
Ieri am facut din nou ordine in dulapul de haine, ba chiar m-am „convins” sa-i aranjez si sotului meu cateva umerase ce aratau ravasite de graba mare si nehotarare si mai mare. Fac asta din doua motive: in primul rand se bucura de orice atentie pe care i-o acord 😉 , iar in al doilea rand… vreau sa vad daca exista ceva „frumuseti” parasite pe sub celelalte frumuseti de actualitate… Am incredibilul noroc de a avea un sot foarte slab si cu un gust desavarsit in materie de haine. 🙂 De-a lungul timpului am revendicat multe tricouri, pantaloni din denim (adevaratii „boyfriend jeans” 🙂 ), dar in special camasi! (bine…recunosc, ii fur sosete si chiar boxeri… sunt minunati pentru dormit pe timp de vara) 🙂

Aceasta minunatie de camasa tocmai si-a gasit un „locsor” in partea mea de dulap…  🙂 Sunt sigura ca voi, cititoarele mele fashioniste (chiar si cele novice) v-ati achizitionat in acest sezon camasi supradimensionate. S-au gasit in toate culorile si modelele: decupate, asimetrice, cu maneci „statement”, extrem de lungi sau foarte scurte, probabil inca sunt (marturisesc cu multa rusine, ca am ramas un pic „restanta” la aruncatul cu privirea prin mall), dar in variante „de vara”. Alternativa numita „camasa iubitului” mi se pare mult mai accesibila, cu atat mai mult cu cat barbatii nostri poarta acum camasi „slim fit” si pun pariu ca exista in orice dulap „umerasul” cu chestii colorate (sau nu), largi, cu maneci bufante, de care nimeni nu s-a mai atins de ani de zile. Sunt absolut convinsa ca iubitul/sotul dumneavoastra va fi incantat sa vada ca va gasiti inspiratia atat de aproape de casa. 😉 Prindeti-o cu o centura lata, un corset de piele sau din denim, lasati-o sa va curga de pe umeri chiar si intr-un mod asimetric, puteti chiar sa nu o inchideti deloc, „asezonati-o” cu niste pantaloni din denim, o fusta creion, niste pantaloni de sport (in genul clasicilor Adidas cu capse pe exterior), finisati cu un sabot (sunt foarte in voga la ora actuala), o sanda fina sau niste pantofi de sport extrem de colorati si mentineti accesoriile la minim. Eventual, asortati-va unghiile cu camasa asa cum am incercat eu. Reteta. 🙂  Evident, eu am „supralicitat” cu cea mai draga palarie din frumoasa mea colectie, care a aterizat la Timisoara impreuna cu parintii mei, dupa ce si-a petrecut ultimul an la Constanta. Ea, palaria… 🙂

Pozele sunt facute in Piata Libertatii din Timisoara la ceas de dimineata… dimineata de sambata. Sunt indragostita de bilele ce incadreaza liniile de tramvai, dupa cum bine se poate observa in superbele poze facute de Elena. Incredibil cat de rapid si profund  intelege „regiile” mele alambicate si cat de frumos le simplifica si personifica in aceste fotografii artistice. In esenta, eu vorbesc mult si gesticulez, explic excesiv (cum fac si aici pe blog… 🙂 ), iar ea zice doar cate un „bine”, apoi „un pas in fata, inca putin, stai, asa…perfect!”

Va invit sa vizionati ce ne-a iesit in dimineata aceasta. Pup la voi tare si apasat!


Yesterday I ordered  the clothes again, and even „persuaded” myself to arrange some of my husband’s hangers, who looked ravished by undecidedness and haste. I do that for two reasons: first, he really likes me to pay attention to him 😉 and secondly … I want to see if there are some old „beauties” left under the other new beauties in his life … I am incredibly lucky to have a thin husband with perfect taste in clothes. 🙂 Over the years I have claimed many t-shirts, denim pants (true „boyfriend jeans” :)), but especially shirts! (Well … I admit it, I steal his socks sometimes and even boxers … they are great for sleeping in summer) 🙂

Having a „tete a tete” with the Cathedral

This marvelous shirt just found it’s „new home” in my wardrobe … 🙂 I’m sure you, my fashionists readers (even the novice ones) have bought over-sized shirts this season. They were found in all colors and shapes: cropped, asymmetrical, with „statement” sleeves, extremely long or very short, they probably can still be found (I confess with a lot of shame, that I  „overlooked” a bit the daily shopping ), but in „summer” variants. The alternative is called „his shirt” and seems more accessible to me, especially since our men now wear „slim fit” shirts and I bet there is in every closet „the hanger” with colored (or not), wide, sleek sleeves shirts no one has ever touched for years. I am absolutely convinced that your lover / husband will be delighted to see you find inspiration so close to home. 😉 Tighten it with a wide belt, a leather or denim corset, let it flow off your shoulders even asymmetrically, you can not even close it, „set it up” with some Denim trousers, a pencil skirt, some sporty trousers (like the Adidas classics with out-staples), finished with a clog (they are in  vogue at the moment), some fine sandals or some extremely colorful sports shoes and keep accessories to the minimum. You can try match your nails with your shirt, as I tried for this photoshooting.  Recipe. 🙂 Obviously, I „raised the stake” with the most dear hat in my beautiful collection, hat that landed in Timisoara with my parents, after spending the last year in Constanta. „She”, the hat … 🙂

The photos are made in the „Freedom Square” from Timisoara at the morning time … Saturday morning time. I am in love with the balls that fit the tramlines, as you can well see the beautiful pictures taken by Elena. Unbelievably how quickly and deeply she understands all my „scenarios” and how nicely she simplifies and personifies them in these artistic photos. In essence, I’m talking and gesticulating a lot, explaining excessively (as I’m doing here on the blog also … 🙂 ), and she just says every now and than „good”, then „one step ahead, a little bit more, hold it… perfect!”

I invite you to browse what came out this morning. Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

„His shirt” – can be any shirt in his closet that inspires you 🙂 – similar here

Denim 3/4 Jeans with detachable belt from TKMaxx

Loevenich Hat from Peek&Cloppenburg

Giuseppe Zanotti vintage clogs

Cotton Bag

Photos by Elena Borcan