O superba zi de miercuri, nu-i asa dragii mei? Eu am profitat de ea cum am putut… si nu neg, as fi putut profita putintel mai bine! Deci, va anunt din start, pozele nu sunt stralucite si imi fac mea culpa. Am decis ca e musai sa investesc intr-un trepied. Aveti idee cat de greu este sa gasesti in oras elemente pe care sa-ti amplasezi aparatul foto, la inaltimea optima pentru tinuta? Va jur… fiecare tomberon, fiecare cutie, fiecare piatra, balustrada sau banca, mi-au devenit prietene de nadejde. Sper doar ca este o prietenie… efemera. 🙂
Aceasta postare este despre minunata pereche de „mom jeans”, pe care am descoperit-o „uitata intr-un colt pe etajera” intr-un magazin SH de cartier, in care nici cu gandul nu gandeam ca voi afla altceva decat miros neplacut, pete si vanzatoare plictisite. Gresit! Sa nu judeci niciodata cartea dupa coperta, zice un intelept aforism, pe care in special EU ar trebui sa-l inteleg… Atmosfera calda si la propriu si la figurat, haine de firma, miros de balsam… Bravo!
M-am gandit sa ii port la o tinuta all black, desi, pe ultima suta de metri, am adaugat o esarfa care mi-a „stricat” tot vibe-ul. Vinovata simtindu-ma, pe finalul shooting-ului, l-am rugat pe fiul meu cel mare sa faca cateva poze cu telefonul mobil, unei tinute lipsite de pretioasa de la gat… Le gasiti la finalul articolului. 😉
In esenta, port o bluza transparenta, o blana falsa, niste platforme, o sapca, o geanta XL si o esarfa. Fara accesorii si cu un machiaj „nude” absolut. Eu, in sine, sunt bijuteria! 🙂 Esarfa si bluza provin dintr-o perioada a vietii mele, cand mi-a batut snobismul la usa si l-am primt in casa. A fost o perioada interesanta si ma felicit ca macar, nu m-am avantat pioniereste decat in perioadele de soldare… 😉 Detin cateva piese de brand, pe care le voi roti in tinutele mele si veti ajunge sa le cunoasteti. 😛 Imi sunt foarte dragi, sa fiti sigure de asta! Calitatea este desavarsita, iar timpul le-a facut chiar si mai stylish. Incurajez achizitoionarea lor! Dar,cu masura… si ramaneti in zona de „clasic”.
Confesiunile postarii… sunt legate de brandurile mele preferate.
Pantofii … prefer sa fie Gucci. Este un brand cu care ma inteleg de minune, sunt eleganti, foarte bine lucrati, atemporali.. In aceesi masura, accesoriile Gucci mi se par de vis. Daca nu e Chanel, macar Gucci sa fie… 😉
Pentru haine in general, am o predilectie catre Hugo Boss si Versace. Da, stiu… astea doua se potrivesc intre ele, fix ca nuca in perete. 🙂 Ce sa-i faci, asa simt eu.
Alexander McQueen face niste haine geniale! Le pandesc ca pe hotii de cai si nu le voi refuza nici in varianta re-re-sh… 🙂
Pentru tinute casual, Tommy is the man!! 🙂
Va pup tare si apasat!!
A glorious Wednesday, is it not, dear ones? I took advantage of it as I could … but I don’t deny, I could have taken much better advantage of it! So, I will let you know from the start, the pictures are not brillian.. entirely my fault for that. I decided to invest in a tripod. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find elements in town, at the right hight, in order to self-shoot the outfits? I swear to you … every dumpster, every box, every stone, every balustrade or bench, have become my good friend. I just hope it’s an… ephemeral friendship. 🙂
This post is about the wonderful pair of „mom jeans,” that I found „forgotten in a corner on the shelf” (quote from a romanian song) in a SH in my neighborhood, store where I did not think I was going to find anything but unpleasant odor, stains and bored sellers. Wrong! Do not ever judge the book by the cover, says a witty aphorism, which I should in particular understand … Warm atmosphere, brand clothes, balm smell … Bravo!
I thought of making an „all black” outfit around tose terrific jeans, but at last minute, I added a scarf that „ruined” my whole vibe. Guilty feeling, at the end of the shoot, I asked my big son to take some pictures with my mobile phone, to an outfit lacking „the precious” placed round my neck … You find them at the end of the article. 😉
Essentially, I am wearing a see-through blouse, a fake fur jacket, some platforms, a hat, an XL bag and a scarf. Also, no accessories and an absolutely nude makeup. I am the jewel in my outfit, right? 🙂 The scarf and the blouse come from a period of my life, when snobbism knocked on my door and I let it gladly in. It was an exciting time and I congratulate myself that at least, I did not venture outside the „soldes” intervals … 😉 I own some brand pieces, which I will rotate in my outfits and you will get to know each and every one of them. 😛 They are all very dear to me, be sure of this! Quality is perfect, and time has made them even more stylish. I encourage you to acquire some… But with measure … and stay in the „classic” area.
Here we go with the confessions … and the ones today are related to my favorite brands.
I prefere Gucci shoes. It’s a brand with which I have a great „understanding”, they are elegant, very well worked, timeless. To the same extent, Gucci accessories look like a dream. If it is not Chanel, let it at least be Gucci … 😉
For clothes in general, I have a predilection for Hugo Boss and Versace. Yeah, I know … these two fit „perfectly” together.. 😛 🙂 What to do, that’s how I feel.
Alexander McQueen makes some brilliant clothes! I’m luring them like horse thieves and I will not refuse them either in the re-re-sh form … 🙂
For casual outfits, Tommy is the man !! 🙂
Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
vintage Your Face mom jeans, similar here
Versace top
old Zara fake fur jacket, similar here
Meli Melo cap
Musette boots
Alexandra B. Bag
Alexander McQueen skull scarf