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Triple me, intr-un amalgam de Matrix, Hitman si Men in Black, toate in ambalaj de „Cosa Nostra”. 🙂
Visand la o cafea aburinda 😛
Pe podium 😉
Limbaj nonverbal.

Nu stiu cum isi incep altii diminetile de weekend, dar eu, incercand sa profit la maxim de libertatea Dianei 😉 , am devenit enervant de matinala (il citez acum pe fiul cel mare, care doarme iepureste, deci imi aude orice miscare… bietul!). Exista avantaje de natagaduit ale trezirii dis de dimineata: in primul rand, ajungi repede „departe” pentru ca nu e trafic 😛 ; gasesti loc de parcare oriunde ai treaba, ba chiar poti sa-ti alegi unul cat mai umbrit 🙂 ; poti admira cu adevarat frumusetea orasul chiar si din spatele volanului, caci nu trebuie sa stai cu atentia distribuita catre vecinii de trafic, nervosi, grabiti sau frustrati. Mi se par destule motive pentru a-mi incepe weekendul de la ore „imposibile”. Bine, mai exista varianta de a-mi incheia noaptea la acele ore… avantajele fiind identice! 🙂 😛 Aud chemarea cluburilor „de vara”… Tine-ma Doamne!! 🙂

Am vrut sa dedic acest articol unui element vestimentar ce-mi domina garderoba de vara: rochiile din in. Am multe… pentru ca se gasesc in orice magazin second hand sau outlet si cred ca se poarta dintotdeauna. In marea lor majoritate, sunt croite dupa modele de rochii clasice, foarte elegante, in genul celor purtate de Jackie Kennedy. Am cateva cu decolteu tip barcuta, dreptunghi sau „acolada”, lungi pana la genunchi sau chiar mai scurte, cu „randez-vous” la spate sau lateral, in culori pale sau mai indraznete, potivite cam pentru orice ocazie. Si sunt minunat de comode! Cea pe care o port astazi este perfecta pentru seri racoroase de vara. Stiu ca nu pare a fi in, datorita finisajului cauciucat care s-a aplicat acestuia. Pare a fi denim. Umblu cu cioara vopsita 😉 🙂 .

Rochia din in, cu aspect de denim. 🙂

Aceasta tinuta imi aminteste de cel putin cinci filme, trei politiste si doua SF, vizionate in ultimele cateva luni. 🙂 Sa stiti ca de cand sunt constant invitata, in calitate de blogger, de catre Cinema City Romania la avanpremiere de filme, am devenit mare cinefila. Nu ca n-as fi fost si inainte, dar preferam comediile romantice si ecranizarile realizate de catre postul de televiziune BBC, unor romane englezesti clasice, precum Mandrie si prejudecata, Jane Eyre, Tess d’Ubberville, etc. Da… sunt genul „acela” de femeie. 😉 😛
Acum stiu sa gust si filme de aventura, sau pe cele de actiune, chiar si pe cele SF. Nu ma pot obisnui cu filmele horror totusi, dar nici nu caut s-o fac. Sunt foarte usor impresionabila si nu am chef de sechele pe viata. Chiar ieri, fiind 1 iunie, am decis sa-mi duc baietii la un film si am ales Avengers – Infinity War. Asteptam cu nerabdare si Jurassic World – Fallen Kingdom, desi copilul cel mic si-a exprimat temerea ca ar putea fi prea inspaimantator pentru el. 😉 Nu-i nimic, mami rezista! #rezist 🙂

