Buna duminica, dragile mele si dragii mei cititori! Am cativa urmaritori de sex masculin, de care sunt foarte mandra. Acestia, desi putini, sunt inzestrati cu voci puternice si opinii foarte bine sustinute. Incerc sa ma adresez in ambele directii, iar daca vreodata dau gres, am sa ii rog sa ma ierte… Nu prea stiu ce gandesc barbatii, desi toate cartile spun ca ei gandesc… scurt si la obiect.
M-am grabit sa mai ies la niste poze, din simplul motiv ca maine incepe scoala. Imi va fi mult mai greu dupa maine. Dar… mi-am propus sa mentin un ritm de minim 2 postari pe saptamana. Mult mai greu nu inseamna imposibil, totusi. In acelasi timp, intreaga mea atentie este indreptata in aceasta perioada spre pagina de Instagram @anamariabacila, unde mi-am propus 1000 de urmaritori organici pana la sfartitul lui februarie… si abia sunt la 745. Partea frumoasa este ca feed-back-ul merita toate orele investite zilnic in cautari, studii, grafice, discutii si alte tertipuri la care cu gandul nu ganditi . Audienta este formata in proportie de 80% din bloggeri din toata lumea, fotografi, oameni de arta, editori, magazine online, etc… deci, exact juriul de care aveam nevoie pentru confirmarea/infirmarea unui auto-intitulat talent in ale modei… Pana acum, numai de bine.
Scotocind prin dulapuri, am dat ieri peste palonul maxi cumparat de mama de a Steilmann, pe cand eram studenta in anul 2 de facultate. Nu o sa fac un calcul sa vad cati ani are… dar, are prea multi! In acele vremuri, magazinul Steilmann era printre cele de top din Romania. A fost mereu o marca orientata catre calitate, in acest sens va pot confirma, paltonul cu pricina… inca arata ca nou! Insa, este o piesa veche. Exercitiul de a-l integra intr-o tinuta actuala, tanara, a fost unul destul de dificil. Dar, daca tot i-am dat un „upgrade”, am decis ca acesta sa nu fie singura piesa vintage pe care s-o salvez. Prin urmare, a fost insotit de „surata” rochie 60ista pepit si de „matusa” geanta-sacosa de fas, care desi actuala ca si brand, ar sta numai bine in mana unei stimabile trecute de primele „tinereturi”. Cum le-am dres? Cu o pereche de ghete croite dupa ultima moda si o caciula fistichie, cu mot si plasa. Rezultatul? Dupa cum se vede.
Despre reusita sau nereusita exercitiului stilistic de astazi, mi-ar placea sa citesc in cateva comentarii. Facem un sondaj, ceva?
Episodul 2 al marturisirilor mele launtrice, se refera la lucrurile care ma terifiaza. In primul rand, imi e o frica morbida de … moarte. Stiu, desuet si previzibil. Motivul real tine insa de faptul ca nu vreau sa-mi las copiii fara… mine. Noi trei suntem o unitate, iar eu sunt pentru moment, baza, liantul, elementul cu gravitatie. De aci, vine cea de-a doua frica teribila, frica de boala. Orice durere cat de mica, ma trimite direct la cabinete de medici. Ma caut… peste tot, fac orice, renunt la orice, doar sa raman sanatoasa. Credeti-ma, este foarte obositor sa fii… eu. Pe locul trei, ar fi o frica ciudata de singuratate, din punctul de vedere al lipsei unui partener de viata. De cat am implinit 16 ani, nu am mai fost fara un prieten, iubit sau sot. Daca inseamna sau nu asta ceva din punct de vedere psihologic, nu stiu… cert este ca, nevoia de apartenenta la un cuplu, m-a invatat sa fac compromisuri, sa ma echilibrez, sa gandesc de doua ori mai mult sau mai aprofundat orice problema, fie ea cat de mica. Asta nu inseamna ca am inregistrat numai succes si ca viata mea de familie este un basm! Dar sunt asumata si pregatita pentru orice. Acestea fiind spuse, va pup tare si apasat!
Good Sunday, dear fashionistas and dear readers! I have some male followers, of whom I am very proud. These, though few, are endowed with strong voices and very well-held opinions. I try to address myself in both directions and if I ever do them wrong, I ask them to forgive me … I do not really know what men think, although all the books say they think … little and to the point.
I rushed to take some more pictures, for the simple reason that, tomorrow the school starts. It will be a lot harder for me from tomorrow on. But … I want to keep a minimum of 2 posts per week. Much harder does not mean impossible, though. At the same time, my whole attention is directed to the Instagram page @anamariabacila, where I set a target of 1000 organic followers by the end of February … and I’m barely at 745. The beautiful part is that the feed-back it’s worth all the hours invested daily in searches, studies, charts, discussions and other tricks that you hardely think about ;). The audience is made up 80% of bloggers from all over the world, photographers, art people, publishers, online stores, etc … so exactly the jury I needed to confirm / refute a self-titled talent in fashion. .. So far, just fine.
Browsing through my wardrobe, I found yesterday the maxi coat bought for me by my mother from Steilmann, back in the days when I was a student in second year at university. I’m not going to make a calculation to see how old it is … but it is too old! In those days, the Steilmann store was one of the top ones in Romania. It has always been a quality-oriented mark, so I can confirm this, the coat … still looks like a new one! But, it’s an old piece. The exercise to integrate it into a modern, young, outfit was a pretty difficult one. But, if it received this upgrade, I decided it was not the only vintage piece form my dressing that needed to be saved. Therefore, it is accompanied by the „sista'” salt and pepper dress, specific to the 60s and the „aunty” shopper-bag which, although belonging to a very modern brand, would only stay well in the hand of a honorable one, who left the „youth” behind a long time ago. How did I worked them out? With a pair of boots cut after the latest fashion and a fancy hat, with topknot and net. The outcome? As you can see.
About the success or failure of the stylistic exercise today, I would like to read in a couple of comments. Shall we do a poll, or something?
Episode 2 of my inner confessions, refers to the things that terrify me. First of all, I have a morbid fear of … death. I know, outdated and predictable. The real reason is that, I do not want to leave my children without … me. The three of us are a unit, and for now, I am the base, the binder, the element with gravity. From this comes the second terrible fear, fear of illness. Any pain, even the smallest one, sends me directly to doctors’ offices. I let them search me … everywhere, I do everything, give up everything, just to stay healthy. Believe me, it’s very tiring to be … me. Third, is a strange fear of loneliness, in terms of lacking a life partner. Since I was 16, I have not been without a boyfriend, a lover or husband. If it means something psychologically or not, I do not know … it is certain that the need to belong to a couple, taught me to make compromises, to balance myself, to think twice any problem, be it as small as possible. That does not mean that I was only successful and that my family life is a fairy tale! But I’m assumed and ready for anything. That being said, you will kii you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Steilmann vintage coat, similar here
similar dress here
Il Passo shoes here
Michael Kors bag, similar here
H&M hat, similar here