Pozele acestei postari sunt realizate in casa in care am crescut. M-am vrut vedea, eu pe mine, intr-un mediu extrem de familiar. Cred ca am folosit scarile acestea de sute de ori pe post de „runway”, pentru a le cere parintilor mei parerea in legatura cu tinutele pe care le purtam. Am poze de la banchetul de clasa a VIII-a, in exact aceleasi pozitii in care am incercat sa ma pozez acum, asa… ca sa am o comparatie mentala a evolutiei mele. 🙂 Nicaieri nu-i ca la mama acasa…
Tablourile acestea sunt cam de-o varsta cu mine. 🙂 Ele nu au crescut, in schimb si-au schimbat coloritul. Probabil asta mi s-a intamplat si mie…am schimbat spectrul. Simt ca, pozandu-ma, tatal meu vede fetita de 14 ani in varianta ei de femeie: e sigura pe ea, e armonioasa, nu mai are cosuri pe fata si stie care-i sunt atuurile. Mi-as dori sa ma vad prin ochii tatalui meu. 🙂 Mereu ma asemuieste cu Julia Roberts sau cu Lady Diana, iar aceste „perspective” sunt mai mult decat incantatoare. 🙂 Il banuiesc oarecum mandru de ce i-a iesit… 😉 🙂 (realitatea este ca de cand am freza asta… 😮 ) 😉
Trebuia sa fac o tinuta care sa includa o „little black dress”. Este un element vestimentar OBLIGATORIU al garderobei noastre, dragi cititoare! Din punctul meu de vedere, lbd-ul reprezinta tinuta dress-code-ului numit „cocktail”, in varianta ei „absoluta”. Sa stiti ca eu folosesc ghilimele foarte des, nu dintr-o lipsa de vocabular, ci pentru ca al meu creier, da mereu intelesuri si nuante noi cuvintelor… Cine ma cunoaste, stie ca eu asa si vorbesc in viata de zi cu zi… cu „pauze” si multe puncte de suspensie. 🙂 Din acest punct de vedere, limba romana mi se potriveste ca o manusa, caci permite muuuulte ghilimele! 🙂
Revenind la tinuta, nu puteti da gres cu o „little black”. Ornati-o cu accesorii statement, deoarece ea „cere” o asemenea abordare. Daca este o rochie fara maneci, este imperativ sa o purtati cu sandale, NU cu pantofi! Cu cat mai fine, cu atat mai bine. Incercati totusi sa tineti in frau accesorizarea, pentru ca lbd-ul nu este un pom pe care sa punem globuri ca de Craciun. 🙂 In mare voga este sa mixam argintiul cu auriul. Vorba aceea: Be bold and match silver with gold (citat din subsemnata… 😉 ). Cred ca tinuta pe care v-o pezint eu astazi este una extrem de corecta. Nu are nimic iesit din comun, dar exact acest lucru face ca eu, ca tot unitar, sa ies in evidenta intr-un mod extrem de placut. Recunoasteti ca sunt destul de simpatica in tinuta asta, nu? 😉 Pup la voi tare si apasat!
The pictures you will see in this post are made in the house I grew up in. I wanted to see myself, in an extremely familiar environment. I think I used these stairs as „runwas” hundreds of times, asking my parents for an opinion on the outfits I was wearing. I have pictures from my eighth grade banquet in exactly the same positions as I’ve been trying to pose now, so … to have a mental comparison of my evolution. 🙂 There is no place like home …
These paintings are about the same age with me. 🙂 They did not grow in time, instead they changed color. Probably that’s what happened to me too … I changed the „spectrum”. I feel like photographing me, my father sees the 14-year-old girl in her woman version: she’s confident, she’s harmonious, she does not have any pimples on her face, and she knows what her strengths are. I wish I could see myself through my father’s eyes. 🙂 He always said I looked like Julia Roberts or Lady Diana, and these „perspectives” are more than delightful. 🙂 I have a feeling he’s rather proud of what came out of him. 😉 (reality… since I have this hair cut, OMG 😮 ).
I had to make a „little black dress” outfit. It is a MANDATORY item of our wardrobe, dear readers! From my point of view, lbd is the „cocktail” dress-code at its „absolute” version. You must know that I use quotes very often, not from a lack of vocabulary, but because my brain always gives new meaning and nuances to words … Who knows me, knows that it’s the way I speak in everyday life … with „pauses” and many suspension points. 🙂 From this point of view, the romanian language fits me like a glove, because it allows lots and lots of quotation marks! 🙂
Returning to the outfit, you can not do wrong with a „little black”. Garnish it with statement accessories , because she „requires” such an approach! If it’s a sleeveless dress, it’s imperative to wear it with sandals, NOT with peeptoes or classic high heels! The finer they are, the better they go with the dress. Try not to take accessorizing in extremis, because lbd is not a tree on which to put globes on Christmas. 🙂 Mixing silver with gold it’s the „thing” in 2017. „Be bold and match silver with gold” (I quote from myself… 😉 ). I think that this outfit is an extremely correct one. It has nothing special, but that’s the reason why, I stand out in a very pleasant way. Admit it, I’m pretty cute in this outfit, right? 😉 Kiss to your all, loud and pressed!
I am wearing
H&M little black dress from two years ago, this years’s version here , a casual version here and ladylike here
Bijou Brigitte statement nacklace and earrings
Amerino Ghiaia high heel sandals, some beautiful ones here
no name silver&gold clutch (my mom bought it 10 years ago)
Photos by Marian Sarbu and some by my older son 🙂
am vrut sa-ti spun intotdeauna ca semeni cu Julia Roberts ..
De la zambet mi se trage.. 🙂 Multumesc frumos!