Buna dragile mele! Astazi sunt vesela… sunt vesela pentru ca afara se desfasoara, intr-un sfarsit, mult asteptata primavara. Am profitat de aceasta si am iesit la o serie de poze cu verisoara mea, Diana. Ma simt minunat sa lucrez din nou cu un fotograf, chiar si unul amator, asa cum este Diana. In speta, nu simtim nevoia de formalitati si dialoguri elevate, dimpotriva… intre doua poze vorbim despre copii, despre rude, despre vietuirea pe Calea Sagului (e si vecina cu mine 🙂 ), sau te miri ce alte subiecte cu puternica incarcatura „filosofica”. 100% relaxare!! Eu sunt plina de avant, o tot trimit ba in fata, ba in spate, ba pe nu stiu ce scari dubioase… pentru poze descendente, ba o pun sa stea pe borduri pentru perspective „la firul ierbii”. Sper sa nu o disper intr-o semenea masura, incat sa nu mai aiba chef sa iesim… 😮 🙂
Rochie peste blugi ati mai vazut la mine, deci nimic nou sub soare. Rochia dungata este achizitie recenta si… fiind destul de transparenta, nu am vazut-o purtata altfel pe aceste temperaturi destul de saracacioase. Rochia trasparenta este la moda, sa stiti. Dar… e bine sa avem in vedere ca nu orice rochie transparenta merge purtata peste o pereche de blugi. In aceasta primavara se poarta combinatiile tari de culori, asa numitul „color block”, fapt ce m-a determinat sa aleg din start pentru accesorii, culori complementare outfit-ului. Sa combini verde cu albastru denota rafinament… iar sa adaugi un orange sau un galben la acestea, denota atat lejeritate, cat si indrazneala stilistica. Mi-as decora si living-ul intr-o combinatie asemanatoare de nuante, iar rezultatul ar fi minunat!
Arhitect fiind, iubesc sa ma joc cu volumetriile. Tinuta de astazi este o combinatie de volume simple: rochia tubulara, cracii conici ai blugilor si rucsacul piramidal. Formele geometrice simple alcatuiesc mereu compozitii reusite, sa stiti. Cand sunteti in dubiu, mizati pe geometrie: intersectati volume, alaturati volume, excludeti volume. O forma, cu cat este mai organica cu atat este mai atractiva… iar cu cat este mai angulara, cu atat este mai eleganta. Depinde ce urmarim sa obtinem. Pentru cei novici, forma organica inseamna una cu multe curbe. 🙂 Spre exemplu, daca data viitoare o sa port o rochie mulata si o geaca tip bomber, voi forma o compozitie mult mai atractiva decat azi 😉 . Merita incercat!
Aspectul fiecareia dintre noi este o oglinda a personalitatii si a preocuparilor noastre… si ma refer acum la hainele pe care alegem sa le purtam. Este evident faptul ca o asemenea combinatie nu arata la fel pe oricine. Eu port aceste tinute in mod asumat, pentru ca ma reprezinta in totalitate. Si ma simt bine in ele, ma simt… eu, ma simt frumoasa si ma simt sigura pe mine. Acest lucru conteaza, asta cautam! Daca nu vreti sa purtati aceasta rochie peste o pereche de blugi, luati-o cu ciorapi mati si ghete cu toc cazon. 🙂 Puneti si un sacou supradimensionat peste si strangeti-l peste talie cu o centura frumoasa. Variante se gasesc oricand, dragile mele! Va pup tare si apasat!
Hello dear ones! Today I’m very happy … I’m happy for the outside display of the much-anticipated spring. I took advantage of this and I went to a series of pictures with my cousin, Diana. I feel great working with a photographer, even an amateur, like Diana. In fact, we do not feel the need for elevated formalities and dialogues, on the contrary … between two pictures, we talk about children, about relatives, about life on „Calea Sagului” (she is also my neighbor 🙂 ), or any other subject with strong „philosophical” load. 100% relaxation !! I’m full of ideas, I’m sending her in front and than back… and on some dubious stairs … for descending pictures, than I put her on the sidewalk for some „at grass thread” perspectives. I am a genuine oppressor! I hope she will not grow tired of me so soon… 🙂 😛
You’ve seen at me wearing dress over jeans before, so nothing new under the sun. The striped dress is a recent acquisition and … being quite transparent, I have not seen it weared otherwise at these rather poor temperatures. Transparent dresses are quite fashionable, you know. But … it’s good to keep in mind that not every transparent dress goes well over a pair of jeans. This spring we should try strong color combinations, the so-called „color block”, which was the reason I choose complementary colors for the accessories. Combining green with blue denotes refinement … and adding orange or yellow to them, denotes both stylistic lightness and boldness. I would decorate my living room in a similar combination of nuances, and the result would be exquisit!
As architect, I love to play with volumes. Today’s outfit is a combination of simple volumes: the tubular dress, the conical legs of the jeans and the pyramidal backpack. Simple geometric shapes always make successful compositions, you know. When in doubt, turn to geometry: intersect volumes, join volumes, exclude volumes. One form, the more organic it is, the more attractive apears for the eye … and the more angular, the more elegant it seems. Depends on what we are aiming for. For novices, the organic form means one with many curves. 🙂 For example, if next time I wear a second-skin dress and a bomber jacket, I’ll become a more attractive composition than today;). I should give it a try!
The look of each of us is a mirror of our personality and our preoccupation… and I refer to the clothes we choose to wear. It is obvious that such a combination does not look the same on everybody. I wear these outfits assumed, because they represents who I am, entirely. And I feel good in them, I feel … myself, I feel beautiful and feel confident. This counts, that’s what I’m looking for! If you do not want to wear this dress over a pair of jeans, wear it with opaque stockings and high heeled boots 🙂 . Put an oversized jacket over and tighten it over your waist with a beautiful belt. Variants can be found anywhere, dear ones! Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Zara dress, here
Mother flared jeans, similar here
Zara hat
vintage backpack, similar here
Chanel sunglasses, identical here