
Sunt datoare cu doua episoade de confesiuni… in graba nebuna de a „scoate” cat mai repede articolul pe piata, emit dar omit… 🙂 Am decis ca acest articol sa inceapa cu partea aceasta ultra-personala, prin care incerc sa sparg gheata in ceea ce priveste relatia cu voi. Sunt un om fain si e pacat ca las alta impresie, caci stiu… am o anumita rigiditate greu de surclasat chiar si de umorul pe care il desfasor pe aceste pagini… Defecte? Am cu carutele. Vorbii de o rigiditate in relatiile cu cei din jur… ce vine din ani intregi de lupta cu multe complexe si prejudecati. Lucrez la ea, caci eu am creat-o pe ea, nu ea pe mine…  🙂 Apoi… un alt defect major este faptul ca sunt credula. Oricine ma poate pacali, deoarece nu concep ca un om poate face rau in mod voit altui om. Legat de acest subiect, mereu spun in fata exact ce gandesc. Absolut tot ce gandesc! Realizati, prin urmare, ca nu prea am prieteni… Hai sa fim seriosi, nimeni nu vrea langa el o „oglinda” care sa-i aminteasca mereu realitatea… Mama zice ca sunt lipsita de tact, eu o numesc onestitate reala. Cine e destul de puternic cat sa aprecieze un asemenea om si sa treaca dincolo de acest zid de „brutala onestitate” va avea parte, fara doar si poate, de tratamente regale. Cand iubesc pe cineva si nu ma refer numai la iubire pasionala, ma transform si ma dedic in totalitate relatiei respective, devin cel mai altruist, empatic si de nadejde aliat si tovaras. Asta fara sa mai pun la socoteala faptul ca asigur „entertainment-ul” si buna dispozitie oricand este nevoie, fara efort si cu cea mai mare placere. 😉 Doamne, suna ca un anunt la matrimoniale! 🙂 😛
Dar era vorba sa va spun de niscaiva defecte… 🙂 Cred ca cel mai mare defect este insa, o tendinta absoluta si omniprezenta spre… a lenevi. 🙂 Daca e musai sa fac un lucru, il fac fara sa clipesc, nu am depasit niciodata un dead-line; in schimb, daca nu arde nimic.. prefer sa nu ma agit. Viata e una si scurta, stresul ne omoara oricum, asa ca… in asentiment cu indragitul personaj Scarlet O’Hara, „after all, tomorrow is another day”. 🙂

Revenind la oile noastre, tinuta acestei postari se concentreaza in jurul integrarii unei perechi de botine lucioase din material textil, in cadrul unui look casual, comod, chic, numai bun de prezentat pe „catwalk-ul” numit „centrul orasului”. Cred ca solutia optima ar fi sa apelam la combinatii inedite de materiale, lucru care ar justifica asocierea intre aceste botine „pretioase” si un look comod de zi. Mai exact, eu am ales un pulover gros de lana, niste pantaloni din piele intoarsa naturala si geaca supradimensionata din fas. Mai mult decat atat, am urmarit ca toate elementele tinutei sa aiba nuante „prafuite”, cu alte cuvinte, pastelate… deoarece numitele botine, nu sunt roz, ci au o frumoasa tenta „murdara” de praf. 🙂 Geaca apartine unui spectru vizual oarecum comun cu acestea, avand ambele o usoara stralucire, in timp ce restul tinutei se scalda intr-o totala „matitudine”. Un contrast interesant, care, ciudat… scoate fiecare element in evidenta in mod separat, asigurand totusi o compozitie placuta si unitara. Mi-a placut in mod deosebit „glow-ul” ce se distingea in jurul picioarelor pe portiunile umbrite si aspectul catifelat al pantalonilor in zonele insorite.

