
Anul 2019 va fi anul suprapunerilor inedite. Trend-ul s-a format inca din 2017, dar apogeul este inca departe de a fi fost atins. Nimic dubios in a purta o geaca cu puf peste un sacou, sau un palton peste o geaca cu puf… Mai mult decat atat, putem suprapune mai multe sacouri, mai multe geci cu puf sau mai multe paltoane… iarna fiind anotimpul ideal pentru asemenea exercitii stilistice. Sa profitam deci de ultimele zile de decembrie si de primele 2-3 luni ale unui an, ce se anunta a fi unul bombastic, fantastic! 😛

Marturisesc ca nu am fost extrem de inspirata in alegerea anumitor  piese din aceasta tinuta, o fusta midi din piele intoarsa sau niste pantaloni culotte ar fi fost variante mai „fashion”. Dar, suntem in decembrie si am preferat sa-mi protejez ovarele si sa fentez o cinstita de cistita. 🙂 Cele doua geci sunt de facturi diferite: cea animal print este subtire, de vara, destul de slim… iar cea neagra este foarte groasa, calduroasa, supradimensionata. Cred ca acesta este secretul succesului unei astfel de suprapuneri: cele doua piese trebuie sa fie contrastante, nu concurente.


Ce luam in picioare la o asemenea combinatie? Depinde unde mergem. Pentru o plimbare prin oras, ideale sunt incaltarile fara toc. Bocanci, UGG-uri, ghete… dar, pentru o varianta stylish, alegeti ciocatele. Scurte, inalte, simple, foarte elaborate, de firma au ba, sunt o prezenta incantatoare pe pavelele si piatra cubica din centrul orasului. Pentru un look tineresc, se potrivesc si niste cizme inalte si voluminoase, cu toc, in genul celor purtate de Rihanna sau alte vedete pop. Trebuie sa aveti doar grija ca destinatia sa fie in concordanta cu tinuta. 😉

Varianta cu elemente actuale.

Pentru ca piesele de pe mine sunt vechi si nu se mai gasesc in magazine, v-am pregatit varianta „de actualitate”, pentru un look identic: geaca animal print aici, geaca neagra aici si ciocatele negre aici. Cizmele camel sunt pe depurtat.ro.  Aruncati cu privirea si pe acolo… 😉 Colantii cu talie inalta ar trebui sa existe in orice dulap, si in plus, ii gasiti in orice magazin de mall. Sapca neagra cu mot detasabil este de la Meli Melo, o veti gasi cu siguranta in orice magazin al acestui brand.

Este foarte usor sa alcatuiesti o tinuta de strada chic in anii in care traim. Daca nu ai talent in a o asambla, trebuie doar sa lasi pe altii sa o faca pentru tine, informandu-te printr-o minimala cautare pe Google. Bloggerii de moda si stil fac asta pentru tine… vloggerii la fel, instagrammerii, stilistii, revistele de moda, editorialele de moda, etc. Iar partea cea mai frumoasa in intregul proces de cautare este aceea ca toti acesti „informatori” nu sunt la concurenta, ci colaboreaza prin numeroase variante, la a te face pe tine sa te hotarasti asupra tinutei optime. Suntem instrumente, invata sa ne folosesti! Te pup tare si apasat, cititorule!


The year 2019 will be one of unusual overlaps. The trend has been since 2017, but the peak is still far from being touched. Nothing dubious in wearing a down jacket over an office jacket, or a coat over down jacket… Moreover, we can overlap several office jackets, several down jackets or several coats … winter being the ideal season for such styling exercises. So let’s take advantage of the last days of December and the first two or three months of a year, which is forseen to be a bombastic, fantastic! 😛

I confess I was not very inspired in choosing certain pieces for this outfit, a midi suede skirt or culotte pants would have been a more „fashionable” variant. But we’re in December, and I preferred to protect my ovaries and avoid a „honest” cystitis . 🙂 The two down jackets are of different purpose: the animal print one is thin, good for summer, rather slim … and the black one is very thick, warm, oversized. I think this is the secret of  success of such layering: the two elements must be contrasting, not competing.

How to style some shoes to this combination? It depends on where we go. For a walk through the city, ideal shoes are the flat ones. Boots, UGGs, army boots … but for a stylish version, choose the cowboy boots. Short, tall, simple, very elaborate, brand or not, they are a delightful presence on the pavers and cubic stones in the city center. For a youthful look choose  some high-heeled wide fit boots, like  Rihanna’s or other pop stars. You only need to be careful to match the outfit with the destination. 😉

Because the pieces I wear are old and no longer in stores, I have prepared the „actual” version for an identical. You can find the animal print jacket and the black cowboy boots on zoot.ro and the camel boots on depurtat.ro. The black down jacket is on emag.ro. (If you go to the same section in the romanian text, you will find the exact links to the items. I can not repeat them, cause Google will see me as spam 🙂 ).  High waisted leggins should be in any closet, and you can find them in any mall shop you go. The black cap with detachable swivel is from Meli Melo, you will definitely find it in any of this brand’s stores.

It’s very easy to compose a chic street outfit in the years that we live in. If you do not have the talent to do it, just let others do it for you, by a minimum Google search. Fashion and style bloggers do it for you … vloggers alike, instagrammers, stylists, fashion magazines, fashion editorials, etc. And the most beautiful part of the entire search process is that all these „informants” are not in competition, but they collaborate through numerous variants to make you decide on the best outfit. We are tools, learn to use us! Kiss you loud and pressed, dear reader!

I was wearing

Pull and Bear animal print jacket

Stefanel black down jacket

Stradivarius leggins and earrings

H&M cowboy shoes

Galliano sunglasses

Photos by the one and only HD Photography