
Tribule stilat, tin sa te anunt ca se poarta pantalonii in carouri! Partea misto este ca atunci cand am facut aceste poze, habar n-am avut.. Cred ca am ajuns sa „adulmec” tendintele precum Ajax (cainele meu) adulmeca oasele aruncate de copii pe fereastra (fara stirea mea, evident! 🙂 ). Incerc un usor sentiment de mandrie: nu sunt doar frumoasa… 🙂 😛

Da, ieri am cumparat ultimul numar din Elle Romania, revista pentru care am un sentiment de indubitabil respect. Motivele? Doua: Margescu si Munteanu. Dublul M. Le consum editorialele precum un dependent savureaza un cui inainte de culcare… ca sa doarma mai bine. Asa si eu. Ca sa vad mai bine… infinitele posibilitati din dulapurile mele. M-am intins cu hainele in mai multe camere ale casei, iar acest aspect ma streseaza maxim! Iar stresul acesta nu este din acela „constructiv”, nu…. Este un stres realmente stresant. 😉
Partea buna este ca ma face sa scot saptamanal cate o punga cu haine bune pe care o pun impreuna cu o nota „umoristica” in fata portii, in speranta ca o persoana care are mult mai multa nevoie de ea decat mine o va gasi. Dispare in maxim 30 de minute. 🙂
Vorbeam de dublul M, insa. Urmariti-i pe instagram, dragile mele! Revista apare lunar, dar ei au postari zilnice si va garantez ca sunt doar chestinuni inspirationale.
Rasfoind pagina dupa pagina, sorbind si facand „print screen” atat in constient cat si in subconstient, am dat de rubrica „Shopping”, unde la capitolul „Grafisme”, ni se propun pantalonii in carouri. A se purta cu hanorace si botine cu toc. 🙂 Interesant, primul styling al acestei tinute a avut in componenta un hanorac kaki de la Zara, la care am renuntat in ultima clipa datorita temperaturilor negative de afara. Dar da, in mod natural, un hanorac s-ar alinia minunat la o asemenea pereche de pantaloni.

Iata varianta cu hanorac… si cu doua sepci pe cap! 😉
Dar parca asa e mai bine… 😛

Vad ca bagarea mainii in buzunar este o recurenta a pozelor mele… Trebuie sa fac ceva in directia aceasta. 😛
Probabil va intrebati de unde am pantalonii. Ei, de unde… De la Textile House, si au costat 2 lei. 😮 Sunt din lana, par noi (nici o decolorare, nici o gaurica produsa de molii sau de timp) si imi vin ca turnati. Varianta identica prezentata in Elle costa 238 Euro… I mean… this is what I do!!! 🙂 Intre noi fie vorba, daca doriti o pereche de pantaloni in carouri de calitate, croiti impecabil, timeless, probabil ar fi cazul sa luati a pas toate SH-urile din oras. Zic si eu… 😛 Va pup tare si apasat, dragilor!


People,the plaid pants are very fashionable these days! The cool part is that when I took these pictures, I had basically no idea. I think I have come to a point where I can „sniff” the tendencies like Ajax (my dog) is sniffing the bones thrown by the children out the window (without my notice, obviously 🙂 ) . I try a slight feeling of pride: I’m not just beautiful … 🙂 😛

Yesterday I bought the last Elle Romania issue, the magazine for which I have a total sense of unquestionable respect. The reasons? Two: Margescu and Munteanu. The Double M. I consume their editorials like an addict enjoys a joint before bedtime … to sleep better. Me too. I consume them in order to see better … the endless possibilities in my closets. I stretched my clothes in several rooms of the house, and this is a great stress! And this stress is not that of „positive outcome”, no … It is really stressful stress. 😉
Weekly I take out a bag of good clothes and put it together with a „humorous” note in front of my gate, hoping that a person who needs it much more than I do, will find it. It disappears within 30 minutes. 🙂
I was talking about the double M, though… Follow them on Instagram, dear ones! The magazine appears monthly, but they have daily posts and I guarantee that they are all inspirational material.
By browsing page by page, sorbing and making  „print screens” in both my conscious and subconscious, I came to the  „Shopping” section, where in the „Grafisme” chapter, we find the dear plaid pants. To be worn with hoodies and high heeled boots 🙂 . Interestingly, the first styling of this outfit had a khaki hoodie from Zara, which I gave up at the last moment due to negative temperatures. But yes, naturally, a hoodie would greatly align with such a pair of pants.

See? Here is the hoodie and the double cap situation… Hilarious!
This version looks a bit better, not? 😛

I see that putting my hand in my pocket is a recurrence in those pictures … I have to do something in this direction.  😛
You probably wonder where I got my pants from. Well… From Textile House (a well known SH Store in my town), and they costed 50 cent. 😮 They’re from wool, they look almost new (no fading, no holes produced by moths or time) and they were made for my figure. The identical version presented in Elle Magazine costs 238 Euros … I mean … this is what I do !!! 🙂 Let me give you a hint, if you want a pair of quality pants, impeccably worked, timeless, you should probably take all the SHs in your town by foot. I’m just saying… 🙂 And when you find them, wear them to the biggest puffer you have.. for the double p effect: plaid and puffers. 🙂 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I was wearing

Zara puffer and hat from two years ago

Jack Russel pullover from TKMaxx Germany

Textile House plaid pants

Mulberry bag

Adidas sunglasses

vintage boots

Photos by HD Photography