
Nu stiu cati dintre voi mai aveti timp sau randare sa priviti arhitectura acestui oras in momentul in care il strabateti (referindu-ma la Timisoara). Oamenii parcurg pietonalul central cu chipurile afundate in lumina albastruie a telefoanelor. Fac si eu asta, deci nu ma voi transforma intr-un lup moralist. Am incercat totusi ca, in ultima perioada, sa rezum actiunea asupra butoanelor telefonului, la strict aceea ce-mi asigura succesul catorva selfie-uri (plus editarea asociata…). Imi place sa-mi documentez programul zilnic pentru pagina de Instagram. Sunt destul de activa acolo, placandu-mi sa ma expun. 🙂 In restul timpului, telefonul ramane linistit in buzunarul gentii. Am timp sa privesc oamenii si cladirile, sa percep energia locului, atat cat imi permite natura pragmatica a firii-mi. Centrul Timisoarei este o cumulare interesanta de momente: unele recurente, personificate de oamenii locului, cei pe care ii vad zilnic in aceleasi locuri, facand exact acelasi lucru… si unele complet inopinate, oferite de cete de turisti zgomotosi, sau de femei si barbati imbracati cu mult gust (defect „profesional” 🙂 ), stand la povesti desupra aburului canilor de vin fiert sau cafea (mai mult cafea, caci eu nu zabovesc dupa orele pranzului). Chiar ii observ, fir-ar! 😛
Prezenta mea in centrul orasului a devenit o constanta, deci fac parte din prima categorie de „momente”. Parcurg de cele mai multe ori aceeasi traiectorie, asa ca lumea ma recunoaste. E si bine si rau. 😉 In acest context, am decis ca fiecare aparitie sa-mi fie una destul de spectaculoasa, in acest fel… constanta-mi capatand aspecte nasteptate. Practic, singurul motiv pentru care merg zilnic in centrul orasului este acela de a-mi lua pruncii de la scoala, mare motiv de „ferchezuiala”… neexistand. Dar eu, pe mine, ma… 🙂

Surprind uneori priviri perplexe din partea parintilor impreuna cu care astept sunetul clopoteilor, atat la cladirea din Unirii cat si la cea din Piata 700, ale liceului Lenau. In mod ciudat, privirile acelea imi fac mult bine: m-am ridicat la inaltimea propriilor pretentii. 🙂
Vreau sa ma refer la faptul ca, nu doar cand ies cu Diana la poze ma imbrac asa cum ati vazut pe acest blog… Aceasta este starea mea naturala. Si sa nu va imaginati ca stau toata ziua in fata oglinzii! Tinuta acestei postari este produsul a 3 minute intense de concentrare. Atat. Stiam ce doresc ca si estetica, am zabovit doar la indentificarea pieselor.

Am o slabiciune pentru combinatia intre negru si albastrul foarte inchis, cunoscut si ca „marin” – sa o numim „blackish”. Rezultatul mi se pare, fara exceptie, o tinuta extrem de rafinata. Ponderea celor doua este o chestiune de sansa, in sensul ca fiecare avem in dulap un numar limitat de variante. Personal, am mereu in vedere ca nuantele de albastru folosite sa fie cat mai apropiate. Probabil, aceasta ar fi „reteta” succesului… alaturi de atitudine. Da, si aceea conteaza… si din fericire, daca nu te nasti cu ea, ti-o poti insusi pe parcurs! 😛 Va pup tare si apasat!


I do not know how many of you have the time or patience to look at the architecture of this city, when you cross it by foot (referring to Timisoara). People walk through the central pedestrian walkways with their faces sinked into the blue light of the phones. I do that, so I will not turn myself into a moralist. I have tried, however, to limit the action on the phone buttons, to the very ones that can ensure the success of some selfies (plus associated editing …). I like to document my daily schedule for the Instagram page. I’m pretty active there and I’m happy to expose myself. 🙂 In the rest of the time, the phone stays quiet (or not) in the pocket of my handbag. I have time to look at people and buildings, to perceive the energy of the place, as much as the pragmatic nature of my personality allows. The Timisoara Center is an exciting accumulation of moments: some recurrent, personified by the locals, the ones that I see daily in the same places, doing exactly the same thing … and some completely unexplored, offered by a crowd of noisy tourists, or by women and men dressed with „good taste” („professional” defect 🙂 ), talking stories above hot wine or mugs or coffee steam (mostly coffee, because I do not stay in town after lunch). I just notice them, you guys! 😛
My downtown presence has become a constant, so I’m part of the first category of „moments.” I travel the same trajectory, so the world recognizes me already. It’s good and bad in the same time. 😉 In this context, I decided that each entry should be quite spectacular, in this way … my constancy will receive an unespected aspect. Practically, the only reason I go downtown is to take my kids out of school, a big reason for „putting up  a show” … doesn’t exist. But me, I am a quite a „show girl” every single day… 🙂
Sometimes I get glimpses from the parents with whom I wait to hear the sound of the recreation bells, both in the Unirii and at the 700th Square buldings of Lenau High School. Strangely, those looks make me feel good: I rose to the height of my own expectations. 🙂
I want to refer to the fact that, not only when I go with Diana to take pictures, I wear the outfits you have seen on this blog … This is my natural state. And do not imagine that I sit all day in front of the mirror! The outfit of this post is the product of 3 minutes of intense concentration.  I knew what aesthetics I wanted, I just got stuck in tracking the right elements.
I have a weakness when it comes to combining black and dark blue, also called navy blue – I will name this nice combination „blackish” 😉 . The result seems to me, without exception, an extremely refined outfit. The share of the two is a matter of chance, in the sense that we each have a limited number of options in the closet. Personally, I always keep in mind that the blue shades used should be as close as possible. Perhaps this would be the „recipe” of success … along with a little bit of attitude. Yes, that counts too… and fortunately, if you are not born with it, you can learn it in time! 😛 Kiss you all loud and pressed!

I was wearing

Stefanel coat

TKMaxx pants

Textile House shoes

Alessandra Bags

Hand Clothing gloves

Roberto Cavalli sunglasses

Stradivarius turban

C&A hat

Photos by the one and only HDPhotography