
V-am mai spus cat de mult o iubesc pe mamica mea? 🙂 Vasusem pantalonii acestia cu volane de la BSB de mult timp si a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Mi s-au parut totusi obscen de scumpi (mai bine de 100 de euro) asa ca, pe principiul „ochii care nu se vad, se uita…”, am ales sa rup „relatia” din frageda pruncie 🙂 . Intamplarea a facut ca privirile noastre sa se „reintalneasca”, citind o postare pe blogul Danei Rogoz. Bum! Ca in orice dragoste „neconsumata”, revederea iti aduce in stomac o intreaga „gradina zoologica”, daca este sa citez din versurile unei melodii foarte dragi, cantata de Hailee Steinfeld – Starving. 🙂

Si aici vine clipa cand mamica mea alege sa imi curme suferinta si imi cumpara mult ravnitii pantaloni cadou de ziua mea… (care este peste o luna si jumatate, dar nu ma mai intereseaza sa „imbatranesc” mai repede in asemenea conditii… 🙂 ). In plus, BSB are reduceri de 50% la foarte multe produse si haide sa spunem, pretul a devenit putin mai… pamantean. Ideea de a-i combina cu denim, mi-a venit din prima clipa. Ce este important sa avem in vedere cand purtam acest tip de pantaloni? Pai sa vedem: trebuie sa ni se vada neaparat talia (ii purtam cu bustiere, corsete, centuri foarte stranse pe mijloc..); trebuie sa ii purtam cu cele mai inalte platforme pe care le detinem, si daca nu avem, fuga fuguta la shopping; ei in sine fiind o piesa statement, trebuie sa ne ferim de supra-accesorizare, deci „less is more”…; eu nu i-as combina cu un alt tip de print, desi mixul de printuri e in mare voga, exista si exceptii de la regula; daca totusi e musai, luati un top minuscul cu un print finut, fie buline foarte micute, sau linii extrem de subtiri; ultima si cea mai importanta… acest tip de pantalon poate fi purtat de fetele slabute sau sportive, dar si de fete cu picioarele subtiri, in comparatie cu restul corpului ( de exemplu, cele cu silueta triunghi inversat sau mar) … imaginati-va ce ar face asemenea volume pe o silueta generoasa de tip para… Vis a vis de problema cu volumetriile, eu am ales ca adaug o „papornita” la acest look, pentru a parea mai „voluptoasa” in partea de sus, efect cu atat mai notabil cu cat aceasta are exact culoarea corsetului din denim… 😉  In rest, nadrageii acestia geniali, se pot integra in tinute de orice tip, eu am de gand sa ii port  la o nunta in aceasta vara, mixand in partea de sus un spagetti-top simplu de paiete si niste platforme „glam”… 🙂

Vreau sa va recomand cateva „locsoare” de neratat daca ajungeti pe meleaguri constantene… Probabil nu sunt comerciale, dar tocmai asta mi se pare misto, cand un „bastinas” iti spune unde e adevarata „distractie”… Evident, eu nu mai sunt constanteanca de 20 de ani 🙁 (Doamne, sunt o baba…), dar am prieteni „in interior”. 🙂

Amatorilor de muzica live de foarte buna calitate (rock, folk, jazz, blues), le recomand Clubul Phoenix, un club veteran al orasului, pe care il frecventam pe vremea studentiei si care „a imbatranit ca vinul, nu ca laptele” (am citit de curand expresia asta undeva, nu mai stiu unde, dar mi-a placut mult) … 🙂

Daca doriti sa faceti „degustari de bere” 🙂 , exista doua destinatii obligatorii, situate la 50 de m una de alta in zona Piata Ovidius. Intr-una se poate bea bere artizanala facuta chiar in beciul respectivilor – Ordinul Berarilor, iar daca vreti sa incercati o gama foarte variata de beri internationale si sa ascultati istorii despre fiecare soi in parte, spuse de un chelner extrem de misto al locului, mergeti la Bistro-Pub Tomis. Garantez distractie, mancare buna si prilej de imbogatire a culturii generale. 😉

Apropos de mancare, tot acolo gasiti Tara’s Gastro-Pub , un pub multi-quisine tocmai bun pentru gurmanzii in cautare de senzatii noi. 🙂

Pentru familiile cu copii ce isi doresc o dupa-amiaza linistita, intr-o atmosfera vesela, relaxata, pot incerca senzatii tari si „tratament antiplictiseala” pe malul lacului Tabacariei, vizitand Lake View.

