
A inceput sezonul nuntilor. Voi simtiti asta? 🙂 Sunt convinsa ca fiecare ati primit cel putin o invitatie la asa un eveniment, iar daca inca nu s-a intamplat… eu zic sa mergeti sa verificati cutiile postale (inclusiv cele virtuale!) asap! 😉 Poate o sa va par o ciudata, dar mie chiar imi plac nuntile. Motivele? Pai, in primul rand, prilej sa-ti etalezi cele mai stylish tinute; in al doilea rand, prilej sa dansezi pana simti ca iti explodeaza talpile (iar pentru mine, acesta este un lucru extrem de bun!!); in al treilea si nu ultimul rand, prilej sa calatoresti, sa stai la hoteluri faine, sa cunosti oameni si locuri noi. Acestea sunt motive multe si valide pentru a „alege” partea plina a paharului cand vine vorba de dragile evenimente… 🙂 , caci stim prea bine cu totii, „pozitivul” nu poate exista daca nu are un „negativ” cu care sa se compare..  si din proprie experienta, oamenii au tendinta sa vada doar „negativul” in toti si toate.

Prima nunta din aceasta luna m-a dus pe meleaguri iesene. 🙂 Mai fusesem in Iasi prin anul 4 de facultate, atunci cand perioada de practica a constat intr-o excursie obligatorie pe la manastirile importante de pe tot teritoriul tarii noastre, iar data fiind concentratia de lacasuri monahale din zonele Moldovei si Bucovinei, tin minte cu multa placere, ca am avut  parte de dulce grai moldovenesc mai bine de o saptamana…  🙂 Cea mai frumoasa practica din viata mea! Am ragasit orasul aproape neschimbat: oameni frumosi (mai ales femeile! 🙂 ), strazi largi, puzderie de cladiri istorice, dar in acelasi timp, un aspect general cosmopolit si monden. Am stat la hotelul Belleville , un hotel micut de 4 stele, extrem de elegant, probabil o afacere de familie… cu personal simpatic, saritor, camere cu „aer” burgez, finisaje de calitate si preturi competitive. Il recomand cu caldura tuturor celor care cauta o cazare amplasata relativ aproape de centrul istoric al orasului, dar ferita de vacarmul marilor bulevarde. Pozele pe care le veti vedea in aceasta postare sunt facute in salonul de la parterul hotelului, ideal pentru momente de relaxare, introspectie si „dialoguri” cu tine insuti/insati. 🙂

Despre tinuta? Am mers „pe mana” unei rochii vechi de peste 15 ani (eu am multe asemenea piese „antice” in dulap 🙂 ), cu  aspect retro. Va marturisesc ca nu ma dau in vant nici dupa culoare, nici dupa coiala, dar spre deosebire de multe rochii moderne pe care le detin, inecate in paiete si tiul, aceasta piesa „vintage” ma apropie foarte mult de un aspect „fashion” autentic. Imi place la nebunie faptul ca are gluga! Cine mai pune in ziua de azi o gluga la o rochie de ocazie?! Iar „volanul” asimetric din partea de jos este cireasa de pe tort! Initial am crezut ca este o greseala de creatie, dar de-a lungul timpului am realizat ca, de fapt, asa a vrut artistul! 🙂 Am supra-licitat latura „retro” prin siragul de perle si coafura, iar rezultatul final imi place la nebunie! Chic, chic, chic! 🙂 😉 Retro, dar chic! Sandalele au si ele vreo 20 de ani… 🙂 si nu sunt sigura ca au fost cea mai potrivita alegere, dar imi trebuia ceva extrem de finut, minimalist…si am vrut sa nu fiu previzibila si sa port unele negre cu barete, clasice. In plus, mov-ul (purpuriul) si galbenul sunt culori complementare, iar asocierea lor, scoate mereu o tinuta din zona de „previzibil” si o duce in mult ravnita categoria stylish de „fashionable”. 🙂 Cu alte cuvinte, dagile mele fashioniste, mai dati o sansa vechilor voastre rochii, categoria aceea care „tine praful” in dulapurile,  caci „pe vremuri” calitatea era incontestabil mai apreciata, iar cu minore retusuri si accesorizarea corecta, o „batranica” poate sa va scoata cu succes din impas si criza de inspiratie… 🙂 Pup la voi tare si apasat!


The wedding season has started. Do you feel that yet? 🙂 I am convinced that each of you has received at least one invitation to such an event, and if you have not yet received … I say you should check your mailboxes (including virtual ones!) asap! 😉  Maybe it will seem strange to you, but I really like weddings. The reasons? Well, first of all, the opportunity to show off your most stylish outfits; secondly, you can dance until you feel that your soles explode (and for me, this is a great thing !!); thirdly, but not lastly, the occasion to travel, to stay at nice hotels, to meet new people in marvelous new places. These are many and valid reasons to „choose” the full side of the glass when it comes to the dear events … 🙂 , because we all know that the „positive” can not exist if it does not have a „negative” to be compared to … and from my own experience, people tend to see only the „negative” in all and everything.

The first wedding of this month took me to Iasi. 🙂 Last time I came to Iasi i was in my 4th year of university, when the practice period consisted of a compulsory trip to the most important monasteries in our country, and given the concentration of monastic places in the areas of Moldavia and Bucovina, I remember with a lot of pleasure, that we heard the „sweet” moldavian accent for more than a week … 🙂 The most beautiful practice in my life! Years later, the city lies unchanged: beautiful people (especially women! 🙂 ), wide streets, lots of historical buildings, but at the same time a general cosmopolitan and monden look. We stayed at the Belleville Hotel, a 4-star establishment, extremely elegant, probably a family business … with friendly, dedicated staff, burgeoning rooms, quality finishes and competitive prices. I warmly recommend it to all those looking for accommodation near the historic center of the city, but away from the noise of the big boulevards. The photos you will see in this post are made in the lounge on the ground floor of the hotel, ideal for moments of relaxation, introspection and „dialogues” with your own self. 🙂

About the look? I took a „leap of faith” and weared an old dress that I have had for over 15 years (I have many such „antique” pieces in the closet 🙂 ), with a retro look. I must confess that I am not a big fan of the color or cut, but unlike many modern dresses I have, drowned in sequins and tulle, this vintage piece is very close to an authentic „fashion” look . I love the fact that it has a hood! Who puts a hood on an evening dress today ?! And the asymmetric cut from the bottom is the cherry on the cake! Initially I thought it was a mistake, but over time I realized that, in fact, that’s what the artist wanted! 🙂 I’ve over-auctioned the „retro” side with the pearl and hairstyle and I love the final result! Chic, chic, chic! 🙂 😉 Retro, but chic! The sandals are also about 20 years old … 🙂 and I’m not sure they were the best choice, but I needed something very fine, minimalist … and I wanted not to be predictable and wear some classic black ones. In addition, purple and yellow are complementary colors, and their association always pulls out a „predictable” outfit and takes it into the highly acclaimed „fashionable” category. 🙂 In other words, my fashionistas, give  your old dresses a chance, that category of dusted, ready to „go”, over crowding elements  from your closets, because „oldies” imply better quality  and with minor retouching and correct accessory, an „old timer” can successfully resque you from an impasse and an inspirational crisis … 🙂 Kiss you all hard and pressed!

I am wearing

Young Spirit by Steilmann dress. If you add the one here

over a simple midi, spagetti, tube dress in purple color, I think you may be close to achieving the same visual efect.

No name sandals, something similar here

similar perls here