Sunt nou venita in oras. Acest lucru poate fi atat o binecuvantare cat si un blestem. Mi se pare foarte misto sa te joci de-a turistul ( un fel voalat si modern de a face pe prostul 🙂 ), sa te imbraci fistichiu pentru ca ..de, nu te cunoaste nici dracu’ sau chiar sa ai un comportament exuberanto – colorat (in cel mai cuminte sens al cuvintelor 🙂 ). Dar exista reversul medaliei, caci esti dependent de navigatie, daca te imbolnavesti cumva…Dumnezeu cu mila! iar toate “exuberantele” tale pot deveni ceva trist, chiar macabru, in lipsa unui grup de prieteni. Cand aveam 20 de ani, acest lucru nu constituia o problema..o singura seara in club si a doua zi aveam gasca deja… La aproape 40 de ani insa, a gasi oameni care sa rezoneze la toate nebuniile, trairile, tabieturile si “exuberantele” tale este extrem de greu.
Apare totusi momentul, de multe ori inevitabil, cand, in acest oras nou, situatie noua, viata noua, ti se da sansa de a cunoaste oameni. Probabil tocmai v-ati gasit un job si in spiritul europeano-americano-pontic de secol 21, ati primit o invitatie la un “team building” de vis, cu cina, bauturi si muzica buna la un pub elegant si foarte cunoascut din oras. Problema: “cu ce (inlocuiti cu ce cuvant preferati) sa ma imbrac?????” 🙂
Sunt pe cale sa ma aflu personal intr-o asemenea situatie. Din fericire pentru mine, in scurtul timp de cand am devenit timisoreanca, am cunoscut ceva oameni de ajutor si nadejde la acest capitol. Unul dintre ei este designer-ul vestimentar Mihaela Motisan , care facuse pentru mine in urma cu ceva timp, o haina versatila, foarte eleganta, clasica, dar care are din belsug factorul “ish” pe care il consider vital si pe care il caut in absolut orice aspect al vietii mele. 🙂 Nu am purtat-o niciodata, dar simt ca timpul ei a venit. Pardesiul ce devine o rochie extrem de sexy, poate fi comandat in atelier, la un pret accesibil, ce difera in functie de materialul pe care il alegeti. Eu am ales o stofa finuta, de cea mai buna calitate, in culori de toamna si ma bucur foarte tare ca tipul acesta de print a revenit pe podium-uri. Mihaela stie cum sa mixeze haina cu personalitatea clientului, asa ca este posibil ca rochia dumneavoastra sa arate diferit de a „mea”, dar tot excelent! Credeti-ma, o vizita la Mihaela merita toti banii! 🙂 . Primavara pare inca destul de departe, motiv pentru care, o pereche de cizme peste genunchi sunt potrivite atat din punct de vedere vizual, cat si al comfortului, nu doar termic… 🙂 Ale mele sunt de la H&M Studio colectia 2014 si au costat 200 euro, cred ca cei mai bine investiti „200” din ultimii 10 ani! Gasiti asemanatoare aici.
Voi purta o palarie! Clar! Singura mea porecla in viata asta este „Ana palarie”… nu pot sa dezamagesc. Este o palarie cumparata de mult de la C&A. Simt nevoia sa compensez cu ceva, volumetria din partea de jos a rochiei. Am crezut mereu ca manusile de piele sunt accesorii extrem de sexy. In varianta XXL, devin un adevarat „statement”. Este aria de expertiza a unui alt nou prieten timisorean, John Wayne hand clothing. Este un tip simpatic, flexibil si promt. Aceste accesorii pot parea „de moda veche”, dar alaturi de rochie, se poate spune ca primesc un update. Imi arunc pe umeri gulerul de blana primit de la mamica mea, o pereche de ciorapi „neortodoxi” impreuna cu un body de dantela – poate ii fac o vizita sotului la birou dupa eveniment, sa ii provoc un atac de cord 🙂 – si am plecat!
Cand ajungeti la pub, as sugera sa stati la bar o perioada, mai ales daca nu sunteti genul ce socializeaza usor. Bauturile sunt la indemana, nimeni nu le numara 🙂 , iar zambetele si complimentele barbanului cel simpatic, fac minuni cu increderea dumneavoastra. Stati linistita, aratati minunat! De asemenea, aveti ocazia sa salutati pe toata lumea, sa vorbiti cu oricine vine in proximitate, dar sa pastrati distanta necesara pentru „studiu”. Daca nu doriti sa pareti o persoana prea serioasa, ceea ce e minunat ca si nou angajat dar reprezinta sinucidere sociala, stati picior peste picior, ridicati paharul catre o persoana, un grup sau chiar catre noul sef si toastati. Asta ar trebui sa sparga gheata, zic… 🙂
Glumiti putin, radeti putin, priviti oamenii in ochi si strangeti puternic mainile intinse spre dumneavoastra. E o reteta buna pentru ca noul loc de munca sa devina un nou „acasa”.
