
La umbra. 🙂


Ci eu in lumea mea… nemuritor si rece. 😉

Buna ziua, dragii babutei! 🙂 Una moderna, insa. Notiunea de vintage nu presupune automat „babificarea” personajului, decat in masura in care asta se urmareste, sau personajul.. nu are deloc viziune stilistica. Marturisesc, nu am fost mereu atrasa de aceasta estetica, pentru ca nu am avut mereu „viziune stilistica” 🙂 . Ma rezumam la a cumpara haine din ultime colectii, pe care le combinam previzibil, in incercari de multe ori esuate, de a ma alinia la tendinte. Nu credeam ca voi ajunge sa spun vreodata asta, dar… am descoperit frumusetea vintage-ului o data cu vizionarea emisiunii Bravo ai stil (orice fashionista si nu numai, stie la ce ma refer…). O emisiune de calitate indoielnica, intre noi fie vorba, dar care se bucura de prezenta unor nume mari de pe „frontispiciul” criticii de moda autohtone: Maurice Munteanu si Iulia Albu. De la ei ai mereu cate ceva de invatat si este singurul motiv pentru care urmaresc zilnic acest show. Bine, am si o slabiciune pentru zgubilitica Silvia (Silvia Oana Popescu), care imi aminteste constant de o verisoara de-a mea plecata in America, pe care o revad foarte rar si in general… in circumstante neplacute de familie 🙁 , pe numele ei tot Oana… :*

Sunt copil singur la parinti, iar acest lucru a avut de-a lungul timpului si parti bune si rele. Una dintre partile bune a fost faptul ca am crescut inconjurata de verisoare si verisori, pe care i-am perceput ca pe fratii si surorile pe care nu i-am avut. Din nefericire, viata ne-a indepartat la propriu… prin distante uriase, iar acum… sunt din nou „singura la parinti”. Balanta este echilibrata oarecum, deoarece parintii mei sunt in viata, dar nu-mi pot imagina ce va fi dupa momentul cand ii voi pierde.  Sunt foarte atasata de ei, depind inca de critica si realismul mamei, sau de incurajarile si sfaturile tatalui. Poate ca nu e bine, dar e sanatos! 🙂 Intr-o foarte mica masura, acestia doi reusesc sa imi ia de pe umeri niste griji, care ar fi constituit „cireasa de pe tort” vis a vis de echilibrul meu psihic. Il absolva pe sotul meu, care este cel mai ocupat om de pe pamant, de interminabile discutii despre subiecte „horror” de tipul: am senzatia ca m-am ingrasat si nu mai dau jos, nu am cu ce ma imbraca 🙂 😛 , ma dor spatele, mana, soldul, umarul, capul, nasul, maseaua, „firul de par”, etc… 🙂 , am albit, m-am certat cu cutareasca, m-am intalnit cu cutareasca, m-a sunat cutareasca, etc, etc, etc.. Parintii sunt singurul ajutor real pe care il ai, ei sunt comoara cu care toti ne nastem, dar pe care putini apucam s-o deschidem, prea ocupati fiind cu gasirea altor „comori”, ce se dovedesc a fi de cele mai multe ori inutile, impovaratoare, sau nesatisfacatoare. Eu sunt mandra de mine, pentru ca am deschis comoara de acasa. 🙂

Glam. 🙂

Revenind la comorile de pe mine 😉 , nu cred ca are rost sa va zic de unde le-am achizitionat, caci ati ghicit probabil deja. Bluza este couture. 🙂 Pantofii sunt statement. Pantalonii sunt chic. Efectul combinatiei este glam, tinuta poate fi purtata si la munca si la club, schimband doar accesorizarea. Daca ramai uneori in „pana” financiara, nu dispera! Mergi in magazinele de mall ca sa vezi cam ce se poarta (stiu ca este al naibii de frustrant! 🙁 ), apoi ia-ti o zi libera si cutreiera magazinele outlet sau second hand, incercand sa gasesti piese asemanatoare. Garantez ca vei gasi!! Ba chiar garantez ca vei gasi piese infinit mai calitative, mai versatile, mai chic, decat cele din vitrinele de mall… 🙂
In perioada urmatoare voi folosi multe haine achizitionate pe aceste cai, deoarece traverez o perioada de mari schimbari in cadrul vietii personale, schimbari ce implica o reconsiderare a prioritatilor. Totul spre bine, va garantez!! 🙂 Revenirea va fi cu siguranta spectaculoasa. 😉 Va pup tare si apasat!!


