
Pentru ca nu s-a exprimat nimeni contra noului look al blogului, am ales ca continui sa-l folosesc. Adevarul este ca mereu ma bucura nespus finalul textului, caci presupunea joaca de-a pozele… In felul acesta, incep cu joaca! 😉 Mai dragile mele, iata ca dupa lupte „seculare” care au durat mai bine de 7-8 zile 🙂 , primavara bate in termopane (ma rog, acelora dintre voi care au… ca la mine e lipsa; suntem pe sistem vintage 😉 ). Prilej de mare bucurie, asa-i? Curat, asa-i! 🙂

Da, pana si eu ma bucur. „Pana si eu” pentru ca, dupa cum v-am marturisit in articolul trecut, primavara inseamna pentru mine si… drumuri dese la farmacie, topuri de servetele de nas deja folosite si alte topuri in curs de folosire, in medie peste 100 de stranuturi pe zi, nas pe tipologie „Rudolf”, ochi de bocitoare si nervi de aluminiu… caci cei „de otel” au parasit cladirea… 🙂 Primavara este un motiv minunat de a iesi afara din casa. Soarele te cheama. Natura te cheama. Culorile te cheama. Stiti ce? Chemati-le si voi pe ele! 🙂 Eu asta am facut in tinuta de azi, am chemat in ajutor vremea de afara.

Marturisesc, uitasem de pantalonii portocaliu-neon din reiat. Daca nu il auzeam ieri pe Maurice Munteanu la televizor, spunand despre cat de „in voga” este reiatul, jur ca ii saream in primavara asta. Turbatii de pantaloni portocalii… 🙂 O sa va mirati, dar sunt de la un brand de renume si cu mare greutate in lumea modei. Mai mult decat atat, i-am cumparat noi nouti cu eticheta din magazin… nu sunt de la SH. Geaca cu flori si pantofii sunt achizitionati la soldarile de la Zara de luna trecuta. Pantofii sunt in continuare acolo, dar in varianta pe rosu. 😛 Buni si aceia… cred ca ma invart cumva si mi-i iau. Am decis sa nu mai vand aceasta sapca… (a fost una din elementele puse spre vanzare toamna trecuta, in Shop my Closet pe Facebook). Se poarta plasticul. 😉 Geanta este de la un SH… dar mi se pare geniala, caci, desi e veche de cand lumea… este ultima fita in materie de genti si posete. Paradox de paradox! 😛

Cu alte cuvinte… vreti sa fiti „pe trend” in aceasta primavara? Achizitionati genti din plastic, pelerine de ploaie transparente, pantaloni din reiat in culori dubioase si pantofi ascutiti tip „soseta”.
Pozele nu sunt cine stie ce opera de arta, dar am incercat sa ma surprind intr-un cadru urban „de fiecare zi”. Am colorat strazile (eu si panourile publicitare… 🙂 😉 ) si am pus flori in copaci… Minunata indeletnicire! Va pup tare si apasat!


Because no one was against the new look of my blog, I chose to continue to use it. The truth is that I always enjoyed the end of the text, because it involved playing the pictures … This way, I start with the playing part! 😉 Well my dear ones,  after „secular” battles that lasted more than 7-8 days : ), spring is knocking in the thermo panels ( those of you who have such assets … I do owe a  vintage system 😉 ). Great joy, isn’t it? It certainly is! 🙂

Yeah, even I am glad! „Even I” because, as I told you in the past article, spring means for me also … frequent trips to the pharmacy, many used nose-napkins and many more still to be used, on average over 100 sneezes per day, red nose on the „Rudolf” typhology, wayler eyes and aluminum nerves … because the „steel” ones left the building … 🙂 Spring is a great reason to get out of the house. The sun is calling. Nature is calling. Colors are calling. You know what? Call on them too! 🙂 That’s what I did in today’s outfit, I called the weather outside.

I confess, I forgot about my neon-orange corduroy pants. Had I not heard Maurice Munteanu yesterday on television, saying about how „in vogue” corduroy is, I swear I would have „jumped” them this spring. The crazy orange pants … 🙂 You’ll be amazed, but they’re from a well known brand with serious „weight” in the fashion world. Moreover, I bought them new from the store … they’re not from SH. The flower jacket and shoes are purchased at the Zara soldes from last month. The shoes are still there, but in red. 😛 Very good too… I think I’m gonna „spin” and get them.  I decided to stop selling this hat … (it was one of the items put up for sale last fall, in the Shop my Closet album on Facebook). Plastic is very fashionable. 😉 The bag is from a SH … but it seemed a brilliant deal to me, because although it’s as old as the world … it’s the lastest trend inthe bag and purse department. Paradox! 😛

In other words … if you want to be „trendy” this spring, start purchasing plastic bags, transparent raincoats, corduroy trousers in shady colors and tipped sock-shoes.
The pictures are not artwork, but I tried to surprise myself in an „everyday” urban setting. I’ve colored the streets (me and billboards … 🙂 😉 ) and I draw flowers in trees … This is one grat job! Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Zara jacket, similar here

See by Chloe pants, similar here

Seeberger cap

Zara shoes, simiar here