Am descris o situatie in care fiecare dintre noi se va afla cel putin o data in viata. Evident, eu sunt leoaica si fac lucrurile putin diferit 🙂 . Daca v-a placut tinuta, daca ati rezonat cu povestea, daca ati zambit macar putin, sau ati considerat sfaturile cat decat utile, inseamna ca scopul a fost atins. 🙂
Pozele sunt facute de tatal meu, in singura zi cu putin soare din ultima saptamana. O doamna a dorit sa-mi cumpere recuzita, respectiv: scaunul de bar in stil Chesterfield si cuierul de pe vremea bunicii. Asta a fost partea funny a shooting-ului, daca il putem numi asa. 😉
I am New în town. It feels like both a blessing and a curse. It’s nice to be able to play „tourist” a little (inocent way of playing stupid 🙂 ), to dress crazy (cause nobody knows you), to act a little crazy too (in the nicest way possible ). But there is the fact that you depend on navi, if you get sick ….God help! and the worst is the risk that, all your eccentricities become sad or even macabre, without the friend’s audience. When at 20, this should’t be a problem but at my age, it is not easy to connect with similar souls.
And in this new town, new situation, new life, at one point, you find yourself a new job,one that can solve all your problems, both financial and social. A normal american – european – 21st century situation is that, at one point, you receive an invitation to a „team building” event : light dinner, drinks, all your coleagues plus your boss, a nice lounge pub, private, great music, nice bartenders, comfy armchairs, kind of place. Problem? “What (fill with your personal one 😉 ) should I wear??!!”
I am about to be in a situation just like this. Luckily for me, I did make some friends in Timișoara. One of them is Mihaela Motisan, a very well known local fashion designer. And Mihaela made me, almost a year ago, something classy, super elegant but also very „ish” . I never weared it, but it’s time has arrived! The overcoat that becomes a very sexy dress, can be found at a very friendly cost, depending on the matherial you choose, at Mihaela’s studio. I have chosen I very soft cloth in autumn colours, and I am very pleased I see this pattern on the runways again. Mihaela knows how to mix the clothes with the client’s personality, so your dress may be different from „mine”, but still gorgeous. She has tons of fashion ideas I invite you to discover for yourselves. Spring doesn’t show outside, so a sexy pair of over knee boots do the trick both visual and comfort wise. I bought those from H&M Studio for 200 euro 2 years ago, best 200 I ever invested! You can find similar here.
I will wear a hat – the only nickname I ever had is „Ana the hat”, so I must not disappoint – because I feel the need to compensate the big volume of the lower part of my dress. Some nice XXL gloves can really change the whole outfit, and I find them very sexy too. In this area, I have help from another new friend I made in Timisoara: John Wayne hand clothing, a super cool guy, prompt and flexible. Accessories may seem a little oldfashioned, but applied to this cool dress, they suffer an update. I will add the fur I received as a present from my mom, some very „unorthodox” tights and lace body lingerie (maybe I will surprize my husband at his office afterwards and give him a heart attac ).. and of I go! 🙂
Arriving at the pub, I would suggest sitting at the bar for a while. The drinks are at hand and nobody counts them, the very nice bartender can loosen up your emotions with his smiles and compliments. Because you do look awesome! If you are not a very communicative person, at least not from the very beginning, sitting at the bar allows you to greet everyone, talk to everyone near you and also keep that distance you need for „study”. Plus, anyone can see you and study you too. And if you do not want to leave an „up tight” and serious image about myself, that can be very helpful workrelated, but can turn into a social suicide, you can cross the legs, smile in the corner of your lips and rise your glass to someone, to a group of someone’s or even to your new boss… showing a little boldness… that should break the ice.. 🙂
Joke a little, talk a little, laugh a little, always look people in the eyes and grab with power the hands given to you. The work place will become your new home.
I just described a possible situation we all find ourselves at one point. Of course, I am a Leo and I do things a little different… 🙂 If you resonate with anything I described, if you like my outfit or the way I handle myself around new situations, if you smiled a little, than my job here is done. 🙂
The pictures were taken in the only sunny day in one entire week, and my father was behind the camera. A lady on the street offered to buy my props: the Chesterfield barstool and the oldfashioned hallstand. This was the funny part of the shooting, if I may call to it so… 😉