
Frunzaream deunazi numarul de martie al revistei Glamour si am realizat ca ar fi cazul sa reiau episoadele dedicate trend-urilor propuse de ei. De ce? Pentru ca mi se pare un exercitiu minunat pentru orice fashionista; pentru ca ei au facut un „rezumat” la rezumatul prezentarilor de moda din toamna trecuta, la care majoritatea dintre noi nu am avut acces; pentru ca au editoriale faine si merita sa le acordam putina atentie; pentru ca este una dintre cele mai ieftine reviste de profil 😉 , iar raportul calitate-pret este optim. V-o recoman cu caldura!

In tinuta de azi am integrat 3 trenduri din acesta primavara: caroiaje, fas si franjuri. Culorile alese nu sunt chiar primavaratice, recunosc. Nu e musai sa iesim zi de zi colorate, nu-i asa? Mi-a scris un fost coleg de facultate ca i-ar placea sa ma vada in tinute mai elegante. Cea de azi nu este chiar eleganta, dar este un casual-chic reusit. Mai mult decat atat, este un gen de tinuta in care ma simt foarte bine si pe care am purtat-o intens in perioada in care am lucrat ca arhitecta in Bucuresti: trebuia sa fiu destul de prezentabila cat sa primesc eventualii clienti si destul de „lejera”  cat sa pot escalada schele in santier. Culorile inchise aduc mereu un plus de eleganta si distinctie unei tinute, fie ea si de stat in casa.

Fusta caroiata din fas (2 in 1 in materie de trend 😉 ) este luata din Germania de la Schumacher, un brand german de renume, care la noi este complet necunoscut insa… Va invit sa dati click pe link-ul anterior, ca sa vedeti actuala colectie. Mi se pare geniala! Big like!! Cerceii sunt de la H&M, dar au mai bine de un an vechime. Nu veti mai gasi exact acest model, dar toate magazinele de mall au colectiile de bijuterii formate intr-o mare proportie din cercei cu franjuri, pe tiparul terminatiilor covoarelor persane si a draperiile de epoca. Va garantez ca ii veti gasi in toate formele si culorile. Gentuta dreptunghiulara este de la un SH. Cred ca fiecare tinuta a mea contine si un element vintage, fie ca e vorba doar de o brosa… Am multe si simt nevoia sa le scot in lume. 🙂  V-as indemna sa va jucati putin cu materialele… Un „mix and match” intre diverse texturi este un prilej bun de va etala veleitatile stilistice.

Nu recomand tocurile la o asemenea tinuta… Este o parere proprie, nu trebuie sa o luati ca „lege”. Daca ar fi sa pun totusi niste incaltari cu toc, as opta cu siguranta pentru botinele tip bocanc, inalte pana la glezna, in stilul acela specific lui Hilfiger. Din nefericire, acestea nu prea sunt pentru primavara… Pantofii office de tip derby, budapester sau Oxford, sunt alegeri mult mai bune.

In speranta ca v-am dat cateva idei, va invit la cateva exercitii de styling. Ce cautam in dulap? Materiale caroiate de orice fel, „fasuri” (uneori urasc profund faptul ca nu folosesc diacritice… ) si franjuri. Ma refer la carouri pe orice element vestimentar, de la sacou pana la ciorapii de dama, sau chiar la sosete… la fas materializat in clasicele geci scurte, dar mai ales in piese inedite, precum rochii, fuste sau pantaloni… si la franjuri in tipologia celor cu care se „primenesc” rochiile pentru festivaluri, gecile de motor, dar si la accesorii de orice fel. The sky is the limit! Va pup tare si apasat!


I was browsing yesterday  the March issue of Glamor Magazine and I realized that it would be appropriate to resume the episodes dedicated to the trends they propose each season.. Why? Because it seems to me a great exercise for any fashionista; because they made a „summary” to the last autumn „fashion weeks”, to which most of us had no access; because they have fine editions and deserve our attention; because it is one of the cheapest fashion magazine 😉 and the quality-price ratio is optimal. I recommend it with all my heart!

In today’s outfit, I integrated 3 Glamour trends for this spring: plaid, windbreaker materials and fringe. The colors I chose are not springish at all, I admit. We do not have to be a „symphony of colors” every day, right? Am old college colleague wrote me that he would like to see me in more elegant clothes. Today’s not really elegant, but it’s a very apealing casual-chic one. Moreover, it is a kind of outfit that suits me very well and that I have been wearing intensely while I worked as an architect in Bucharest: I had to be presentable to receive potential clients, but also casual dressed, to climb scaffolding on site. Darker colors always add a plus of elegance and distinction of any outfit, even the cosy one you wear at home…

The plaid skirt made from a windbreaker material (2 in 1 in terms of trend 😉 ) was bought from Germany at Schumacher, a renowned German brand, which is completely unknown to us… I invite you to click on the previous link, to see the current collection. I find it brilliant! Big like !! The earrings are from H&M, but they are more than a year old. You will not find this model anymore, but all mall stores have jewelry collections made up of a large amont of fringe earrings, like the ones we see on Persian carpets and vintage curtains. I guarantee you will find them in all shapes and colors. The rectangular bag is from a SH store. I think my every outfit is made with at least one vintage item, whether it’s just a brooch … I have a lot and I feel the need to take them out in the world. 🙂 I urge you to play a little with the materials … A mix and match between different textures is a good opportunity to show yours stylistic abilities.

I do not recommend the to such an outfit … It is my own opinion, you do not have to take it as a „law”. If I had to put some heels on it, they would certainly be some boots, high up to the ankle, in Hilfiger’s specific style. Unfortunately, these are not really for spring … Office shoes, such as derby, „budapester” or Oxford, are much better choices.

In hoping that I gave you some ideas, I invite you to a few styling exercises. What are we looking for in the closet? Plaid materials of any kind, windbreakers, and fringes. I mean plaid on any garment, from jackets to lady stockings, or even socks … than some classic short, wind or rain jackets, but especially  unusual pieces such as dresses, skirts or pants made from the same material … and fringes, in the typology of those with whom „festival” dresses are ornated  and even some vintage motor jackets, than accessories of any kind. The sky is the limit! I kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Schumacher skirt, similar here

H&M earrings, similar here

Staff sweater, similar here

vintage bag

Top Shop shoes, similar here