„Poarta o carte” este o campanie marca Dunia la care nu ma aliniez chiar cu orice ocazie. Dar si cand o fac… e lata, lunga si groasa! 😛 Realitatea este ca sunt intr-o perioada in care citesc destul de putina literatura. Nu mi-e rusine, deoarece compensez cu multe ore in care studiez diverse albume de arta, reviste de arhitectura si de moda. Dar, pe primul loc sunt atlasele: de la cele geografice pana la cele anatomice, de la cele zoologice la cele de astronomie. Scopul, pe langa acela de a avea raspuns la cat mai multe dintre intrebarile baietilor mei, este de a-mi imbogati perceptia asupra lumii din punct de vedere vizual: compozitie, forme, culori. In tinerete le-am studiat doar pentru informatia scrisa. Acum poposesc mult pe imagini. Am decis sa ma concentrez mai mult pe imaginea compozitionala a tinutelor, iar natura este cea mai buna sursa de inspiratie. Nu port orice carte… Port o „enciclopedie”! 🙂 Este doar o faza, imi place, si profit de ea.
„Der Kosmos” este cea mai voluminoasa carte din mica colectie pe care o detin. Stiu ca barbatii sunt obsedati in general de marime, dar nu intamplator am ales s-o plimb tocmai pe aceasta astazi prin oras. Paulei ii place cosmosul. Reposteaza pe Instagram imagini cu galaxii, constelatii, planete, nebuloase fotografiate de NASA. M-a bucurat sa descopar si alte aspecte comune, in afara graiului oltenesc si a clasicelor defecte. 🙂
Am dat astronomie la bacalaureat si a fost singura materie la care am luat 10. 20 de ani mai tarziu, toate-s vechi si noua toate. 🙂 Dar… 20 de ani mai tarziu vorbesc si limba germana. Practic am descoperit un nou univers. 😉 Si practic… am ajuns sa fac parte din categoria de oameni pe care acum 20 de ani o consideram de pe Marte. Dope!
Nu conteaza ce citim, atat timp cat o facem. Si ar trebui s-o facem zilnic. E singurul mod in care putem ajunge pe planeta rosie. Asta daca nu ne cheama Smiley… sau John Carter, sau macar Musk. 😛 Si chiar daca nu ajungem la destinatie, macar invatam putina „martiana”. Cred ca exista o vorba care zice ca drumul e mai important decat destinatia in sine. Temporal vorbind, avem sanse sa faurim mai multe amintiri pe drum decat la destinatie. Bine, depinde mult de scopul si durata vizitei… 🙂
Astazi am facut exces de metafore, parabole si figuri de stil. Daca nu s-a inteles mesajul, imi cer scuze. Il repet: citeste, studiaza, evolueaza!
Se poate vedea din poze ca tinuta de azi imi place in mod deosebit. (A nu se intelege ca altele nu mi-au placut!) Haina pufoasa numita si „teddy” nu ar trebui sa ne lipseasca din dulap. Din nefericire, eu am gasit-o pe a mea doar saptamana trecuta. E dintr-un magazin Textile House, asa ca nu am putut alege culoarea 😉 . Nu voi apuca sa ma bucur mult timp de ea anul acesta, e deja prea cald. Dar… anul nu s-a incheiat. Hainele acestea arata la fel de bine cu pantofi cu toc si pantofi sport. Sunt usor de integrat in tinute. Le recomand.
Coloristic, am fost inspirata de albumul meu cosmic. Imi lipseste o nuanta de turcoaz si niste portocaliu. Daca nu l-am avut pe mine, l-am gasit „in vecini”. 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!
„Carry a book” is a Dunia campaign (a friend, blogger and writer) that I do not always align to. But when I do it … it’s wide, long and thick! 😛 The reality is that I am going through some times when I read few literature. I’m not ashamed because I compensate with many hours of studying different art albums, architectural and fashion magazines. But mainly atlases: from geographic to anatomical, from zoological to astronomical. The goal, besides answering many of my boys’s questions, is to enrich my perception of the world from a visual point of view: composition, shapes, colors. In my youth I studied them only for the written information. Now I contemplate closely all of the pictures. I decided to focus more on the composition of the outfit and nature is the best source of inspiration. I do not carry any books … I’m wearing an „encyclopedia”! 🙂 It’s just a phase, I like it, and I take advantage of it.
„Der Kosmos” is the most voluminous book in the small collection I own. I know men are generally obsessed with size, but size had nothing to do with the reason I carryed it today in the city. Dunia likes the cosmos. she posts on Instagram images of galaxies, planets, nebula captured by NASA. I was glad to discover other similarities besides the language (one of my country’s many dialects) and the classic defects. 🙂
I took a 10 at Astronomy during my baccalaureate. 20 years later, all old and new all. 🙂 But … 20 years later, I also speak German. I’ve practically discovered a new universe. 😉 And basically … I’ve come to be part of the category of people that I used to consider being was from Mars. Dope!
It does not matter what we read, as long as we do. And we should do it daily. It’s the only way we can get on the red planet. That’s unless tour name is Smiley (a romanian song writer, that has a song called Leaving for Mars)… or John Carter, or at least Musk. 😛 Even if we do not arrive at the destination, at least we learn a little „martian”. I think there is a saying that the road is more important than the destination itself. Temporally speaking, we have the chance to make more memories on the road than at destination. Well, it greatly depends on the purpose and duration of the visit … 🙂
Today I have excessed in metaphors, parables and style figures. If the message was not understood, I apologize. I repeat it: read, study, evolve!
You can see in the pictures that I like today’s outfit. (It doesn’t mean that others I did not like!) The fluffy coat called „teddy” should not be missing from the closet. Unfortunately, I found mine only last week. It’s from a Textile House store (vintage and second hand store), so I could not choose the color 😉 . I will not enjoy it much further, it’s already too hot. But … the year has not ended yet. These coats look just as good with stilettos or sport shoes. Easily to integrate into outfits. I recommend them.
Coloristic, I was inspired by my cosmic album. I am lacking a shade of turquoise and some orange. If I did not have it, I found it „in the neighborhood”. 🙂 Remember: keep the cosmos within! Kissing you all, loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Reserved jeans
Textile House Romania coat and stilettos
TK Maxx hat
Photos taken by HD Photography
Foarte frumoase pozele 🙂 si La Multi Ani de 8 Martie!
Multumesc frumos!