
Incercam de foarte mult timp sa ajungem seara in oras pentru niste poze… Sambata seara am si reusit. Ba chiar am reusit sa ajungem cu o ora si jumatate inainte de vremea felinarelor… Fapt din care a rezultat o nesperata oportunitate de a prezenta aceeasi tinuta in doua ipostaze diferite. Din fericire, am avut la mine cateva accesorii care mi-au permis aceasta abordare duala.. 😉 Dar, tinuta a fost compusa in mod special pentru un shooting nocturn. Coloratul camp de lalele de langa primarie a fost cadrul bonus. 😉

Ce-mi mai place sa ma tolanesc in ultima vreme! 🙂
Noaptea toate pisicile sunt negre. 🙂 La fel si doamnele. Contururi, siluete, umbre si lumini. Detaliile sunt estompate. Dorim sa iesim in evidenta? Purtam materiale lucioase, care reflecta lumina pala a felinarelor stradale: paiete, lurex, lac, strasuri, organza, etc. Eu am facut pasul acela in plus si am purtat chiar surse de lumina: ochelari cu led-uri. 😛 Mi s-a parut un artificiu catchy pentru un shooting altfel. Ideea a fost sa fac ceva… neasteptat. Sunt sigura ca mi-a iesit. 😉 Iar bugetul a fost mentinut la minim: ochelarii cu led sunt de la Jumbo si au costat 7 Ron. Am si pe rosu! 🙂

Pot spune ca in contextul acestei tinute, chiar se potrivesc! Adica, nu arat de parca as fi in drum spre un bal mascat… Didi nu e foarte incantata de poze. 😉 Mie imi plac. Imi place pana si felul leonin in care imi sta parul, de altfel proaspat spalat si neindreptat cu placa. De la umezeala din aer s-a umflat si mai tare, astfel incat modesta palarie nu l-a mai putut cuprinde deloc… Povestea vietii mele: incerc sa comasez multe chestii in spatii mici, atat la propriu cat si la figurat. 😉 Aiurea! Let it breath!!

Pentru pozele din lalele am avut la mine o pereche de ochelari foarte funcky de la Meli Melo, achizitie recenta. Cred ca ceea ce vreau sa punctez aici este importanta covarsitoare a accesorizarii unei tinute. Un singur element poate sa o transforme complet. Daca cu palarie si ochelari luminosi ofer o aparitie avant-garde, gen „matrix”, cu usoare accente „industriale”, cu ochelarii bicolori imaginea-mi devine mai teatrala, mai dramatica. Aceleasi haine, vibratie diferita. Evident, atitudinea participa in mod activ la impactul unei tinute. Voua care varianta va place mai mult? 😛

Don’t cease to amaze, girls! 😛


We’ve been trying for a long time to get into the city at night for some pictures… Saturday night we finally did it! We even managed to get there an hour and a half before time… Which resulted in an incredible opportunity to present the same outfit in two different scenarios. Fortunately, I had some accessories that allowed me this dual approach. But keep in mind that the outfit was specially created for a night shooting. The colorful tulip field near the town hall was the bonus background. 😉

Oh, how I like to lounge lately! 🙂
At night, all cats are stylish. 🙂 Ladies too. Contours, silhouettes, shadows and lights. Details are blurred. Do you want to stand out? Wear glossy materials that reflect the light of street lanterns: sequins, lurex, lacquer, rhinestones, organza, etc. I took that extra step and even weared light sources: led lights sunglasses. 😛 It seemed like a catchy artifice for a different kind of shot. The idea was to do something … unexpected. I’m sure I succeeded. And the budget was kept to a minimum: the glasses are from Jumbo and cost 1,5 Euro. I have them in red too! 🙂

I can say that, in the context of this outfit they even fit right in! I mean, I do not look like I’m on my way to a masked ball … Didi (my shooter) is not very excited about the pictures. 😉 I like them though. I like even the leonine looks of my hair, otherwise freshly washed. From the humidity in the air it swelled even more, so the modest hat could not cover it at all up… The story of my life: I try to gatter many things in small spaces, in litelally and figurative matters of speaking. 😉 Lame! Let it breath !!

For the tulipe field pictures I had a pair of groovy sunglasses from Meli Melo, a recent acquisition. What I want to point out here is the overwhelming importance of accessorising an outfit. Only one element can transform it completely. If hat and led-glasses offer an avant-garde appearance, „matrix” wise, with light „industrial” accents… those bicolour sunglasses, are assuring a more theatrical, more dramatic touch. Same clothes, different vibration. Obviously, attitude actively participates in the impact of a succesful outfit. Which one did you like more? 😛

Don’t cease to amaze, girls! 😛

I was wearing

Promod skirt

boots and organza top from a romanian leather and clothes fair in Constanta

Calliope hat

Textile House trench coat

Jumbo led sunglasses

Meli Melo heart shaped sunglasses

Photos were taken by HD Photography