
De cateva zile sunt in Maramures. Pe langa faptul ca mai avem de participat aici la o nunta, chiar in calitate de nasi 🙂 , am vrut sa ne petrecem cateva zile si cu pruncii, care sunt deja de cateva saptamani pe aceste meleaguri. Pentru cine nu ma cunoaste foarte bine, trebuie sa spun ca sotul meu este maramuresean… deci copiii mei au norocul de a avea atat bunici la mare, cat si la munte, iar vacantele lor de vara sunt o adevarata feerie! 🙂 Maramurestul ofera o plaja foarte larga de activitati si puncte de interes. Toata lumea a auzit de Cimitirul Vesel din Sapanta, de complexul monahal de la Barsana, de partia de ski de la Cavnic, de Memorialul Durerii din Sighetu Marmatiei… Dar, inainte de toate, Maramuresul este o zona muntoasa, deci, din punctul meu de vedere, cea mai indicata activitate de familie, sau pentru grupuri de tineri si de mai varstnici de-o potriva, raman drumetiile. Noi am reusit sa facem ieri o scurta drumetie (scurta in sensul ca mersul propriu-zis prin padure a cumulat cam o ora…), desi destinatia s-a aflat la 90 de km de Sighetu Marmatiei: Cascada Cailor de la Borsa. Nu am sa va vorbesc despre istorii legate de aceasta maiastra cadere de apa, gasiti tot ce doriti sa stiti pe la un simplu „search” pe Google… Eu vreau sa va dau cateva detalii legate de calatoria propriu-zisa, din punctul de vedere al mamei cu doi copii … 🙂

  • daca plecati din Sighetu Marmatiei, inarmati-va cu multa rabdare, acadele Prevomit Kids 😉 , eventual ceva pungi… caci drumul are vreo 90 km, este destul de valurit, iar de la Viseu pana la Borsa se lucreaza la reasfaltare si se circula pe alocuri pe un singur sens; sunt portiuni unde trebuie sa aveti mare grija sa nu va rupeti cauciucurile, deoarece se lucreaza si la sistemul de rigole, jumatate din zona carosabila fiind decopertata.  Nu recomand sub nici o forma a parcurge acest drum pe timp de noapte!
  • dupa ce depasiti statiunea Borsa (care este o localitate extrem de lunga si aglomerata 🙂 ) trebuie sa cautati indicatoarele catre complexul de unde se pleaca cu telescaunul. Acest moment este unul din punctele forte ale drumetiei; durata urcarii este de aproximativ 25 de minute, peisajul este fantastic, singurul aspect de luat in considerare: temperatura scade cu peste 10 grade Celsius si bate un vant extrem de puternic. Mamici, sa va imbracati copiii inca de la baza, caci este incomod si chiar periculos, sa faceti asta in timpul deplasarii…
  • odata ajunsi pe platou, aveti o coborare de 1km pana la cascada, marea majoritate a drumului fiind prin padure. Am vazut un cuplu de miri venit la cascada pentru pozele de nunta 🙂 , asa ca, daca o mireasa cu rochie „printesa” a mers pana acolo fara probleme… nu trebuie sa va faceti griji pentru copii.
  • cascada este spectaculoasa, iar daca sunteti echipati cu ghete de munte, puteti escalada pietrele pana catre baza ei… Copiii mei au urcat cu sotul, cu doi prieteni de familie si cu doi catei mici. 🙂 Eu am ramas la baza sa fac poze, in plus, nu am fost niciodata atrasa de alpinism… Exista amenajari de tip foisor si locuri speciale pentru facut gratar. Zona este umbrita complet, deci va trebui sa tineti gecile pe voi… 😉
  • evident, intoarcerea catre telescaun presupune o urcare constanta de peste 1km, iar copiii vor fi obositi dupa zbenguiala de la popasul facut. Asa ca, dragi tatici, fiti pregatiti de actiune, cu siguranta vor avea nevoie de ajutor… 🙂 Telescaunul functioneaza pana la ora 18, asa ca luati-va o rezerva de o ora pentru a fi siguri ca ajungeti inainte de ultima cursa. Daca totusi nu va incadrati, puteti sa mergeti pe jos. Un adult coboara panta in 35-40 de minute (prietenul nostru si cateii au coborat „per-pedes” si au ajuns inaintea noastra 🙂 caci noi am mai lenevit langa o stana de oi, pentru a admira peisajul ), dar va recomand totusi sa prindeti ultimul telescaun. 😉
  • un ultim si foarte important sfat: daca cumva nu ati facut picknik la cascada si veti fi rupti de foame, NU mancati in complex. Incercati sa va indepartati cat mai tare de zona „comerciala”, caci, pe langa faptul ca preturile sunt prea mari, nici marfa nu este de foarte buna calitate. Recomand sa mancati in Borsa sau chiar mai departe de atat… Noi am luat „teapa” si m-am gandit sa va atentionez. 🙂

