
Aveti vreo porecla? As dori a imi scrieti in comment-uri ce porecle aveti/ati avut; ar fi ceva simpatic ce mi-ar permite sa va cunosc mai bine. Practic o porecla reprezita un portret concentrat. Mi se pare ceva misto, chiar sexy.  Eu nu am avut porecle pana acum doi ani… lucru trist dealtfel. E cazul sa fac o introspectie si sa descopar de ce, nu ca as mai putea schimba ceva, dar poate as intelege cateva lucruri despre mine si relatia mea cu ceilalti. OK, parti din mine au fost poreclite in diverse moduri de-a lungul timpului, dar aia este o cu totul alta poveste! 🙂 Personajul care mi-a dat aceasta mult asteptata porecla este un preieten al sotului. 🙂 Ana Palarie mi-a zis…nu in fata ce e drept, dar alti prieteni comuni mi-au adus la cunostinta apelativul. Mi s-a parut ca are o sonoritate desprinsa din lumea Mitei Baston, asa… 🙂 Sunt indragostita de Caragiale si o spun tare si apasat: te iubesc draga Luca!!! 😛

Asa ca, da…eu sunt Ana Palarie. Si mandra. Detin o colectie de aproape 50 de palarii care e in continua crestere. Daca doriti vreodata sa imi faceti vreun cadou, o palarie ma va face fericita indiferent de forma, culoare sau stil, atat timp cat este numarul M-L (am capul mare… 🙂 ). Dar NU am vrut sa va induc nimic… 🙂

Nu oricine arata bine cu palarie si as vrea sa va pozitionati in fata unei oglinzi si sa verificati urmatoarea chestiune: aveti fata lata si maxilare destul de proeminente? Daca raspunsul este da, puteti linistita sa achizitionati palarii, in special cele cu boruri largi, caci va stau foarte bine. Femeile cu fata mica, cu trasaturi foarte finute, nu arata bine cu palarii. Pentru ele as recomanda mai degraba sepci de orice fel (tip Gavroche, sport, hip-hop, etc), basti, caciuli, bentite, bandane, batice (am enumerat tot ce nu imi sta mie foarte bine la  fata extrem de lata, frunte foarte inalta si maxilare patrate). Daca totusi va doriti palarii, incercati sa alegeti modele de tip masculin, micute, discrete.

O vreme indelungata am purtat palarii din motive medicale: un lipom pozitionat inestetic deasupra fruntii. M-am obisnuit ca palariile sa faca parte din outfit-ul zilnic si vad ca am mentinut aceasta tendinta pana in ziua de azi, desi lipomul a fost operat acum mai bine de 2 ani. Ana Morodan spunea in cadrul unui workshop organizat de Tezyo la Shopping City Timisoara, ca este foarte important ca o femeie sa isi gaseasca „semnatura”, amprenta personala, care sa-i insoteasca fiecare outfit, dand ca exemplu personal buzele si unghiile rosii la care nu renunta niciodata. In acest spirit, pot afirma cu toata fermitatea ca sunt extrem de putine ocaziile cand ies din casa fara ceva pe cap, fie ca merg la un eveniment sau sa cumpar paine. Ca si concluzie, prietenenul sotului, sa-l numim generic Gigel 😛 , a fost extrem de inspirat cand m-a „articulat” cu respectivul apelativ.

Nu ma apuc sa analizez simbolistica „palariei” din punct de vedere psihologic, am prietene avizate sa faca asta si cred ca le voi aloca pe viitor o categorie speciala a blog-ului numita – Friends, pentru ca trebuie sa le cunoasteti si voi. 🙂  Este clar ca ceva exista acolo. Eu ma simt mult mai bine, mai sigura pe mine, mai frumoasa, mai misterioasa, atunci cand privesc lumea de sub borul palariei mele. Dar nu consider acest lucru ca fiind un defect, ci pur si simplu o extravaganta. Am luxul de a atrage atentia cam oriunde merg. Sa nu intelegeti gresit, am avut parte si de experiente negative: in Germania fiind, un varstnic m-a intrebat o data, privindu-mi lung palaria albastra de mari dimensiuni pe care o aveam pe cap, daca este vreun carnaval prin zona… 🙂 Dar perceptia celorlalti depinde foarte tare de gradul de asumare pe care il porti o data cu palaria ta. Fa-o cu stil, simte-te bine cu tine si cu ea, dar cel mai important lucru este sa incerci sa iti lasi „semnatura” pe ea si pe „relatia” voastra. 🙂

Postez cateva poze facute de mine, majoritatea de tip selfie :), prin care sa aruncati un ochi in vasta mea colectie… 😛


Do you have any nickname? If you do, please leave it in a comment below…cause I want to get to know you better. A nickname is, basically, a concentrated portrait. I find this to be a cool and sexy thing. Two years ago I received mine and when I think about it, it’s a little sad to get a first one so late. Maybe I should give this a little thought, not that I could change anything, but it speaks out loud about me and my relationship with others. OK, parts of me were nicknamed before….but this is a whole other story. 🙂 The character nicknaming me, was a friend of my husband’s. He still is. „Ana Hat” he called me…not to my face, of course, but I found out from a bunch of common friends. This name puts me in the same gallery with Cragiale’s Mita Baston („Mary with a twist” Stick) – Ion Luca Caragiale is a famous romanian playwright –  which is a great honor, because I have been in love with the man since I was 6 … 🙂 Yes, Luca I love you!!

So, yes…I am Ana Hat. And proud. I do have a growing collection of over 50 hats. If you ever want to buy me a gift, not that I want to induce anything 🙂 , a hat will always bring a huge smile to my face, if it comes in the sizes M-L. I have a really big head. 🙂

Not everybody looks good with a hat on, and I want you to do this little test: place yourself in front of a mirror and observe if your face is wide and your jaws are strong. If the answer to both questions is yes, than go ahead and buy yourself a lot of hats because they look great on you! Women with tiny faces and small features do not look great with hats. When it comes to them, I would sugest all kinds of caps (Gavroche type, sports, hip-hop…), berets, beanies, bandanas, headkerchiefs (I just named everything that does not look so great on me with my big face, tall forehead and square jaws). If you want to wear hats, it will be no problem to choose a masculine model, small and discreet.

A very long time I weared hats for medical reasons: a big lipoma on the upper part of my forehead. Funny fact: the lipoma is gone since two years ago, the hats are still coming! Ana Morodan was telling us, during a nice workshop at Tezyo in Shopping City Timisoara, that it is imperative for a woman to finds her signature mark on the outfits, giving her red nails and lips as exemple. In this spirit, I can say that I hardly ever get out of the house without something on my head, no matter if the reason is a fancy event or the lack of bread in the house. In conclusion, my husband’s friend, let’s call him Gigi 🙂 , was struck by inspiration when he used this nickname on me.

I will not analyse the symbolism of „hats” from a psychological point of view, I have friends to do that for me. I even consider adding a category to this blog in the future called „Friends”, where I will present to you all these great individuals, because it would be great for you to meet them too. 🙂 I am pretty sure there is something with this „hat” situation… I feel better, more confident, more beautiful, more interesting, when I look at the world from under my hat. I do not feel broken, but extravagant! Do not get me wrong, I had my moments of  tears – I remember an oldtimer back in Germany, asking me and my huge blue hat, if there was a carnival in the area. 🙂 The perception of others depend a lot on wether you wear your hat assumed or not. If you wear it, wear it with style and try to leave your personal mark on it and the „relationship” you share.

I attach pictures taken by myself, mainly selfies, so you can glance inside my hat world… 🙂