Stiu, pantalonii trebuiau suflecati sau scurtati cumva… deoarece, in acest fel, tinuta pare desueta. Eu am considerat ca e mai important sa imi placa mie, decat sa fiu la moda. 🙂 Artificiul cu purtarea gecii pe post de sal 🙂 este insa ceva stylish, tineresc si cat se poate de… modern! In plus, volumul creat in jurul abdomenului si a bratelor ajuta, de cele mai multe ori, la corectarea optica a unor usoare defecte de silueta, in cazul subsemnatei, solduri prea late si bust prea ingust…

Mi-a disparut nelipsitul remote-shutter din mana (telefonul), pentru ca fiul meu cel mare a luat „fraiele” aparatului foto in propriile maini si toate pozele de astazi sunt realizate de el. Intr-o postare viitoare vreau sa fac un mic experiment cu baietii, nimic dubios sau imoral,  vreau doar sa vad cum cuantifica un copil „frumusetea”. Ei sunt cei mai buni judecatori, stiti? 😛 Va pup tare si apasat!


I owe you two episodes of confessions … In a crazy rush to „release” the article on the market as quickly as possible,  I emit but omit … 🙂 I decided, this article should start with this ultra-personal part, when I try to „break the ice” in terms of relating to you. I’m a fnice individual and it’s a shame to leave a different impression, because I know … I have a certain rigidity, that is hard to overcome even with the humor I’m unfolding on these pages … Defects? I got lots of them! I just told you about the rigidity in relationships with others … that comes from years of struggle with many complexes and prejudices. I work on it, because I created it, and not the other way around … 🙂 Then, another major defect is that I am very trustful. Whoever can fool me, because I can and will not believe that a human can willingly harm another human being. Regarding this topic, I always say out loud what I think. Absolutely everything I think! So, please realize that I do not have many friends … Let’s be serious, no one wants a „mirror” that always reminds the reality … My mother says I’m tactless, I call it true honesty . Whoever is strong enough to appreciate such a person and go beyond this wall of „brutal honesty”, will have, without a doubt, royal treatments. When I love someone and do not just refer to passionate love, I transform and totally devote myself to that relationship, I become the most altruistic, empathetic and hopeful ally and companion. This without taking into account the fact that I provide „entertainment” and good mood whenever necesarry, effortlessly and with the greatest pleasure. 😉 God, it sounds like an ad on a dating site! 🙂 😛
But it was about telling you about some of my flaws … 🙂 I think the biggest one is, however, an absolute and omnipresent tendency toward … laziness. 🙂 If I have to do one thing, I do it without blinking, I never crossed a dead line; but when nothing is „burning” … I prefer to take it easy. Life is just one and short, stress is killing us anyway, so … in assent with the beloved character Scarlet O’Hara, „after all, tomorrow is another day”. 🙂

Returning to our business, this posting focuses around the integration of a pair of glossy, textile shoes, in a casual, comfortable, chic look that is just „the thing” on the catwalk called „downtown”. I think the optimal solution would be to use unusual combinations of materials, which would justify the association between these „precious” shoes and a comfortable day look. More specifically, I chose a thick wool sweater, some suede trousers and the oversized shiny jacket. Moreover, I was careful to have all the elements of my outfit in „dusty” shades of diferent colors, in other words, pastels … because the shoes are not pink, but have a beautiful „dirty” tint of dust. 🙂 The jacket belongs to a visual spectrum somewhat common with them, both having a gentle glow, while the rest of the outfit bathes in a total „lustreless” vibe. An interesting contrast, which, strangely … highlights each item separately, while ensuring a pleasant and unitary composition. I especially liked the „glow” that surrounded my shoes on the shaded areas and the velvety appearance of the pants in the sunny ones.

I know, the trousers should have been rolled or shortened somehow … because like this, the outfit seems to be outdated. I thought it was more important for me to like it, than to be fashionable. 🙂 The solution of wearing the jacket as a shawl is something stylish, youthful and as modern as possible! In addition, the volume created around the abdomen and arms, often help to correct some light flaws of the silhouette, for the undersigned, too thick hips and too narrow bust …

I am missing the remote-shutter from my hand (my phone), because my big son took the camera „issue” into his own hands and all the pictures today were taken by him. In a future post I want to do a little experiment with my boys, nothing dubious or immoral, I just want to see how a child quantifies „beauty”. They’re the best judges, you know? 😛 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Meli Melo hat

 men’s Tommy Hilfiger sweater 😛

Zara jacket, similar here

suede pants, similar here

Bershka shoes , hurry and get them at Shopping City Timisoara

Fritzi aus Preußen bag, similar here