Sper ca, macar intr-o mica masura, v-am fost de folos. Oricum, daca ajungeti in Maramures si sunteti „cu timpul” la voi, nu ratati aceasta mica drumetie. Face minuni! Va pup tare si apasat.


Since a few days ago I’ve been in Maramures. Aside from the fact that we  have  to participate here at a wedding as god-parents, we wanted to spend a few days with our boys, which have been for a few weeks already in this part of the country. For those who do not know me well, I have to say that my husband is from Maramures… so my children are lucky enough to have grandparents living at both sea and mountains, so their summer holidays are real fairytales! 🙂 MaramureÅŸ offers a very wide range of activities and points of interest. Everyone has heard of the „Merry Cemetery” in Sapanta, the monastic complex in Barsana, the Cavnic Ski Resort, the „Memorialul Durerii” in Sighetu Marmatiei … But first of all, Maramures is a mountain area and from my point of view, the most appropriate family activity for groups of young or  elderly people, remains hiking. We managed to make a short hike yesterday (short in the sense that the actual walk in the forest lasted about an hour …), although the destination was 90 km from Sighetu Marmatiei:  Horses Waterfall from Borsa. I will not talk to you about the history of this waterfall, you will find everything you want to know with a simple Google „search” … I want to give you some details about the actual trip, from a mother with two children point of view … 🙂

  • if you leave from Sighetu Marmatiei, be sure to have arround „patience” 🙂 , some Prevomit Kids and eventually some vomiting-bags … because the road has about 90 km, lots of curves and the portion between Viseu and Borsa is under reconstruction; there are portions where you have to be careful not to break the tires, as the gutter system is also under construction, for this, half of the roadway being scraped off. I do not recommend using this road during night time!
  • after you have passed the Borsa resort (which is a very long and crowded small town 🙂 ) you should look for the signs that will take to the complex where the chairlift is. This moment is the peak of this adventure; the climb takes about 25 minutes, the landscape is fantastic, the only thing to consider: the temperature drops over 10 degrees Celsius and the wind is strong. Mommys, dress your children from the base, because it’s not recommended and even dangerous, to do this while traveling …
  • once you arrive to the plateau, you have a 1 km downhill to the waterfall, most of the way through the forest. I saw a just married couple going to the cascade for wedding pictures 🙂 , so if a bride with a „princess” dress could get there … you do not have to worry about the kids.
  • the waterfall is spectacular, and if you’re equipped with mountain boots, you can climb the rocks up to its base … My kids got there with my husband, two family friends and two little dogs. 🙂 I’ve stayed at the bottom to take pictures, plus I’ve never been found of rock climbing … There are nice wooden tables to sit at and special grill places. The area is completely shaded, so you have to keep your jackets on… 😉
  • obviously, the return to the chairlift requires a constant climb of over 1km, and the children will be tired from all the playing and activities they have lived at the waterfall. So, dear Daddys, be prepared for action, they will definitely need help … 🙂 The chairs run until 18 o’clock, so take an hour time to make sure you get ahead of the last one. If you missed it, you can walk. An adult descends the slope in 35-40 minutes (our friend and the dogs have walked down the hill and got there ahead of us 🙂 ), but I still recommend to catch the last chairlift. 😉
  • a last and very important tip: if you did not make a picknik at the waterfall and you will are starved, do not eat in the complex. Try to go as far as possible from the „commercial” area, because, besides the fact that the prices are too high, the food is not very good. I recommend eating in Borsa or even further so … We’ve been „fooled” and I thought I should warn you about this aspect. 🙂

I hope that, at least to a small extent, you found my advices helpful.  However, if you come to Maramures and you have time, do not miss this little hike. Your soul will rejoice!  Kiss you all loud and pressed!

Pure happiness. Staying on a rock, and having a river flowing right next to you… 🙂