
Mi-am dat singura o tema de casa… iar providenta a facut ca, exact in ziua in care mi-a venit aceasta idee, sa gasesc un concurs adresat blog-erilor, in cadrul caruia va „ploua” cu teme date de altii… Urmatoarul articol va fi despre acest subiect, stati pe aproape. 🙂 Dupa cum se vede, inca sunt ancorata in atmosfera de inceput de scoala (nu din punct de vedere vestimentar, insa!), deoarece vad „teme pentru acasa” peste tot… 🙂 Revista Glamour este unul dintre reperele solide si valide al lumii modei si stilului in tara noastra. Eu o colectionez. (Wow… socant! 🙂 ). Ma inspir de foarte multe ori din editorialele prezentate aci, unele chiar ajung sa imi decoreze usile dulapului de haine… asa ca am decis sa fac un mic exercitiu si sa va arat voua cum, in ce fel, in ce mod, ma las inspirata de aceasta bucata „alunecoasa” de tiparitura… 🙂 In numarul din luna septembrie (deja depasit, dupa cum se pare 🙂 ) sunt prezentate la un moment dat trenduri in voga pentru aceasta toamna. Am ales cateva dintre ele, pe acelea care consider ca „vibreaza” la unison cu simtul meu estetic si le voi exemplifica cu ajutorul „filtrelor” varstei, educatiei si experientei care ma definesc. Sa purcedem la exercitiu, zic! 🙂

Primul trend, cu care m-am identificat instant, a fost cel ce ne anunta ca denimul a revenit in aceasta toamna la forma lui initiala, cea din vremurile cand era folosit ca uniforma a muncitorilor in minele de aur. Cu alte cuvinte, cumparam piese din denim albastru inchis, simple, cu aspect de uniforma – probabil cea mai „graitoare” piesa, asa cum ne prezinta si Glamour printr-un look 100% Dior la pagina 35, ar fi o salopeta din denim supradimesionata in zona taliei, sau una in stil baggy. Eu am spicuit din revista si am gandit un look monocromatic, cu punct de interes centrat pe perechea mea preferata de blugi, niste „antici” cumparati de la Zara acum vreo 4 ani… Nu mi-a rezultat un outfit de tip „uniforma”, dar abordarea este cu siguranta una vintage-reinterpretat. Fiecare piesa pe care o port are o poveste, cea mai interesanta fiind cea a  „papucilor”: outlet in Olanda, magazinul Diesel, pret 19 euro (redusi de la 219) … 😮 , marime 41… 🙁 (eu port 39), cumparati oricum in ideea de a fi purtati cu sosetele sotului… 🙂 😛 , ceea ce am si facut!

Turbanul, brosa din tiul cu pene , manecile 3/4 evazate si manusile xxl din piele sunt elemente vintage. Pune-ti o curea in talie direct pe piele sau peste un body transparent din plasa/tiul, poarta sosete barbatesti la o pereche de sandale cu toc  si le-ai adus pe toate cele enumerate anterior in secolul XXI! Artificiul „cureaua pe piele”  este ceva ce am vazut prima data la Alina Ceusan, desi sunt singura ca nu ea a lansat trend-ul… Dar mi se pare foarte cool, conditia ar fi ca vremea sa nu provoace inghetarea organelor abdominale 🙂 , asa cum am simtit eu azi… As mai fi facut poze si pe malul celalalt al Begai, daca nu as fi avut o intalnire de gradul III cu un exhibitionist…care mi-a „scurtat” simtitor cheful de zambete si mi-a impietrit „limbajul” la nivel de „cave-woman”… 😉 I-am urat in cel mai „plastic”, elevat 🙂 mod cu putinta,  sa primeasca in cursul acestei zile, cam tot ce afirma el ca mi-ar face mie… „Mare ti-e gradina Doamne si e nevoie de gradinari”… Va pup tare si apasat!


I gave myself homework … and the providence made me find a contest for bloggers, where it will „rain” with homeworks gave by others… The article after this one will be about this topic, stay close. 🙂 As you can see, I’m still anchored in the start-up atmosphere of school (not from the fashion point of view!), It’s because I see „homework” everywhere … 🙂 Glamour magazine is one of the solids and valids landmarks of the world of fashion and style in our country. I collect it. (Wow … shocking! 🙂 ). I have been inspired many times by the editorials presented in it, some even get to decorate the doors of my closet … so I decided to do a little exercise and show you how and in what way I get myself inspired by this „slippery” piece of print … 🙂 In the September issue (already outdated, as it seems 🙂 ) there are some trends described as being in vogue for this autumn. I chose some of them, those that I think „vibrate” in unison with my aesthetic sense and exemplify them through the „filters” of age, education and experience that define me. Let’s exercise, I say! 🙂

The first trend, with which I instantly identified, was the one that announces that denim is taking a turn back to its original form this autumn, the one used by the gold miners as uniform.  In other words, we buy simple, uniform-looking, dark blue denim pieces – perhaps, the „perfect” piece, as Glamor presents through a 100% Dior look at page 35, would be a denim oversized overall or a baggy-style one. I have picked up some ideas from the magazine and composed a monochromatic look, centered on my favorite pair of jeans, some „ancients” I bought from Zara about four years ago … I did not get a uniform-looking outfit but the approach is definitely a vintage-reinterpreted one. Every piece I have on me has a story, the most interesting being the one of the „slippers”: outlet in Holland, the Diesel store, price 19 euros (reduced from 219) …:o, size 41 … 🙁 ( I wear 39), bought them anyways, because of the idea of ​​being worn with my husband’s socks … 🙂 😛 . Dit that, too!

The turban, the feather and tulle broche, the 3/4 flared sleeves and the xxl leather gloves are vintage items. Put a belt on your waist directly on the skin, or over a transparent veil body, wear men’s socks with a pair of high-heel sandals and you are bringing all of the above listed, in the 21st century! The „leather belt on skin” artistry is something I first saw at Alina Ceusan, although I am sure she did not launch this trend herself … But I find it very cool, as trend! The condition would be, that the weather does not cause the „abdominal” organs to freeze 🙂 , as I felt today … I would have taken pictures on the other side of Bega also, if I did not had a third grade meeting with an exibitionist … who „significantly” shortened my lust for smiling and woken up the „cave-woman in me” language …;) I spoke to him in the most „plastic”, elevated 🙂 way possible and wished him back everything he said he would do to me… „Big is your garden Lord, gardeners needed!” … Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

Zara jeans, similar here

Stradivarius turban

Body here

Sweewe Paris pullover, soon on the „Shop my closet” Facebook post

Hand Clothing gloves