
Au inceput recent sa imi placa zilele de marti. Rectific, diminetile de marti… Elena are o fereastra intre 2 cursuri si ne putem vedea pentru aventura fotografica la care am pornit impreuna. La fel s-a intamplat si in aceasta saptamana: trezirea la 7 ( boierie! de obicei suna ceasul la 6.30  … spre oroarea mea si a visurilor mele frumoase, ce se curma atat de trist ), imbracarea, aranjarea, trezit copii, hranit copii, imbracat copii, printre toate acestea facut si baut sfanta cafea de dimineata, plecat la 8 fix ca sa ajungem la Iulius Mall pentru a-i face pasaport nou fiului cel mare ( nu de alta, dar miercuri era programata o plecare din tara, iar noi parinti responsabili si seriosi … etc 🙂 ), terminat treaba la mall, dus copilul cel mare la scoala, luat decizia de a nu-l duce pe cel mic la gradinita, urcat fiu mic in masina, cautat parcare langa Bastion exact 35 de minute… 🙁 , prezentat la sedinta foto la 10 fix! 🙂

A fost o zi frumoasa, insorita si m-am felicitat pentru decizia de a-mi alege outfit-ul „denim” ( mai aveam pregatit inca unul, pe care o sa-l vedeti intr-o postare viitoare ), pentru ca mi-a permis atat o libertate de exprimare „artistica” cat si „practica”, avand in vedere ca micul meu impielitat s-a tinut numai de sotii pe tot parcurcul shooting-ului.

Am purtat acest outfit de multe ori si ma bucur ca am ocazia sa vi-l prezint, este unul dintre preferatele mele! Rochia-trenci de blugi este fabuloasa, o ador pur si simplu, vine excelent cu orice ai imbraca-o, iar de aceasta in mod special sunt foarte atasata, pentru ca a fost cea mai ieftina achizitie pe care am facut-o vreodata: 10 Ron. 😮 😮 😮 Si sa va mai spun ceva tare: este See by Chloe!! Am cumparat-o de la un second hand anul trecut, culmea, avea inca eticheta pe ea! Pot spune cu mana pe inima ca, aia a fost una dintre cele mai frumoase zile din viata mea. 🙂  Tinutele „all denim” se poarte intens in aceasta primavara si va invit sa vi le compuneti cu incredere si curaj, pentru ca nu prea aveti ce sa combinati gresit la asa tip de styling.

Am avut parte si de un moment  „producator de diabet”, cand puiul meu cel mic mi-a adus un buchetel de lacramioare si am fost in pericol de a zambi la 360 de grade  🙂 , moment scurt ce e drept… deoarece florile erau de la un baietel amarat care avea nevoie de bani pentru paine, iar eu, mamica de secol XXI ce sunt…  nu am avut la mine decat card-ul bancar! Cu obrazul crapat de rusine, am trimis vorba despre lipsa penurie de fonduri, iar baietelul a zambit, i-a intins florile fiului meu si a disparut din peisaj spunand ca merge si el acasa la mamica lui… Am cam primit o lectie si ma bucur enorm, caci mereu mi-a placut „scoala”! Sper din tot sufletul ca si miezinul meu si-a insusit aceasta pilda. 🙂

Cu rugamintea de a trece cu vederea peste felul oribil in care mi-a stat parul in aceste poze ( nema timp, zi hectica, etc… ), va urez o saptamana linistita, o curatenie de Pasti cat mai …. eliberatoare de energii negative – daca ma pot exprima asa – si niste sarbatori pe gustul sufletului vostru! Pup la voi, tare si apasat!!  😉


I recently started to like Tuesdays. Well, actualy Tuesday mornings… Elena has a window between 2 courses at the University and we can meet for adding new destinations to the journey we started together. So we did it again this week: me getting up at 7 (which was luxury, usually it’s 6.30 when my dreams are violently ended by the alarm clock), getting dressed and putting the make up on, waking up the kids, feeding them, dressing them, than leaving for Julius Mall because my oldest son had to get a new passport ( we had a trip planned on Wednesday, and us being model parents… etc… :p ), than taking him to the school, deciding not to take the youngest to the kindergarden, driving to the Bastion, looking for a parking place for 35 minutes .. 🙁 , arriving at the shooting at 10 sharp.

It was a sunny, nice morning and I felicitate myself for deciding to take the „denim” outfit on ( I had another one ready, I will use it  in the future ), because it gave me a both „artistic”  and „practical” flexibility, the last one was needed because of the silly things my son was up to.. 🙂

I had this outfit on many times before and I am happy I can introduce it to you, it’s one of my favorites! The denim trench-dress it’s fab, I simply adore it, it matches almost anything I think about wearing, and this one particular is very dear to me, because was one of the cheapest items I ever bought: 10 Ron ( 2,5 Euro). 😮 😮 😮 Do you want to hear somenthing even crazier? It is See by Chloe!  I bought it in a second hand store last year and, as a second bonus, it had the label still on! Truly, was one of the happiest days of my life! I swear to you!  🙂 The „all denim” outfits are a basic this spring, and i invite you to mix them with audacity, there is nothing you can do wrong in this type of styling.

We had a sweet moment too, when my son came with a little bouquet of lilys, that almost gave me a 360 degrees smile 🙂 , but it was brief, because he had is from a poor boy that needed bread money, and me, as a XXIst century mom that I am, I had only my bank card with me… Full of shame, I sent word about the lack of cash, but the little boy smiled and gave my son bac the flowers, saying he has to go home to his own mother… I kind of received a valuable lesson and I am glad because I always liked the „school”. I hope my youngest got the message too…

Asking you all to forgive the way my hair looks in those pictures ( no time, hectic day, etc… ), I wish you all an easy week, a smooth Easter cleaning – if I may say so – and the holidays your soul desire! I kiss you strong and pressed!

I am wearing

See by Chloe denim dress

Only jeans

Villa denim corsage

No name leather sneakers

Photos by Elena Borcan