Mai mult decat atat, in cadrul competitiei Super Blog 2017 – editia de toamna , a trebuit sa scriem la un moment dat un scenariu de film despre o invazie extraterestra. Tin minte ca am luat 95 de puncte din 100 si va garantez ca fara aportul zecilor de filme vazute in ultimii doi ani, nu as fi reusit sa imaginez o asa poveste de succes. Banuiesc ca se cuvin multe multumiri celor de la Cinema City, care ma considera un etalon pentru o anumite categorie de public si sper sa nu-i dezamagesc pe viitor! (Aici am plasat un mesaj subliminal… 😉 ). Dupa fiecare avanpremiera, chit ca acestea se termina mereu catre 11 noaptea, vin acasa si stau sa scriu un „review” filmului vizionat, pentru a trezi curiozitatea cititorilor blogului, sau a prietenilor mei de pe Facebook. Este un job si il iau foarte in serios. E felul in care functioneaza lucrurile in zilele noastre si mi se pare o varianta foarte eleganta de colaborare. 🙂 Sa tot vina asa colaborari la mine, zic!! 😛 Va pup tare si apasat!


This picture is on the edge…….. 🙂
Heads up!
I ate glitter for breakfast… 😛

I do not know how others start the weekend mornings, but I, trying to make the most of Diana‘s „freedom” 😉 , I became an annoyingly „early” waker (I now quote my big son, who sleeps like a rabbit, so he hears any movement I make… poor soul!). There are many advantages of waking up early in the morning: first, you get quickly „far away” because there is no traffic 😛 😉 ; You get to find a parking place wherever you go and you can even choose the one more shadowy 🙂 ; you can really admire the beauty of the city even from behind the wheel, because you do not have to stay focused on traffic neighbours, nervous, hurried or frustrated. I find plenty of reasons to start my weekends at „impossible” hours. Okay, there is also the option of ending my night at those hours … the advantages being the same! 🙂 😛 . I can hear the calling of the summer clubs … God, hold me! 🙂

I wanted to dedicate this article to a clothing item that dominates my summer wardrobe: the linen dress. I have a lot of them… because they can be found in any second hand or outlet shop and I think they have been fashionable since forever. Most of them have that classic, very elegant line, like the ones Jackie Kennedy used to wear. I have a few with „bateau”, rectangle or „acolade” necklines, long to the knee or even shorter, with „randez-vous” in the back or on the side, in pale or more daring colors, good for any occasion. And they are also very cosy! The one I wear today is perfect for cool summer evenings. I know it does not seem to be linen, because of the rubber finish that was applied to it. It seems to be denim. „I’m walking around with a painted crow” 😉 🙂 . (Romanian saying.)

Like a wooden statue.

This attire reminds me of at least five movies, three thrillers and two SFs, watched over the past few months. 🙂 Do you know that since I am constantly invited, as a blogger, by Cinema City Romania to film previews, I became great film fun. Not that I was not ine  before, but I prefered romantic comedies and screenings made by the BBC television channel to classical english novels like: Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Tess of the d’Ubbervilles, etc. Yeah … I’m that kind of woman. 😉 😛
Now I enjoy adventure movies also, or action movies, even  SF movies. I can not get used to horror movies,  but I do not even want to do that. I am very impressible and I do not feel like getting permanent fears. Yesterday, June 1st, I decided to take my boys to a movie and I chose Avengers – Infinity War. We are also looking forward to the Jurassic World – Fallen Kingdom, although the younger child was worried that it would be too frightening for him. 😉 It’s okay, Mommy will resist! #rezist 🙂

Moreover, during the Super Blog 2017 competition – the autumn edition, we had to write at some point, a film script about an alien invasion. I remember that I got 95 points out of 100 and I guarantee that without the contribution of the dozens of films seen over the past two years, I would not have been able to imagine such a successful story. I guess I should give many thanks to Cinema City, who finds me as a standard for certain audience and I hope I will not disappoint them in the future! (Here I placed a subliminal message … 😉 ). After every preview, even if it ends around 11 pm, as soon as I get home I write a „review” of the movie I just watched, to awaken the curiosity of the blog readers, or my Facebook friends. It’s a job and I take it very seriously. It is the way things work nowadays and it seems to me a very elegant way of collaboration. 🙂 Let them all this kind of collaborations come to me, I say !! 😛 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I am wearing

 vintage Banana Split linen dress

Stefanel linen shoes

H&M sunglasses (current collection)

Magid Hats from TK Maxx

vintage linen bag

Photos by Handra Diana