Changes are coming my way. 🙂
Glam style. The way I roll. 🙂
Changing perspectives.
Blending in to stand out.

An old lady salutes you! 🙂 A modern one, though. The notion of vintage does not imply an „aging” of the character, except the cases when that is being pursued, or when the character .. has no stylistic vision at all. I must be honest, I was not always attracted to this aesthetics, because I did not always have a „stylistic vision” :). I was the girl that bought clothes from the latest collections, which I could combine predictably, in often unsuccessful attempts, to align with the newest trends. I did not think I would ever say this, but … I discovered the beauty of vintage while watching the Bravo, you have style  (any fashionista knows what I mean …). A show of questionable quality, that is lifted though, by the presence of big names on the „frontispiece” of the local fashion industry: Maurice Munteanu and Iulia Albu. From those two, I always have something to learn and it’s the only reason why I watch this show every day. Okay, I also have a weakness for the „silly” Silvia (Silvia Oana Popescu), who constantly reminds me of a cousin who’s moved to America, whom I rarely see and mostly… in unpleasant family circumstances. Her name is also Oana …: *

I am an only child and this has had over time, good and bad parts. One of the good parts was that I grew up surrounded by cousins, whom I perceived as brothers and sisters I never had. Unfortunately, life has taken us away … at huge distances, and now … I’m again „an only child”. Libra is balanced somewhat, because my parents are alive, but I can not imagine what my life will be, after the moment I lose them. I am very fond of them, I still depend on the mother’s critique and realism, or my father’s encouragement and advice. Maybe it’s not good, but it’s healthy! 🙂 To a very small extent, these two manage to get me rid of some worries, which would have been the „cherry on the cake” to my psychic balance. They absolve my husband, who is the most busy man on Earth, of endless discussions about horror topics like: I have the feeling that I gained some kg and I can’t get rid of them, I have nothing to wear 🙂 😛 , I have pain in my back, my hand, my hip, my shoulder, my head, my nose, „the hairs”, etc … :), my hair is all white, I quarreled with someone, I met with someone, I got a call from somebody, etc, etc … Parents are the only real help you have, they are the treasure we are all born with, but we are few to open it while being too busy finding other „treasures”, that prove to be often unnecessary, burdensome, or unsatisfactory. I am proud of myself, because I opened the treasure from home. 🙂

This is probably how my parents see me: their little child. 🙂

Returning to the treasures I wear ; ), I guess you already know where I purchased them. The blouse is couture. 🙂 Shoes are statement. The pants are chic. The effect of the combination is glamorous and can be worn at work and at the club, changing accessories only. If sometimes you hit the bottom of a financial sinusoid, do not despair! Go to the mall stores to see what’s trendy (I know it’s damn frustrating! 🙁 ), then get yourself a day off and scout outlet and second hand stores, trying to find similar pieces. I guarantee that you will find some and I can add that you will find infinitely more qualitative, versatile, chic pieces than those in mall windows … 🙂
In the next period I will use many clothes purchased in this kind of stores, because I travel a period of great change in my personal life, changes that involve a reconsideration of priorities. Everything for the better, I guarantee you !! 🙂 My „return” will certainly be spectacular. 😉 Kiss you all loud and pressed!!

I am wearing

Marco Pecci couture

Marlene Birger shorts

Bolero shoes

vintage bag and broche

Photos by Handra Diana