
Astazi a fost o zi patronata de o „lene absoluta”. Dimineata am fost la plaja, dar nu m-as fi dus… apoi am fost la shopping, dar as fi stat mai degraba acasa ca sa vad un film… si sunt convinsa ca daca as fi stat acasa, as fi zacut in pat cu telefonul in mana si nu as fi facut nimic altceva. Norocul meu ca pruncii nu imi permit luxul de a-mi fi lene, nici macar in vacanta, cand fiind la bunici, practic „prezenta” mea ar putea fi optionala. Ne-am obisnuit sa facem totul impreuna, noi, cei trei muschetari (cei trei „boschetari” 🙂 , daca e sa-l citez pe fiul cel mic, care nu tine minte cuvantul…), asa ca mami leneveste doar in „interludiile” activitatilor intrate deja in rutina zilnica, cand pruncimea sta la tableta, mananca sau manuieste destoinica telecomanda televizorului. In rest, practic, mi se reproseaza daca stau cu nasul in telefon sau in laptop, nu ca as sta extrem de des, dar exact cand am ceva de facut cu acestea, atunci apar cei doi nazdravani pe langa mine cu diverse doleante si rugaminti, de mi se scurg ideile din glagorie, precum nisipul in clepsidra: incet, dar sigur.. Si nu stiu cum am ajuns aci, ca pornisem la drum cu ceva „lene”… 🙂

Nimeni nu intelege insa ca am nevoie de momentele mele de „repaus”, caci din ele se nasc idei numa’ bune de manuit cu maiestrie ( si multa modestie… 🙂 ) pe acest blog. Spre exemplu, tinuta de azi. Simpla, „scurta” si la obiect. 🙂 Imi place la nebunie aceasta bluzita caroiata din colectia actuala de la H&M. Are un material foarte placut si nu necesita a fi calcata! Super! Doream sa ies in cartier la plimbare, sa admir noile vile aparute ca ciupercile dupa ploaie pe maidanul unde, copil fiind, ma jucam printre maracini, flori de musetel si papadie, ce ascundeau privirii noastre de copii ageri si curiosi, musuroaie impresionante de furnici, vizuini de arici sau de cartite. Nume de cod al tinutei? Papuci. 🙂 Comozi, usori si la moda. In realitate, intreaga tinuta este comoda, usoara si, de ce nu, la moda. 🙂 Cartierul mi-a oferit decorul ideal pentru a o scoate in evidenta, zidurile colorate pe care m-am „proiectat”, o prezinta de fiecare data intr-o alta „lumina”. 🙂 Mie imi place in special efectul obtinut pe roz si verde, deci variantele „tari” ale periplului meu cromatic. In rest, acesta este un tip de tinuta casual ideala pentru seri la mal de mare, cand, obositi fiind de o zi petrecuta pe plaja, ne este lene sa apelam la styling-uri elaborate, ce ar necesita eforturi prea mari, in ideea de a conserva putina energie ramasa pentru nelipsita plimbare de seara. Daca nu aveti pantaloni cu acest tip de croi, merge oricare alta pereche de pantaloni scurti sau 3/4 din denim, in, matase (cum sunt ai mei), cu conditia de a se situa in aceeasi arie cromatica cu restul tinutei – albastru, gri, alb sau negru. Bluza este centrul de interes al tinutei, sa nu uitati asta. 🙂 Per total, imi place ce am facut in aceasta tinuta. 🙂

Astazi plec spre Timisoara. Mor de ciuda ca plec exact cand incepe  Neversea, vedeta acestei veri. De pe balconul parintilor l-as fi auzit  mai bine decat pe plaja, cred… 🙂 Macar se vor bucura copiii mei de spectacol, caci ei, norocosii, mai raman pe la bunici… 😉 Oricum, gandul ca ma intorc la Timisoara imi aduce zambate pe fata. Mi-e dor de Ea… Pup la voi tare si apasat! 🙂


Today was a day patronized by an „absolute laziness.” In the morning I was at the beach but I would not have gone … then I went shopping, but I would have rather stayed at home to see a movie … and I’m convinced that if I would have stayed at home, I would have not done anything else but laying in bed with my phone in my hands. My luck is the fact that the kids do not allow me the luxury of being lazy, not even on vacation when, being at their grandparents, could give me the oportunity to disappear. We are accustomed to doing everything together, „the three musketeers”, so mommy lingers only in the „interludes” of activities from our daily routine, when the kids are playing at their laptop, eating or handling the TV remote. Otherwise, basically, I’m being reproached if I’m on my phone or laptop, not that I’m very often, but exactly when I have something to do with them, then the two little come along with various wishes, and my ideas flow away slowly, but surely. I do not know how I got here, I started off with something about”laziness” … 🙂

Nobody understands that I need my moments of „rest”, because out of them ideas are born, ideas  „good to be mastered” with craftsmanship (and a lot of modesty 🙂 ) on this blog. For example, today’s outfit. Simple, „short” and to the point. 🙂 I love this blouse from the current H & M collection. It has a very pleasant material and does not need to be ironed! Super! I wanted to go out in the neighborhood for a walk, to admire the new villas that appeared like mushrooms after the rain on the rough land where, being a child, I played among thistles, flowers of chamomile and dandelion, that were hiding from our gaze of agile and curious children, impressive ants colonyes, hedgehogs or moles holes. Dress code? Slippers casual. 🙂 Comfortable, light and fashionable. In fact, the whole outfit is comfortable, light and, why not, fashionable. The neighborhood gave me the ideal setting to highlight myself, the colored walls that I posed on, showing diferent versions of me. 🙂 I especially like the effect obtained on pink and green, so the „hard” variants of my chromatic periplus. Otherwise, this is a type of casual outfit ideal for seacoast evenings, when we are tired after spending a whole day on the beach, it does not need elaborate styling that would require too much effort in the idea of conserving the little energy that remained for the evening walk. If you do not have pants with this type of cut, try any other pair of shorts or 3/4 pants made of denim, linen, silk (like mine), being careful not to jump out of the chromatic area, the rest of the outfit provides – blue, gray, white or black. The blouse is the focus of the outfit, do not forget this. 🙂 All in all, I like what I did in this outfit. 🙂

Today I go back to Timisoara. I’m sick of leaving as soon as Neversea begins, the star this summer. From my parents’ balcony I would have heard it better than on the beach, I think … 🙂 At least my children will enjoy the show, for they, lucky little… 😉 , stay with their grandparents a few weeks more …;) Anyway, the return to Timisoara brings smiles to my face. I miss Her … 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

H&M blouse you cand buy here

Mötivi silk pants (from 2 years ago)

Bershka hand bad

Natura slippers from Humanic here

Bijou Brigitte rings and necklace

Photos by Marian Sarbu


She’s for sale! 🙂