
Ma bucur, alaturi de intreaga suflare romaneasca, de primele semne de primavara de afara. Sunt firave, anemice, dar cu siguranta, prezente. Este momentul cand cojoacele si pufoaicele groase incep sa-si gaseasca loc pe rafturile superioare ale dulapurilor, iar paltoanele frumoase si cochete sa se iteasca de sub straturile groase de haine de pe umerase. Maxi, midi sau mini, paltoanele sunt necesare in orice garderoba de fashionista care se respecta.
Intentionez ca intr-o mini-serie de 2 articole de blog sa va arat variante de stlyling complet diferite pentru acest palton maxi de la Bon Prix, achizitionat prin programul #bonprixbloggers.

Tema prezentului articol este: cum putem obtine o tinuta casual-eleganta folosind o haina lunga pe post de element „vedeta”. Paltonul maxi, prin natura sa, apartine zonei de factura „eleganta” a dressing-ului dumneavoastra, deci sarcina este extrem de facila. Consider ca trebuie sa ne concentram pe accesorii si pe alcatuirea unei compozitii echilibrate.

Palaria cu boruri largi este un element adjuvant de baza pentru obtinerea unor tinute elegante de succes. Aveti grija insa, in cazul in care aveti fata foarte mica sau ingusta, sa optati pentru cele de dimensiuni mai mici, pentru a nu se crea o proportie neplacuta in zona capului. Eu sunt fericita posesoare a unei fete imense, deci… cu cat mai are palaria, cu atat mai bine! 🙂
Partea frumoasa la un paton foarte lung, este ca acesta devine automat piesa centrala a tinutei, lasandu-ne libertate toatala in ceea ce priveste piesele alese a fi purtate pe sub el. Am ales o rochie tricotata scurta, dar care are ca element definitoriu un guler supradimensionat, ce se descrie foarte fumos de sub reverele paltonului.

Cizmele peste genunchi sunt mereu o alegere plina de stil, aducand in acelasi timp doza de „sexy” necesara si suficienta. Cureaua cu accente „glamour” confera tinutei punctul pe, iar pentru o pata de culoare… optati pentru o geanta colorata. Eu am ales deopotriva una galbena si una rosu-burgund, ambele la fel de potrivite in compozitia finala.

Mi-am permis sa va sugerez un styling echivalent cu cel obtinut de mine astazi, din elemente vestimentare de pe bonprix.eu. Ideea era sa demonstrez cat de usor se poate obtine o tinuta foarte frumoasa cu un buget mai mult decat accesibil. Am fost incantata de calitatea produselor acestui magazin si de promptitudinea cu care mi-au fost livrate.
In articolul viitor veti vedea varianta urban chic si sport chic de a purta acest palton, variante la care vor intra in ecuatie alte produse Bon Prix de care, pur si simplu, m-am indragostit! Pana atunci va pup tare si apasat si va invit la o tura de shopping online! Va dau un pont: pentru comenzi mai mari de 99.00 Ron, transportul e gratuit!! 😉 🙂


I enjoy, along with the whole Romanian people, the first signs of spring outside. They are fierce, anemic, but certainly present. It is the time when thick winter coats and puffers begin to find their place on the top shelfs of the cabinets, and the beautiful, coquettish lighter coats, show their faces from underneeth thick layers of  winter stuff, just like little snowdrops in our closets. Maxi, midi or mini, these coats are needed in any fashion wardrobe that respects it’s self.
I want to show you in a mini-series of 2 blog articles, different stlyling variants for this maxi coat from Bon Prix, acquired through the #bonprixbloggers program.

The theme of this article is: how  we get a casual-elegant outfit using a long coat as a „star” item. The maxi coat, by its nature, belongs to the „elegant” area of your dressing, so the task is extremely easy. I think we need to focus on accessories and on finding a balanced composition.

The wide-bore hat is a basic adjunct element for getting successful elegant outfits. Be careful, however, if you have a very small or narrow face, choose smaller ones to avoid creating unpleasant proportion in the head area. I am the happy owner of an immense face, so … the more the hat, the better! 🙂
The beautiful part of a very long coat is that it automatically becomes the centerpiece of the outfit, leaving us all free in terms of the pieces chosen to be worn under it. I have chosen a short knit dress, but which has as an oversized collar as defining element. I love the way it describes itself among the coat’s V neck.

Knee-high boots are always a stylish choice, bringing in the necessary and sufficient „sexy” dose. The „glamor” accent belt gives the outfit the point on i, and for a pop of color … choose a colorful bag. I have chosen both a yellow and a red-burgundy, equally suited to the final composition.

I wanted to suggest a styling equivalent to what I got today, from bonprix.eu clothes. The idea was to demonstrate how easy it is to get a very beautiful outfit with a more affordable budget. I was delighted with the quality of this store’s products and the promptness with which they were delivered.
In the next article you will see the urban chic and sporty chic stylings for this coat, variants where other Bon Prix products will come into equation. Until then, I kiss you all loud and pressed and invite you to an online shopping tour!  😉 🙂

You can find all those products on the Bon Prix online store.

I was wearing

Bon Prix coat here

Stefanel dress

HM Studio boots

Epica sunglasses

Estee Lauder red cosmetic bad 😉

vintage hat and yellow bag

Photos by HD Photography