
E sezonul trenciului. Chiar este…  iar amalgamul de soare cu ploaie, ne invita practic la a-l purta. Detin 2 bucati trenciuri faine: unul scurt pana la solduri de culoare crem (clasicul trench model Burberry, dar fara sa fie Burberry.. 🙂 ) si cel pe care-l vedeti in postarea de azi, maxi si gri lucios, primit cadou de la mama mea – habar n-am de unde l-a achizitionat, dar sa-i dea Dumnezeu sanatate si putere sa umble dupa oferte prin targuri, magazine si mall-uri, caci buna este la casa omului! 🙂

In mod normal l-as purta ca si rochie, doar cu un body, ciorapi si tocuri… dar ziua de azi m-a inspirat la o alta combinatie: mergeam cu baietii la ziua unei prietene de-a lor (te pupam Anya) – un garden party cu pitici, parinti, animatoare, confetti si tort super bun!!! 😉 Mi-am dorit o tinuta lejera, tinereasca, care sa-mi permita sa ma misc in voie, sa dansez, sa alerg… care in acelasi timp sa nu se materializeze intr-un trening simplu de casa. Nu stiu daca v-ati dat seama deja, dar am un fetis pentru ciorapi inscriptionati, cu model, tip tatuaj (de vreme ce nu detin INCA 🙂 nici un tatuaj, incerc sa „fortez” unul… ) si le gasesc utilitatea aproape in orice tip de tinuta, de la casual, la una sofisticato – haute couture – eleganta. Va asigur ca veti mai vedea asemenea „specimene” prin postarile mele… 🙂

Nestiind la ce sa ma astept la fata locului (poate iarba e uda, poate ne jucam in nisip, poate, poate…) am optat pentru o pereche de botine de cauciuc care imi sunt foarte dragi, si am incheiat marele „styling” cu o rochie foarte scurta din bumbac si niste pantaloni scurti…extrem de scurti…care sa impiedice eventuale accidente 🙂  in timpul activitatilor „sportive” la care sigur voi fi supusa cateva ore bune… 😉 In esenta, mi-a iesit o rocada a outfit-ului clasic al zilelor noastre pentru trenci: tricou inscriptionat – statement si pantaloni simpli/blugi: la mine „pantalonii” sunt statement si top-ul simplu. 🙂

Pe drum catre locul faptei, mi-au cazut ochii pe locomotiva cu aburi expusa spre vizitare in apropierea Garii de Nord din Timisoara si mi-am amintit ca le promisesem baietilor inca de acum un an ca le-o voi arata. Cand m-am imbracat pentru petrecere, nu m-am gandit sa transform acest outfit in „postare” pe blog, dar deh… s-a ivit pasarela metalica pe care am traversat catre locomotiva si hop si inspiratia. 😮

Ii multumesc fiului meu pentru poze, iar pe voi va invit la fel de fel de rocade stilistice! Pup la voi tare si apasat! 🙂


It is the trench coat seazon. Yes it is… and the mix of the daily sun and rain, invites us to wear it plenty. I am the ower of two of such specimens: one short and nude, type Burberry but only Burberry in disguise 🙂 and the one I used in today’s outfit, maxi, gray and chic, a gift from my mom’s … may God keep her healthy and full of energy to continue the quest for „deals” on clothes, because the woman is a force of nature and one important asset to one’s home. 🙂

I normally would wear it like a dress, with a body, tights and heels, but today inspired me to try another combo: me and my boys were going to a birthday party of a friend of theirs ( hello dear Anya, and happy birthday to you!), a garden party with little people 🙂 , parents, entertainer, confetti and a hell of a cake! ;)I wanted a casual outfit, youthful, that would allow me to move freely, to dance, to run … but one which will not materialize in a simple house training.  I don’t know if my secret is out in the open yet, but I have a fetish for tattoo type stockings, the more smear they are, the better they are.. I guess I desperately need a real tattoo and I just fake one every now and than. 🙂 I tend to use stockings like those in any outfit, from a casual one to a sophisticated – haute couture – elegant one. You will see more of those on me for sure!

Not knowing all details ( maybe the grass is wet, maybe we will play in the sand, maybe, maybe…) I choose a pair of  rubberboots I just love, added a simple black cotton dress and a pair of shorts, that will keep me away from „accidents”  🙂 during the garden games… and the outfit was ready to use! Actualy,I pulled up a sah castling of the basic „raincoat outfit” – statement T-Shirt and simple pants/ jeans : I have statement „pants” and a simple top. 🙂

On our way to the designated party, I saw the steam locomotive on display for visitor at „Gara de Nord” Timisoara, and remembered I promised my boys almost a year ago we will see it up close. When I dressed up for this little party, I did not intend to turn this outfit into a blog post … but than, along came the metal bridge and so did inspiration… 😮

 I want to thank my son for the photos, and to you all, I pass the desire to do „fashion sah castlings” every now and than.. 🙂

I am wearing

Mabrun trench coat

Penti stockings from Shopping City Timisoara

Diesel rubber short boots – you can find similar models at https://www.modlet.ro/73-ghete-si-cizme-de-cauciuc