
Da, da, da! Argintiul este in mare voga in aceasta toamna si acest fapt ma bucura si fericeste. 🙂 Desi sunt leu, nu mi-a placut niciodata auriul… aurul galben, sau orice varianta „ieftina” a acestuia. Oricum, nu port aur in general, dar daca o fac… aleg tot timpul varianta pe alb. Am cateva piese aurii, dar sunt din categoria „grea” numita: valoare sentimentala, deci… raman! 🙂  Glamour septembrie ne spune ca, in aceasta toamna avem liber la un argintiu in varianta „armura”: stralucire extrema, strasuri, solzi, etc… La pagina 46 gasim o tinuta Chanel in care, peste un palton specific casei, se suprapune o pelerina matlasata argintiu-stralucitoare, care ar putea trece cu succes drept panou solar… 🙂 Va marturisesc ca eu „am murit” cand am vazut manusile fara degete argintii… mi-au dat „fatality” ca in Mortal Combat. Geniale! Si imitabile… 😉

Piese prea stralucitoare nu posed, dar am reusit o combinatie simpatica prin asociere inedita: pantaloni de trening, trench, pantofi stiletto, turban si accesorii. Atatea nuante fade de gri deschis cereau cu disperare o pata de culoare si am ales sa port o poseta mica de un rosu aprins , extrem de lucioasa. Mi s-a parut din film.

De cand a inceput si fiul cel mic scoala, am timp sa mai colind prin oras, prilej cu care, am descoperit numeroase magazinase, „atelierase” si catunuri cu minunate piese vestimentare si accesorii. Multe dintre ele sunt SH-uri, dar acest lucru nu „ma sperie”. Unde mai gasesti tu in ziua de azi clipsuri si brose de calitate la 9 Ron bucata? 😮 Brosa pe care o port pe cap este o asemenea „comoara”. Mai exact, pe strada Aurel Cosma din Piata 700, veti gasi la demisolul unui bloc, un loc incarcat de istorie si istorisiri. Un domn in varsta, extrem de prezentabil, va va purta intr-un periplu stilistic pe intreg mapamondul, caci gasim acolo in egala masura niste India, niste China, niste Franta, niste Italia si multe alte destinatii, una mai exotica decat cealalta. Siragurile de margele (port 3!) sunt din Germania si mai am inca vreo 50 de bucati (le-am cumparat in vremea cand visam la un magazinas al meu si nu am apucat sa le valorific). Cine doreste, sa imi scrie in privat. 🙂 Papornita rosie este noua si imi place la nebunie. Cu siguranta „o sa fac” toamna aceasta „in” ea… 🙂

Deci, haideti sa ne transformam in frumoase armuri pentru cavaleri 😉 si sa aratam fabulos la bratul cavalerului nostru. Va pup tare si apasat, dragile mele castelane! 🙂 😛


Yap! Silver color is „en vogue” this autumn, and this brings me joy and happiness. 🙂 Although I am a lion, I never liked gold … yellow gold, or any „cheap” version of it. Even if I do not wear gold in general, when I have to … I always choose the white gold version. I have some golden pieces, but they’re in the „heavy” category called: sentimental value, so … they stay! 🙂 The Sptember issue of Glamour tells us that this autumn we are free to wear silver in the „armor” version: extreme shine, sequins, scales, etc … On page 46 of the magazine, we find a Chanel outfit in which, over a specific coat of the above named house, it’s overlapped a silver-gleaming quilted cape, that could successfully pass as a solar panel … 🙂 I confess that I „died” when I saw the fingerless silver gloves … they gave me „fatality” like in Mortal Combat. Brilliant! And imitable …;)

Extremely bright pieces of clothing I do not posess, but I managed to make a nice combination by mixing unespectedly: training pants, trench, stiletto shoes, turban and accessories. So many light shades of pale gray desperately demanded a spot of color and I chose to wear a small purse in a bright shade of red.  It seemed to me „from the movie”.

Since both my sons are in school, I have time to walk through the city and in my wandering I discovered many shops, workshops and „dark little places” with wonderful pieces of clothing and accessories. Many of them are SHs, but this does not „scare me”. Where can you find today clips and quality brooches at 9 Ron a piece? 😮 The one that I wear on my turban is such a little „treasure”. More specifically, on Aurel Cosma Street in the proximity of the „700” Square in Timisoara, you will find in the basement of a block, a place full of history and stories. An elderly gentleman, extremely presentable, will „travel” you through a stylistic jouney all over the world, as we find there India, China, France, Italy and many other destinations, one more exotic than the other. The beads (I am wearing 3!) are from Germany and I still have about 50 pieces (I bought them when I was dreaming about my own store and I did not get to capitalize them). Whoever wants one, can write to me in private. 🙂 The red bag is new and I have fallen in love with it.  Surely, I’m gonna „do” this autumn in it … 🙂

So let’s turn ourselves into beautiful „armors” for knights and look fabulously on our knight’s arm. I kiss you all hard and presse, my dear „castle-ladies” 🙂 😛

I am wearing

Mabrun trench, similar here

Fred Perry training pants, similar in shape and color here and a more elegant version here

Baldinini bag, a similar one here

Zara stilettos

Stradivarius turban