
Elena este inca in sesiune. Dupa ce doua zile m-am rugat de toti apropiatii sa imi faca si mie cateva poze (aveam in cap sa ma „sparg in figuri” pe niste linii de tramvai din zona Maria, pentru cititorii „netimisoreni”, este vorba de o zona veche a orasului cu multe cladiri de parimoniu, ce confera o cromatica fabuloasa la primele ore ale diminetii), fiind refuzata pana si de sot si de ambii copii, am decis ca sunt in stare sa imi fac sigura poze demne de acest blog. Ha! Credeati ca ma infundati?? 🙂 Am ales varianta „de interior”, deoarece este mult mai usor de controlat fara a avea, de fapt, control asupra ecranului telefonului mobil. Ceea ce vedeti in postarea de astazi sunt practic selfie-uri facute cu timer-ul telefonului. Am avut pentru fiecare poza 5 secunde sa ma pozitionez… 🙂 Si sunt mandra de ce mi-a iesit! 😉

Tinuta era pregatita mai de mult. Rochia de voal roz-pudrat este cumparata de la Reserved si avea initial pe dedesubt un fel de furou din bumbac pe care l-am inlaturat. Arata mult mai chic in aceasta varianta. In acest punct, sfatul meu este sa va urmati intuitia si sa ciopartiti haine a caror forma nu va satisface. Eu fac asta frecvent. 🙂 Sapca, bustiera si ceasurile 🙂 duc tinuta intr-o zona sport chic pe care am mai abordat-o si care ma reprezinta. Restul tinutei vorbeste insa alta limba. 🙂 Am uneori incursiuni plapande pe meleagurile „hipster-ene”. Sunt firave, aproape prea subtile pentru a fi observate 🙂 , pentru ca lumea hipster-ilor mi se pare ca un balaur pe care ar fi extrem de greu sa il „infrang” si ma feresc de taramuri necunoscute. Dar daca nu evoluam, ce va fi de noi? 🙂

Micul shooting pe care l-am facut eu azi se intampla cam de fiecare data cand imi pregatesc o tinuta pentru postarile blog-ului sau cand imi pregatesc tinuta pentru ziua urmatoare. Doar ca atunci nu imi folosesc telefonul. 🙂 Sunt momentele acelea cand copiii dorm, sau sunt plecati cu tatal lor, sau se uita la un film de desene animate nou nout si mami profita, se inchide la ea in camera, insira haine pe pat si probeaza! Pare greu de crezut, dar sunt momentele mele de relaxare maxima. Pentru altii probabil functioneaza o carte, un ziar, un meci de fotbal sau o partida de pocker cu prietenii. La mine, totul se reduce la styling si la a gasi modalitati de a-mi folosi toate hainele din dulap la „intensitate” maxima! 🙂 Pasiunea cu care fac asta imi da incredere in viitor, stiti? 😉 Cred ca e important sa specific ca, momentan, blog-ul nu imi aduce nici un castig banesc sau de alta natura si ca toate hainele pe care le folosesc sunt din garderoba personala sau imprumutate de la amice. 🙂 Deocamdata ma brand-uiesc. 🙂  😛

Este ultima postare din Timisoara, de mari ma veti gasi la mal de mare. Sigur gasesc eu vreun fost coleg/colega fotograf amator sa ma ajute cu noi postari faine cu miros de scoici, nu? 😉 Vine si Elena la mare de la 1 iulie si abia astept!!! Te pup draga mea, bafta la balaurul de sesiune! Doar evoluam, stii?  Pup la voi tare si apasat!


Elena is still in session.  After two days of  prayed to all of my close ones to take a few pictures of me (I had this ideea to pose on some tram lines in the „Maria” area, for the „not from Timisoara” readers, it is an old area of the city with lots of parimonium buildings that give a fabulous chromathic perspective in the early hours of the morning), being denied even by both husbands and children, I decided that I was able to make myself pictures worthy of this blog. Ha! Do you think you can get me stuck? 🙂 I chose the „indoor” option because it is much easier to control, without actually having control, over the mobile phone screen. What you see in today’s posting are basically selfies made with the phone’s timer. I had for each 5 seconds to position myself … 🙂 And I’m proud of why it came out! 😉

The outfit was ready for a long time now. The dusty-pink veil dress is bought from Reserved and originally had a kind of cotton furo that I removed. It looks much chic in this version. At this point, my advice to you is to follow the intuition and to chop clothes whose shape doesn’t satisfy your needs. I do this frequently. 🙂 The cap, the bustier and the watches 🙂 place the outfit in the sport chic area that I have approached before and who represents me. The rest of the outfit speaks another language. 🙂 I sometimes take little trips on the „hipster” side of life.  They are almost too subtle to be observed 🙂 , because the hipster world seems like a dragon that would be extremely difficult to „defuse”. I also don’t like the unknown territories. But if we do not evolve, what will we do? 🙂

The little shooting going on today happens about every time I set up an outfit for my blog posts or when I’m preparing my outfit for the next day. Only then, I do not use my phone. 🙂 Are moments when the kids are sleeping, or are gone with their father, or looking at a new cartoon movie and mommy take advantage, close herself in her room, fills the bed with clothes and tries them up! It seems hard to believe, but they are my moments of maximum relaxation. For others, works lprobably a book, a newspaper, a football match or a pocker game with friends. In my perspective, relaxation meens  styling and finding ways to use all the clothes in the closet at maximum „intensity”! 🙂 The passion I’m doing this with, gives me confidence in the future, you know? 😉 I think it’s important to specify that at this time, the blog does not bring me any money or other gain, and that all the clothes I use are from my personal wardrobe or borrowed from my buddies. 🙂 For now I’m branding myself. 🙂  😛

It is the last post I will be making from Timisoara for a few weeks, you will find me on the seashore since Tuesday. Surely I will find a former colleague  amateur photographer to help me with fresh postings, right? 😉 Elena comes to the sea on the 1st of July too and I can not wait! Wish you good luck in fighting the session „dragon”, my dear. We’re just evolving, you know? Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

Reserved dress – they don’t have it anymore, but I give here a similar solution

Zara high waisted  jeans

Seeberger cap – from 3 years ago

Adidas sports bra

Shoe Maker shoes bought from a SH for 5 Euro  😮

C&A watches – I wear them as bracelets

The Avatar version