
Tocmai am ajuns acasa dupa primul meu shooting profesional. A fost minunat, dar nu despre asta o sa povestesc in acest post, ci despre prima fiinta care ma intampina la poarta de fiecare data cand revin acasa: Ajax, cainele meu. 🙂 Fiind inca machiata si imbracata frumos, l-am convins pe fiul meu sa ne faca niste poze. Pe Ajax eu nu il pot scoate din curte, pentru ca nu il tin…avem amandoi cate 53 de kg, dar el e forta in stare pura, iar eu sunt gingasa ca un lujer.. 🙂 A fost extrem de suparat (dupa cum se si observa in poze 😛 ) pentru ca i-am pus lesa, el asociind asta cu mersul la medic pentru injectii. Saracul, il intelegeti… 🙂

Ajax este un cane corso de 8 ani si mi l-am dorit cam tot atat de mult pe cat o femeie (ajunsa la varsta potrivita) isi doreste un copil,pe buna dreptate este fiul meu cel mare. 🙂 Singura conditie pe care sotul meu a pus-o cand i-am spus ca vreau un caine, a fost ca, orice rasa ar fi, sa nu il bata pisica vecinilor. 🙂 Cu alte cuvinte, fara catei de „poseta”. Ne-am documentat mult despre rase de caini, in special cele indicate pentru copii, iubitori, paznici de nadejde, devotati 100% familiei apartinatoare si am decis impreuna sa luam un cane corso (sotul a vrut un dog argentino, dar…pfiu…nu imi plac cainii albi, nu sunt fashion… 🙂 ). „Black beauty” este un „scorpion” nascut in Ungaria :). Combinatie exploziva!

A locuit cu noi in casa pana am ramas gravida cu primul baiat, adica doar 5 luni mai tarziu… Imi amintesc de parca s-a intamplat ieri, cum 9 luni de zile m-a umarit pe langa zidul casei, mutandu-se in functie de unde eram eu in casa. Cand deschideam geamul, se suia pe pervaz si imi canta (un urlet simpatic, pe mai multe voci, care se oprea doar daca primea un os mare si frumos cu dedicatie speciala – si trebuia sa il opresc, ca sa nu vocifereze vecinii).

A schimbat tot atatea case cate am schimbat si noi, iar acum e timisorean. 🙂 Il cunoaste deja toata strada, s-a plimbat de cateva ori singurel prin cartier… iar eu in pijama si halat dupa el… 🙂 Imi amintesc o duminica dimineata cetoasa, cand o nefericita de pisica a ramas blocata intr-un visin din curtea noastra. Pana nu am adus o scara si am ajutat-o pe bona copiilor sa urce dupa ea (femeie mai curajoasa ca mine), nu am putut linisti cainele. In alta noapte, m-a trezit in spasme pentru ca se lupta cu niste arici, alta data a rupt un dulap intreg in urmarirea unui soarece, iar acum vreo 4 ani a avut o coliziune frontala cu un microbuz. Acesta din urma a ramas pe loc, cu radiatorul si toata bara din fata sparte, iar Ajax a iesit taras de sub el si si-a continuat goana nebuna dupa un maidanez.. Nu a avut absolu nimic rupt, sau macar vreo vanataie… Uneori am senzatia ca e ca un urs. A mai fost o situatie cand, simtind o femela de pudel (??!!) in zona, m-a tarat pe burta (cat sunt de lunga…)  pana la picioarele stapanei acelei nefericite creaturi… 🙂 Doamne sfinte, ce o fi fost in capul lui??! 🙂

Daca cunoasteti vreo femela de cane corso, Ajax isi cauta o prietena… 🙂 Si vorbesc cat se poate de serios! 😉 Voi aveti un animal de casa? Aveti chef sa-mi povestiti ceva intamplari comice?


I just came home from my first profesional shooting in a studio. It was amazing, but is is not the subject of this post. 🙂 Ajax is. My dog. The first person greeting me at the gate, when I come home. Being with a nice make up and chlotes on, I convinced my 7 years old to take some pictures of us. We are in our yard, because I can not walk Ajax anywhere…we both have 53 kg, but he is pure force.. 🙂 As you can see in the pictures, he is extremely upset because of the leash. The only times I put it on is for visits to te doctor’s… 😛

Ajax is an 8 years old cane corso and I wanted him as a woman wants a child, I do refere to him as my oldest son. 🙂 The only thing my husband demanded when I asked for a dog, was that he wouldn’t be beaten by our neighbour’s cat. So, no „bag” dogs… We studied a lot about different dog breeds, especialy the ones child friendly, loving, completely devoted and dependable ones and we decided on a cane corso (my husband wanted a dog argentino, but…brrr…that  white dog is so anti-fashion!!). „Black beauty” is a scorpio borned in Hungary…explosive cocktail! 🙂

He lived with us till I got pregnant with my first child, which was only 5 months later… I remember as if it happened yesterday, how he followed me around the wall of the house, as I moved from one room to another. When I opened the whindow, he stood in two legs on the window still and sang to me (more a yowl on multiple voice, that stopped only when a big juicy bone was throwne his way – and I had to, because of our neighbours).

He changed as many houses as we did and now is is from Timisoara 🙂 . The whole street knows him, he took some lone walks through the neighbourhood with me in pajamas on his trail.. I remember one fogy Sunday morning, when a little cat climbed to a cherry-tree in our yard.. I had to help the nanny ,far more courageous than me, to climb the tree too and recover the little visitor, because Ajax was barking insanely… Another night I was woken up in spasms because Ajax was fighting some hedgehogs, than he destroyed a whole cupboard in pursuing a little mouse and 4 years ago he had a frontal collision with a bus. The last one remained still with the radiator and front all broken, and my dog crawled from under it and continued his infernal ride for catching a homeless dog…He had nothing broken, not even a skar…sometimes I think he is a bear. There was also this time, when he sensed a female poodle (??!!)in the area and literally dragged me to the feet of the owner. What was he thinking ??! 🙂

If you know any female cane corso, Ajax is looking for a girlfriend… 🙂 And I am dead serious about this! Do you have any pets? Are you in the mood for funny tales? 🙂

I am wearing

Guess tatoo dress bought in Iulius Mall Timisoara

Vintage jeans jacket

Penti stockings from Shopping City Timisoara

John Wayne hand clothing gloves

Musette boots
