
Va scriu cu sufletul greu, deoarece in familia mea are loc o drama… iar acest lucru ma macina si secatuieste. Fratele mai mare al tatalui meu se zbate undeva, „acolo”… un acolo despre care nu ne place sa gandim sau sa pomenim, iar noi stam pur si simplu si asteptam vesti, fie ele bune sau rele, pentru a putea sti pe ce drum sa apucam. Va marturisesc ca aceasta asteptare este mai rea decat orice am experimentat pana acum… si ca oricat am incercat si incerc… sa intru in normalitatea traiului de zi cu zi, inclusiv cu activitatea pe social media… exista o piedica invizibila, care tine atat de respectul pentru persoana extraordinara care este unchiul meu, cat si de un nivel energetic personal, care tinde catre zero. Imi dau seama ca am o datorie fata de voi, cititorii meu, aceia putini care sunteti… 🙂 dar inimosi, devotati si calzi, caci va simt in spatele acestui ecran de monitor… si  raman consecventa unor promisiuni facute. Vreau sa cred ca sunt o profesionista… pozele erau facute in urma cu o saptamana, deci „materie prima” estem… Sa purcedem, darasi!

Despre ce este vorba in tinuta de mai sus? Despre anti-consumerism, evident… 🙂 Sper ca ati observat ca sunt cat se poate de vehementa si activa in acest domeniu al reciclarii, reinventarii si reutilizarii hainelor vechi. Este o arta in sine, aceea de face tinute actuale folosind cat mai multe elemente vintage. Nu ma erijez in expert „restaurator”, pe onoarea mea… dar, hainele vechi au un farmec aparte dragii mei… Eu il simt acut si imi doresc sa vi-l transmit si voua. Sa luam spre exemplu rochia-sarafan din aceasta postare: este de firma, clar… dar m-a costat 30 de euro deoarece am achizitionat-o de pe E-Bay. Probabil ca pretul de vanzare a fost undeva la 700-800 de euro si va marturisesc cu mana pe inima… arata si „se simte” de 700 de Euro chiar si acum, la o distanta de peste 10 ani de momentul cand a fost produsa. Singura mea tristete este ca mi-a ramas mica… 🙁 , dar din acest motiv isi cauta proprietar nou. 😉 Stati aproape de pagina mea de Facebook „Stil’ish Tribe by Anamaria Bacila”, caci o veti gasi foarte curand intr-un articol „Shop my closet”. Se potiveste foarte bine unei mignone care poarta XXS… 🙂 (este numarul 38 italienesc, deci un 32 la noi… 😮 ).

Nu este nimic gresit in a combina elemente vestimentare vechi, cu unele de „ultima generatie”. Categoric, nu garantez ca rezultatul va fi mereu unul foarte apreciat, stilul eclectic este gustat doar de o parte mica dintre noi… dar, este totusi un gen de abordare, care demonstraza oarecare veleitati stilistice. Daca nu va iesie din prima, sa stiti ca existam noi… blogger-itele de moda si stil, care va putem ajuta. Trimiteti-mi un mail la adresa abacila1979@gmail.com cu poza elementului vintage pe care vreti sa-l integrati in tinuta si va pot sugera mai multe variante „castigatoare”. 🙂 Este gratuit! 🙂 😉 Cel putin deocamdata… 🙂 (glumesc! 😛 )

Rad, dar nu-i rasul meu… ca sa zic asa. Sunt pierduta „grav” in butoiul cu melancolie blegoasa, asta-i clar. 🙂 Sper ca nu v-am intristat in vreun fel, iar daca am facut-o… sunt convinsa ca ma intelegeti si ca ma sustineti. Am nevoie de energie pozitiva din partea voastra, acum ori niciodata…. Va pup tare si apasat!


I write with heavy heart because a drama takes place in my family … and this dries me up inside. My father’s older brother is struggling inbetween worlds, the one „place” … we do not like to think about or to mention, and we just sit and wait for news, whether good or bad, so we can know which way to go. I confess that this state of waiting is worse than anything I have experienced so far … and that as hard as I tried to get into the normality of my usual life, including the social media activity … there is an invisible obstacle , which stands for the respect i carry for the extraordinary person my uncle is… and a personal energy level, that tends to zero. I realize that I have a duty towards you, my readers, those few that you are … 🙂 but hearty, devoted and warm, because I can feel you behind this monitor screen … so I tried to remain true to some promises that I  made. I want to think I’m a professional … the pictures were taken a week ago, so „staples” are at hand … Let’s do it!

What is it about today’s outfit? It’s an anti-consumerism article, obviously … 🙂 I hope you have noticed that I am vehement and active in this field of recycling, reinvention and reuse of old clothes. It is an art in itself, that of making fashionable outfits using as many vintage items as possible. I do not call myself an expert in „restauration”… but old clothes have a special charm, dear ones… I feel it acute and I want to pass the feeling to you too. Let’s take the dress from this post for example: it’s cleary that it is a brand item,  but it costed me 30 euros because I bought it from E-Bay. Probably the sale price was somewhere at 700-800 Euros and I will confess as honestly as I can … it looks and „feels” like 700 Euros even now, at a distance of more than 10 years from the moment when it was produced. My only sadness is that it’s small for me now … 🙁 but for this reason, it is looking for a new owner. 🙂 Stay close to my Facebook page „Stil’ish Tribe by Anamaria Bacila”, because you will find it very soon in an article „Shop my closet”. It is suitable for a mignon who wears XXS … 🙂 (it’s an italian 38, so 32 in romanian sizes… :o).

There is nothing wrong in combining old clothing with some „last generation” ones. Definitely, I do not guarantee that the result will always be highly appreciated, eclectic style is „tasted” by a small part of us … but it is still a kind of approach, that demonstrates some stylistic knowledge. If you do not succed from your first try,  remember we are, us … fashion and style bloggers, who can help you. Send me an email at abacila1979@gmail.com with a picture of the vintage element you want to integrate into an actual outfit and I can suggest many „winning” variants. 🙂 It’s free! 🙂 😉 At least for now … 🙂 (joke ! :P).

I laugh but it’s not my laugh … so to speak. I’m badly „lost” in a bleak melancholy, that’s for sure… 🙂 I hope I did not made you sad… and if I did … I’m sure you understand and support me. I need positive energy from you, it’s now or never …. Kiss you all, loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Versace vintage dress, similar here

Meli Melo hat

similar jacket here 😉 (not similar, but crazy cool!)

Billionaire vintage bag, similar here

Bershka boots, still available at both Iulius Mall and Shopping City Timisoara