Stiti de ce m-am mutat in Timisoara? Daca veti iesi la plimbare pe strazile din centru orasului va veti da seama singuri, iar intrebarea va capata un iz retoric. Va zic asta din pozitia constantencei care a renuntat la un oras mirific situat la mal de mare, pentru unul de campie, dogoritor, plin de praf si galagios. Da, stiu, Constanta este la randul sau un oras galagios… dar fix jumatate de an, caci in cealalta jumatate hiberneaza. La Constanta insa, nu gasesti arta urbana atat de bine implementata si integrata. Nu gasesti expozitii de pictura „in aer liber”, nu vezi piese de teatru in piata Ovidius (cred ca este singura din oras, care ar suporta asemenea manifestari artistice) decat o data sau de doua ori pe an, nu vezi artisti de strada personificand statui, trubaduri, sau personaje medievale, asa cum intalnesti saptamana de saptamana, sau chiar zi de zi in Timisoara, fie vara, fie vant, fie crengi la pamant (din nefericire, la propiu… 🙁 ). Lasand la o parte acest ultim aspect, care tine de forta dezlantuita a naturii in fata careia toti suntem neputinciosi, Timisoare este un oras numa’ bun de crescut copii! Daca ai ochi sa vezi si urechi sa auzi, orasul acesta este ca o biblioteca de carti asteptande a fi rasfoite.
Nu stiu daca inainte de castigarea titlului de Capitala culturala europeana 2021, orasul asta era tot asa. Asta puteti sa-mi ziceti voi, timisorenii sadea. 🙂 Eu nu pot decat sa ma bucur, alaturi de alte milioane de oameni (am bagat si turistii pe cativa ani aici 😛 ) de toata invazia asta culturala care te inconjoara, te mana, te aduna si te obliga la o reactie, indiferent de tipul aceasteia. Si nu ma refer aici doar la evenimentele de weekend, la concerte, sau la expozitii, ci ma refer in egala masura si la micii artisti care performeaza zi de zi la cate un colt de cladire, sau in vreo piata, care fac ca strazile sa rasune a Phoenix, Pasarea Colibri, Celelalte cuvinte, White Snake, Deep Purple, etc… la fotografii „de strada” omniprezenti, ce misuna pe stradute si surprind mult mai mult decat simple imagini colorate, la pictorii care isi expun tablourile in gura vreunui gang, sau la micile boutique-uri ce-si scot la usa manechine imbracate in creatii chic, colorate, vaporoase, ce prind viata in bataia vantului. Aceasta este Timisoara de astazi. 🙂
Festivalul Artelor Timisorene se desfasoara pe strazile centrului in acest moment, se tot desfasoara din data de 4… iar maine este ultima zi. Cu siguranta v-ati lovit deja de el, deci stiti despre ce vorbesc. Eu il voi reintalni maine seara pe la 18.30 (daca nu cumva ploua! 🙁 ), cand in Piata Unirii are loc o prezentare de moda inedita, sustinuta de organizatorii OFF – Opera Fashion Fair. Abia astept! Practicantii de magie si alte arte oculte, dati cu ceva vorbe sa se sparga norii, va rog! 🙂
Despre tinuta pe care o port in aceste poze am doua cuvinte: Chino si cosy. „Chino” pentru ca asa se numeste combinatia dintre materialul acestei fuste si croiul ei (este mai cunoscut in cazul pantalonilor barbatesti, maerialul se numeste in engleza twill), iar „cosy” pentru ca este una dintre cele mai comode tinute de vara in care ma poate vedea lumea prin oras. 🙂 Topul are acele bretele „built in”, dar puteti obtine acelasi efect cu niste bretele cumparate separat. Bretelele mi se par niste accesorii foarte sexy la o femeie, caci produc „ceva” interesant in zona bustului. 😛
Acestea fiind spuse, va invit la „biblioteca” ambulanta de pe strazile centrului, caci are cate o carte pentru fiecare gust. Va pup tare si apasat!
Do you know why I moved to Timisoara? If you go out on the downtown streets, you will realize it yourself and the question will become rhetoric. I am saying that from the position of the girl from Constanta, who gave up a marvelous seaside town, for a plain city, hot, dusty and loud. Yeah, I know, Constanta is also a loud city … but half a year, for the other half it is hibernating. In Constanta, however, you do not find urban art so well implemented and integrated. You do not find outdoor paintings, do not see theater plays in the Ovidius market (I think it’s the only one in town that would support such artistic performances) more than once or twice a year, you do not see street artists personifying statues, troubadours, or medieval characters, as you meet weekly, or on a day by day basis in Timisoara, whether it’s hot, or windy, or even stormy outside (unfortunately, strong storms are a reality in this town … 🙁 ). Aside this last aspect of the unleashed force of the nature, in front of which we are all helpless, Timisoara is a city ‘good to rise children’ in! If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, this city is like a book library waiting to be browsed.
I do not know if before earning the title of European Cultural Capital 2021, this city was like this. That’s what you can tell me, the real Timisoara inhabitants. 🙂 I can only enjoy, along with other millions of people (I have put the tourists visiting a few years here 😛 ) of all this cultural invasion that surrounds us, takes us away, gathers us and forces us to a reaction, indifferent of the type of it. And I’m not referring here only to weekend events, concerts, or exhibitions, but equally to small artists who perform day by day at a corner of a building or in a marketplace, the ones that make the streets hear Phoenix, The Colibri Bird, The Other Words (all of those are romanian rock bands) White Snake, Deep Purple, etc … the „street photographers” you can see everywhere and capture much more than simple colorful pictures, the painters who exhibit their paintings at the entrances of some gangs, or the little boutiques that put in front of their door mannequins dressed in chic, colorful, vaporous creations,that catch life in the beating of the wind. This is Timisoara today. 🙂
The Timisoara’s Arts Festival takes place on the streets of the center at this moment, is still running since the 4th… and tomorrow is the last day of it. Surely you’ve already meet „him”, so you know what I’m talking about. I will return to „him” tomorrow evening at 6.30 pm (if it does not rain!), when a unique fashion show, made by the organizers of OFF – Opera Fashion Fair, takes place in Unirii Square. All of you practicing magic, make an incantation to break the clouds, please! 🙂
About the outfit I am wearing in these pictures, I have two words: Chino and cozy. „Chino” because that is how the combination of the material of this cut is called (it is best known for men’s trousers, the material is called in english twill) and „cozy” because it is one of the most comfortable summer outfits in which I can see be seen through the town. 🙂 The top has those „built in” straps, but you can get the same effect with some straps bought separately. Straps look very sexy on a woman, because they produce something „interesting” in the bust area. 😛
Having said that, I invite you to the „library” on the streets of the center, because it has one book for each taste. Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Weekend by Max Mara skirt
Twenty Three top
Castaner shoes
Stradivarius hat
Sinsay sunglasses
Photos by Handra Diana