
Am fost nevoita sa plec din tara, in mod normal bucurandu-ma nespus de asa o excursie, dar acum va spun sincer ca sufar. Intens! Motivul principal al nefericirii si melancoliei blegoase, in al caror butoi am picat cu succes de cateva zile bune, este faptul ca ratez inaugurarea noului magazin Peek&Cloppenburg deschis la Shopping City Timisoara. Suntem prieteni vechi, P&Clo’ si cu mine…

Locuind in Germania o lunga perioada de timp, am avut sansa de a ma familiariza (uneori chiar exagerat… 😛 ) cu brand-urile acestui magazin, iar faptul ca ne-am petrecut vacantele de vara aproape in explusivitate in Constanta la parintii mei, a facut sa am „coliziuni” frontale, laterale si dorsale 🙂 cu toate aceste brand-uri si la Vivo Shopping Center Constanta, mai ales ca mama le este client fidel. Are ea o vorba pe care am auzit-o constant de mica: „Suntem prea saraci ca sa cumparam lucruri ieftine” , asta cu referire la faptul ca preturile nu sunt chiar la indemana oricui, dar subliniind importanta alegerii calitatii si nu a cantitatii. Intr-un fel este foarte logic: decat sa cumperi 12 perechi de pantofi pe an, care ajung sa fie, in principiu, de unica folosinta, mai bine investesti intr-o singura pereche, care cu siguranta te va tine minim 3 ani… Si, pana la urma, orice brand, oricat de scump ar fi, are perioadele de reduceri si soldare, asa ca este posibil sa achizitionezi acei mult ravniti pantofi la un pret foarte avantajos! Trebuie doar sa ai multa rabdare si eventual, putin noroc.. 🙂

Rochia in jurul careia am compus acest outfit este achizitionata de mama la Peek&Cloppenburg in perioada de reduceri de la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie. Este o rochie Liu-Jo si credeti sau nu, o are si ea in varianta corespunzatoare greutatii ei. 🙂 Cool! Abia astept sa facem un matchy-matchy  in aceasta vara! Cu siguranta vor rezulta poze si veti fi incantati de efect. Nu stiu de ce, dar am senzatia ca in curand veti intreba de ce nu are mama blog in locul meu… 😮 🙂 Asa ca da, sunt in Germania si pozez in noua mea rochie, caci am pus-o la loc de cinste in bagaj… 😛

Rasfoiam saptamana trecuta ultimul numar al revistei „Glamour” Romania si am fost incantata sa descopar in tendinte, ideea de a purta rochie peste jeans, sau pantalon in general. Mi se pare un concept fresh, avangardist si extrem de potrivit pentru fetele slabe ca mine. Am cel putin 5 rochii in dulap pe care intentionez sa le port peste jeans in aceasta primavara, iar provocarea consta in faptul ca nici una nu este la fel ca cealalta! Ma gandesc chiar sa aplic acest gen de styling si la o serie de fustite, ba chiar la pantaloni scurti! Abia astept sa vad ce iese! Va fi o primavara „furtunoasa”, zic! 🙂

Deocamdata, va invit sa „glam”-uim impreuna Germania cea mohorata si ploioasa! 😛


I had to go abroad, normally I really apreciate these time-outs, but as we speak this trip has got me really sad. Intensly sad! And the main reason for my deep state of pure melancholy and sadness, is the fact that I am about to miss the opening of a „Peek&Cloppenburg” store at Shopping City Timisoara. We are old friends, P&Clo’ and I…

Because I lived in Germany for a long period of time, I had the chance of getting, sometimes  too familiar :p, with the brands of this important store. Add the fact that all our sommer holidays were spend at my folks in Costanta and that my mom is a client at their store in Vivo Shopping Center, and you get the profile of  P&Clo’s fun! As I grew up I often heard my mom saying: „We are too poor to buy cheap things”, and I refere now to this saying, because not anybody affords to buy at Peek&Cloppenburg; still, it is imperative to always choose quality over quantity! It’s logic: instead of buying 12 pair of shoes in one year, that usually turn out to be disposable, try to invest in only one pair that will last at least 3 years… This is what I call „smart shopping”. And, if we have to be honest, even the most expensive brand on earth has it’s sales and price reductions at one point. Recipe for buying those dreamy shoes: patience and a little bit of luck! 🙂

The „Star” of my outfit is a Liu Jo dress my mom gave me as an early spring present, bought in the „sales” period from the end of January, at Peek&Cloppenburg. Believe it or not, my mom bought also one for herself, and I cannot wait to go matchy-matchy with her this summer. I believe some nice pictures will result, that everyone will just adore. I have this feeling…all of you will soon ask why isn’t my mom the owner of this blog! 😮 🙂

Last week, while browsing the latest „Glamour” Romania magazine, I was thrilled to discover the „dress over jeans” trend. I find it fresh, avantgarde and very much appropriate for thin girls like me.  I have in mind at least 5 dresses I own, that can and will be styled this way :P, and the challenge is that each one is different. I may also consider trying it with skirts, and why not go completly wild and put some shorts over jeans also?! 🙂  Can’t wait to see the results! It will be a „stormy” spring, I tell you people! :p

For now, let’s bring some glam to the gray, rainy Germany…shall we? 🙂


Liu Jo dress from Peek&Cloppenburg (I hope they still have it)

Only high waisted jeans

Gui Mattiolo Jeans bag

vintage italian shoes