
Dantela nu a fost niciodata pentru mine un reper stylish, imi pare rau sa afirm asta; o consider potrivita pentru lenjeria intima de calitate, genul acela care ramane pe retina si „suflet” 🙂 , eventual o vad parte integranta, dar nu integrala, a rochiilor de mireasa si a anumitor rochii de seara, dar nici in ruptul capului, nu mi-am imaginat-o mixata in combinatii interesante de zi. Nu m-ar caracteriza asa exercitii stilistice… Cu toate acestea, am incercat sa trec dincolo de „balaurii” mei personali, pentru ca multe dintre voi amatoarele de „danteluri”, mi-ati scris, iar orice blogger care se respecta, ar trebui sa se alinieze cerintelor cititorilor sai. O aliniere nu presupune o alienare a stilului personal, caci pana si doua drepte paralele, tot congrueaza la un punct de fuga, nu? 🙂

Rochia verde din poza de mai sus este singurul element „dantelat” prezent in dulapul meu. 🙂 De ce am cumparat-o? In primul rand pentru ca este extrem de mulata 😛 si partial transparenta, in al doilea rand pentru ca are exact culoarea ochilor mei (da, eu am de fapt ochii verzi… niciodata sa nu-i crezi) si in al treilea si nu ultimul rand, datorita decolteului, care avantajeaza orice femeie cu sanii mici. Voila! A, a mai fost si motivul financiar… am luat-o in perioada reducerilor, la un pret „jenibil” de mic.

Si daca tot am apucat-o pe drumul luptelor cu balauri, am zis sa mai adaug unul la batalie, doar-doar oi face lucrurile mai intersante: seturile de bijuterii. Din punctul meu personal (!) de vedere, singurele bijuterii ce trebuie sa vina la set, sunt cele ale caror preturi incep de la valoarea unui apartament cu trei camere in Dorobanti… 🙂 Acelea, cu siguranta, da! In rest, a purta un set mi se pare desuet (dar nu lipsit de bun gust), conservator (dar nu lipsit de bun gust) si lipsit de imaginatie (dar nu de bun gust!). 🙂 Setul din sticla de Murano pe care l-am purtat la aceasta tinuta este un cadou de la o persoana foarte draga mie si ma bucur ca in sfarsit, i-am gasit „povestea”, fie ea si cu balauri! 🙂 Evident, nu m-am putut abtine si am adaugat cateva briz-brizuri extra… de amorul artei, asa.

Tipul acesta de tinuta „ladylike” m-a caracterizat extrem de multi ani si trebuie sa recunosc, dintre toate stilurile pe care le adopt, mi se potriveste cel mai bine. Singurul aspect „negativ” este faptul ca nu prea pot sa-mi ascund varsta reala, cand sunt imbracata „cuconeste” 🙂 . Aici intervine minunatia de rochie, care prin transpareta din partea de jos si supletea din partea de sus, aplica „regresia” temporala atat de vanata de o femeie ca mine, care peste doi ani de zile, va implini o suma… notabila de ani! 🙂 Cu alte cuvinte, nu e musai ca o tinuta din dantela sa ne imbatraneasca, desi in mod clar, multe dintre noi credem asta. Atat timp cat croiul rochiei este unul ce avantajeaza silueta si cat timp culoarea este una potivita trasaturilor voastre definitorii (par, ochi, nuanta tenului, etc), dantela va potenta mereu feminitatea si gingasia unei persoane, iar aceste doua aspecte sunt atribute fashion demne de luat in considerate! 🙂 Va pup tare si apasat!


The lace has never been a stylish landmark for me, sorry to say that; I consider it right for quality lingerie, the kind that remains on the retina and „soul” 🙂 , maybe I see it as a part of wedding dresses and some evening dresses, but I did not imagine it mixed in exciting „day” combinations. Such stylistic exercises are not for me … However, I tried to go beyond my personal „demons”,  because many of you „lace” amateurs wrote to me, and any blogger who respects himself/herself  should align to the requirements of the readers. Alignment does not mean alienation of personal style, because even two parallel lines still congruence to a point when in perspective, right? 🙂

The green dress in the above picture is the only „lace” element present in my closet. 🙂 Why did I buy it? First of all, because it is extremely tight 😛 and partially transparent, secondly because it has exactly the color of my eyes (yes, I actually have green eyes … never to believe them) and in the third and not the last aspect, due to the decollete, which puts any woman with small breasts in advantage. Voila! Oh, it was also the financial reason … I bought it during the discounts, at a „shamely small” price.

And if I got into „demos” fighting grounds, I said to add another one to the battle, just so they make things more intesting:  the sets of jewelery. From my personal(!) point of view, the only jewels to come in sets are those whose prices start from the value of a three-room apartment in Dorobanti ( VIP area in Bucharest) … 🙂 Those, of course, yes! Otherwise, wearing a set seems outdated (but not tasteless), conservative (but not tasteless) and lacking imagination (but not good taste!). 🙂 The Murano glass set I wore to this outfit is a gift from a very dear person and I’m glad that finally I found the „story” for it, be it also with „demons”! 🙂 Obviously, I could not help but adding a few extra bling-bling … for the artwork… 🙂

This type of „ladylike” outfit has characterized me for many years and I have to admit, of all the styles I adopt, it fits me best. The only „negative” aspect is that I can not  hide my real age when I’m dressed „madame-ish” :). Here comes the help of this wonderful dress, which, through the bottom transparancy and the fine upper part, applies the temporal „regression” so wanted by a woman like me, who in two years will turn  … notable amont of years! 🙂 In other words, there is no guarantee that  a lace outfit will make us look older, though clearly many of us believe that. As long as the dress flatters the silhouette and as long as the color is suited to your defining features (hair, eyes, complexion, etc.), lace will always enhance the femininity and gentleness of a person, and these two aspects are worthy fashion attributes to be taken into consideration! 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

H&M dress, I love this 2017 version here

Millefiori set, necklace, earrings and bracelet, similar here

Paco Gil sandals from 4 years ago, they are not for sale anymore. But I find these to be clapp with the blue dress from the previous link

vintage no name bag. One that will complete the outfit from all the links above is here 🙂

So, you have an entirely different outfit by following the links, but I do believe the idea to be the same: lace rules! 🙂