt deosebite. Sacoul supradimensionat m-a costat 79 Ron, pretul de intrare fiind 250 Ron. Materialul este moale, finut, culorile de „pamanturi” merg la aproape orice, iar modelul il face potrivit la tinute de tip casual, elegant sau chiar de club (pantaloni scurti de piele, bustiera si cizme peste genunchi – va fi tema a unui post viitor). Grabiti-va sa va achizitionati acest sacou din magazinele Zara de la Shopping City  si Iulius Mall Timisoara.

Colegele mele fashioniste cunosc marsala. Daca esti novice, te sfatuiesc sa dai un search pe Google si ti se vor desfasura mii de poze cu tinute in marsala, deoarece a fost culoarea statement al anului 2016. Apartine de spectrul cromatic cald, combinatie de rosu si maro, unii considerand-o un visiniu sub acoperire 🙂 . Sta foarte bine pe unghii, pe genti, pe haine, pantofi si palarii. Este una din culorile predominante in dulapul meu, pentru ca sunt blonda, iar blondele arata fantastic in marsala.

In aceasta tinuta am fost la cumparaturi, deci as cataloga-o ca fiind casual (cu usoara tenta sport datorita glugii puloverului). Am dorit sa imi iau sacoul cel nou, dar fiind inca foarte frig afara, a trebuit sa il combin cu un pulover foarte gros. Frumusetea sacoului supradimensionat este aceea ca puteti purta cam orice pe sub el, fara sa ii afecteze forma. Am fost hotarata sa iau pantofi sport in picioare, dar umezeala de afara m-a facut sa optez pentru ghetele luate, tot la reducere, de la Musette. Sunt superbe!!! 😛 Basca este achizitionata la Stefanel acum ceva ani, puloverul…habar na-am de unde il am, dar mor dupa el si dupa gluga lui cea „ish”.  Stiind ca imi voi da la un moment dat sacoul jos, am simtit nevoia sa imi marchez talia de viespe 🙂 prin centura de tip corset, care reduce mult din volumul si „pufosenia” puloverului. Functioneaza orice tip de curea mai lata, nu e necesar sa detineti asa un corset in garderoba, desi el feminizeaza cam orice tinuta la care il purtati.

Deci, casual cu Zara si marsala…zic! 🙂


I love February and March. There are two major things that happen during these months: the matriarchal succession of Valentine’s, Dragobete (it’s the romanian equivalent to Valentine’s Day), Spring’s welcome day (1st of March) and Women’s Day, all hitting hard the pockets and ego of the dear „enemy” 🙂 and the massive price cuts all over and all around us. 🙂

I have my mother visiting, she was the one taking the pics so I will apologize for the quality, but I have to encourage the intention, right? My mom is a shopping addict, and her taste in clothes is impecable. I do trust her advice 100%, this „advice” being  basically a  „Miranda Priestly” kind of grimace ( The Devil wears Prada), that has my instant reaction of putting a hanger back on a stand. Than I have my mom smiling again. Of course, there were times when, after my mom’s departure back to Constanta, I rushed back to the store to buy the „problem” hanger… Forbidden fruit, people .. what can I do??!! 🙂

Because I live so close to Shopping City, we went for walks there almost on daily basis. The price cuts flirted with us in a lascive, shameless sort of way… and the shitty wheather outside was a good reason to stay…long. I do like the Zara clothes, allthou my mom always told me that the materials were not her favourites. But even she admits that „on sale” goods should be bought en gros, because the models are special. The oversized jacket’s price was 79 Ron, the input price being 250 Ron. Good deal I say! The material is soft and fine, the „earth” colours go well to anything, and the shape makes it suitable for casual, elegant and even club outfits (leather shorts, corset, over knee boots – I will presented in a future post).

My fashionistas friends know well what marsala is. For all of you that do not know, or are not sure about it, do a Google search and you will find thousands of meaningful pictures, because marsala was the statement colour of the year 2016. It’s a warm colour, something in between red and brown, some call it „burgundy in disguise”. 🙂  It looks great on nails, bags, chlotes, shoes and hats. My closet has a lot of marsala in it because blondes look great in this shade.

This was my outfit for going shopping today, so it’s a casual mix (with a sip of „sport” because of the hoodie). I wanted to wear my new jacket, but outside is still winter…so the solution was to add a thick sweater. The beauty of oversize is that you can wear anything you want underneeth it, without changing it’s shape. I was determined to take my sports shoes to this outfit, but the smist outside changed my mind. The new booties from Musette were a much better choice. They are gorgeous!! :p The beret I wear to this outfit is from Stefanel and I bought it several years ago, and the sweater…I have no idea where it came from, but I love it and it’s „ish-ness”.  Knowing I will eventually take the jacket of, I felt like marking my wasp waist 🙂 by a corset-belt that throws back the volume and teddy-ness of my sweater. Any wider belt works very well, you don’t have to own such a corset yourself, although it sweetens about any outfit you wear it to.

So…casual with Zara and marsala I say! 🙂