Ultima „fita” de Constanta este „sa te petreci” zi si noapte la Zoom Beach. Cine nu ajunge acolo, nu traieste! 🙂 😉 Seara se lasa cu muzica de club, focuri de tabara si multe prietenii noi, iar ziua iti ofera sporturi acvatice sau pe nisip, frappe-uri si lume frumoasa. Ideal pentru tinerii veniti in grupuri pe litoral. Traiti, zic! 🙂

Doamnelor in cautare de parfumuri de foarte buna calitate, cosmetice si accesorii de top, sau domnilor amatori de whisky-uri rafinate si cu traditie, recomand un drum in „zona libera” a Portului Maritim Constanta (spuneti oricarui taximetrist ca doriti sa ajungeti n „zona libera”). A, neaparat sa aveti un buletin la voi, ca este posibil ca un portar sa il ceara…  Exista acolo Travel Free. Te cam usuca de bani (desi nu se percep taxe vamale), dar in mod ciudat, iesi din locatie satisfacut si zambind… 🙂

Daca mai stiti locuri faine din oras, spuneti-ne si noua in comment-uri aci sau pe Facebook. Eu mai stau o saptamana la mare, mai am putin timp de cascat ochii… 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat!


Have I told you how much I love my mother? 🙂 I saw  these pants  from BSB  a long time ago and it was love at first sight. I also instantly thought their price was obscene (over 100 euros) so, following the saying „eyes that does not see each other, forget about one another „…, I chose to break the „relationship” at the very beginning.  Faith made us reconnect by me reading a post on Dana Rogoz’s blog. Boom! As in any „unconsumed” love, seing each other again, brought to my  stomach an entire „zoo”, I am quoting from a song that is very dear to me, song by Hailee Steinfeld – Starving. 🙂

And here comes the moment when my mother decides to stop my suffering and buys me the „beloved ones” as a gift for my birthday … (which is in over a month from now, but Icouldn’t care less to „age” faster in such conditions … 🙂 ). In addition, BSB has 50% discounts on many products and, let’s say, the price has become a bit more … earthly. The idea of ​​combining them with denim came from the first moment. What is important to keep in mind when we wear this type of trousers? Well, let’s see: we must let our waist be seen (so, it’s a good idea wearing them with bustier, corsets, very tight belts); we have to wear them with the highest platforms we own, and if we do not have such items, we should take a shopping spree; the pants themselves being a statement, we must be careful not to over-accessorize, so „less is more” …; I would not combine it with another type of print, although the mix of prints is fashionable, there are exceptions to the rule; if you must „perform” a prints mix, take a tiny top with a fine print, either very small dots, eighter thin lines; last and foremost … this type of trousers can be worn by thin or sporty girls, but also by women with thin legs, compared to the rest of the body (for example, those with reversed triangle or apple shape of bodies) … imagine what would such volumes make on a generous pear-type silhouette … Regarding  the volumetric issue, I chose myself to add an xxl bag to this look, to seem more „voluptuous” in the upper part of my body. The effect is more notable, as the bag matches the colour of my  denim corset …;) Otherwise, these „brilliant giants” can fit into any type of outfit, I’m going to wear them to a wedding this summer, mixing  a simple spaghetti-top with sequins and some „glam” platforms … 🙂

I want to recommend a few places that you cannot miss if you get in the area … Probably not commercial, but that’s the cool part, because you cand get where the real „fun” is … I haven’t been living in Constanta in the last 20 years 🙁 (God, I’m old …), but I have friends „inside.” 🙂

If you are a live music fan (rock, folk, jazz, blues)  Phoenix Club is the destination. This veteran club of the city, which I attended during my years of university,  „aged like wine, not milk” :). I recently read this expression somewhere, I do not know where, but I liked it a lot) … 🙂

If you feel like „beer tasting” :), there are two mandatory destinations, located 50 m from each other in the Ovidius Square area. In one, you can drink hand-made beer – Ordinul Berarilor and if you want to try a wide range of international beers and listen to stories about each of them, said by a very cool waiter of the place, go to Bistro-Pub Tomis. I guarantee fun, good food and enrichment of knowledge! 😉

Food wise, you can also find there Tara’s Gastro-Pub a multi-quisine pub, just good for gourmands looking for new sensations. 🙂

Families with children who want a lazy afternoon, in a joyful, relaxed atmosphere, can try  an”anti-boredom treatment” on the shores of Tabacariei Lake by visiting Lake View.

The last „thing” in Constanta is basically „to move” at Zoom Beach. Whoever does not check in from there, does not live! 🙂 😉 Evenings are about club music, campfire and many new friends, and the day gives you water or sand sports,  frappes and beautiful people. Ideal spot for young goups of friends coming on the seaside. Live, I say! 🙂

Ladies looking for top quality perfumes, cosmetics and accessories, or gentlemen amateurs of fine whiskey, can try the free zone of Constanta Maritime Port (tell any taxi driver, that you want to reach the ” free zone”). A, you must have an ID to you, beter to stay on the safe side … There is Travel Free. You might loose a small fortune (though there are no customs fees), but strangely, I guarantee getting out with a big smile on your faces…  🙂

If you visited other nice places of my home town, please let my know in a comment here or on the Facebook page. I still have one more week of browsing through the city… 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed! 🙂

I am wearing

BSB pants here

Miss Sixty Denim Corset

Bijou Brigitte earrings and rings

Stradivarius body chain

denim platforms, similar here

Photos by Marian Sarbu

Mama Gambalunga 🙂