Intr-un final, am internet acasa! Mai, cum sa va zic… este greu cu toate serviciile acestea, atunci cand iti muti domiciliul. Mi-au cerut practic si copie dupa ultimele analize, sa fie siguri ca nu dau ortu’ popii in urmatoarea perioada. Iar interminabilele convorbiri telefonice… in sensul ca jumatate de ora te termina psihic robotul ala care zice „va rugam sa nu inchideti, pentru a va pastra prioritatea in preluarea apelului”… pentru ca mai apoi, in 3 minute maxim, sa termini convorbirea cu operatorul, convorbire care trebuie reluata a doua zi insa, pentru ca, desi termenul de solutionare suna initial de-a dreptul idilic: „in maxim 12 ore veti fi cautata de o echipa de-a noastra…”, nu se intampla nimic nici dupa 5-6 zile…
Dar, sa nu mai fiu rea cu tarisoara mea cea draga. Pana la urma, am locuit in Germania destul timp cat sa fac comparatii, si… nici acolo nu e cu mult mai ok. Stiti ca, pentru a-ti face o programare la un CT sau la o colonoscopie, trebuie sa suni cu 2-3 luni inainte? Nu exagerez cu absolut nimic. Singurul caz in care ti le poti face pe loc, este acela in care esti pe moarte… internat in spital. Avand aceste lucuri in minte, o sa incerc sa-i pasuiesc pe baietii de la UPC. Hai Romania!
A venit toamna. Am inceput sa ne invelim in mai multe straturi de haine, desi… temperatura orelor pranzului este incredibil de similara cu cea de vara. Eu am ales pentru astazi o combinatie de blocuri de culoare, realizand asa numitul „color blocking”, atat de uzitat in mediile online. Se poarta rosul si se poarta gecile supradimesionate, deci sunt „pe trend”. 😛 „Knit-ul”- respectiv pantalonii si pantofii (imi cer scuze pentru atatea cuvinte imprumutate din engleza, dar imi e mult mai usor sa ma fac inteleasa utilizandu-le asa cum toata lumea le cunoaste), va fi la moda an dupa an, caci este materialul cel mai agreat in anotimpurile intermediare. Zara are o colectie denumita chiar „Knitwear”, Stefanel-ul este renumit exact pentru acest tip de material, si culmea… nu se demodeaza niciodata.
Uitandu-ma retrospectiv la tinutele pe care le-am propus in acest blog, nu pot sa nu observ o evolutie. Am capatat curaj, am inceput sa „vad” mai usor anumite combinatii, sunt deschisa la a incerca styling-uri la care acum cativa ani nu numai ca nu visam, dar pe care, in primul rand, NU le apreciam… considerandu-le „topenii”, a.k.a kitsch.
Prin urmare, am decis sa-mi incerc norocul la competitia Duelul stilistilor organizata de revista Elle. Nu am absolut nimic de pierdut, ba chiar, febra obtinerii unor poze competitive, ma face sa trec mult dincolo de zona mea de confort. Evoluez. O sa va tin la curent cu tot ce se intampla. 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!
Finally, I have internet service at home! I have to say … it’s hard with all these services, when you move to a new home. They almost asked for a copy of my latest blood tests, to make sure I will not die in the next period. And the endless phone conversations … in the sense that half an hour your are psychicall tortured by that robot saying „Please do not hang up, in order keep your call priority” … and then in 3 minutes maximum, you are done discuting with the operator, but this discussion should be resumed the next day, because although the settlement terms sounds idyllically initially: „in maximum 12 hours you will be contacted by a team of ours …”, nothing actually happens for 5-6 days, though …
But I shouldn’t be so hursh with my sweet country. After all, I lived in Germany for a long time to make comparisons, and … there, it is not much better. Do you know that in order to schedule a CT or a colonoscopy, you have to call 2-3 months in advance? I’m not exaggerating with absolutely nothing. The only thing they do „on spot” is the check up when you’re hospitalised. Keeping these things in mind, I’ll try not to say anyhing about the cable services… Love you, Romania!
Autumn has came. We began to cover ourselves in several layers of clothes, although … the temperature at the lunch hours is incredibly similar to the one in summertime. I chose for today a combination of color blocks, realizing the so-called „color blocking”, so used in the online environments. The color red and the oversized jackets are very trendy. 😛 „Knit” will be always fashionable, because it is the most popular material in the intermediate seasons. Zara has a collection called „Knitwear”, Stefanel is famous for this type of material, and … it will never oldfashioned.
Looking back at the outfits that I have proposed on this blog, I can not, not notice an evolution. I found my courage, I started to „see” some combinations easier, I’m open to trying out styles that I never dreamed about wearing a few years ago, even some that I never even apreciated, considering them all bad kitsch.
So I decided to try my luck at the Duel of Stylists organized by Elle Magazine. I have absolutely nothing to lose, and even the fever of getting competitive pictures makes me go far beyond my comfort zone. This is called evolution. I’ll keep you up to date with everything that’s going on. 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Zara pants and shoes
Gil Bret jacket
vintage Puma bag
Meli Melo hat
Photo courtesy Handra Diana