
Revin relativ repede in spatiul virtual, cu o postare dedicata celor dintre voi care luni revin in campul muncii. Nimic grav in asta, nu-i asa? Nu, nu o spun in sens peiorativ. Pentru multi oameni, sarbatorile de iarna „doar deregleaza ritmul normal al vietii” (citez pe fostul meu antrenor de fitness 😉 ). Sa stiti ca ma numar si eu printre acestia, desi eu, practic… nu am un job. In realitate, am mai multe. Blog-ul este unul dintre mini-job-urile mele. Pentru cine nu stie ce presupune o postare de aproximativ 900-1000 de cuvinte si 10 poze, pot face un mic rezumat: pregatirea tinutei si a machiajului dureaza intre 1 si 2 ore, timp in care camera ajunge sa arate ca dupa razboi, deci te asteapta si minute bune de curatenie dupa 🙂 … pozele mai dureaza o ora, daca ai noroc si gasesti loc de parcare unde iti doresti tu, sau daca nu cumva se pune vreo ploaie si trebuie sa astepti cuminte in masina sa treaca, etc… conceperea textului in ambele limbi dureaza in jur de 3 ore, prelucrarea pozelor inca vreo 45 de minute… si cautarea pe internet a hainelor cu care esti imbracata, sau a unora asemanatoare, mi s-a intamplat sa dureze si peste 2 ore… cand m-am ambitionat sa gasesc totusi ceva. 🙂 Nu am facut un calcul, dar cu siguranta, nu este putin timp… Poate singurul avantaj este faptul ca poti sa le decalezi pe mai multe zile, dar nu recomand… iti uiti ideile, pierzi o lumina buna, un moment inspirational si inspirant.. 😛 Eu am revenit „la birou” o data cu prima postare din 2018.

V-am pregatit o tinuta numai buna de luat in prima zi de munca. Este comoda, este chic, este versatila, este purtabila. O prietena m-a „acuzat” ca prezint tinute „nepurtabile” pe aci… 🙂 Mihaela, asta este pentru tine! 😉 Ingrediente? Niste pantaloni pana bleumarin, niste ghetute din pasla (mare fitza in moda ultimelor luni 😮 ), un poncho, un pulover supradimesionat si multe „pietre” la gat. Nu uitati de pata de culoare! Poate fi o geanta, asa cum am ales eu sa procedez. In egala masura, puteam folosi niste margele rosii supradimesionate… sau un poncho mai colorat (gasiti unul in link-ul de mai jos, aferent descrietii tinutei).

V-as sfatui sa alegeti un pulover supradimensionat crapat in partile laterale, astfel incat sa introduceti doar partea din fata in betelia pantalonilor, la spate ramanand in exterior. Efectul vizual este unul cat se poate de stylish. Eu am combinat perle cu pietre si cu margelute, dar nu trebuie sa ne oprim aici cu imaginatia. Daca simtiti nevoia unui „metal” amalgat printre ele, probabil ar fi bine sa il puneti. Nu uitati, Coco Chanel a ales mereu sa „supraliciteze” numarul podoabele de pe piept… iar efectul a fost mereu un manual de stil si eleganta. Va doresc o zi de luni cat mai usoara si va pup tare si apasat! 😉


I am coming back relatively quickly in the virtual space, with a post dedicated to those of you who are returning to work on Monday. Nothing bad about this, is it? No, I am not saying it in a pejorative way. For many people, winter holidays „just mess the normal rhythm of life” (I quote my former fitness coach 😉 ).  I count myself among them also, although I basically … do not have a job. In fact, I have more. The blog is one of my mini-jobs. For those who do not know what a 900-1000-word and 10 pictures article is, I can make a small summary: preparing the outfit and make-up lasts between 1 and 2 hours, during which the room turns into a war field, so many minutes of good cleaning awaits after 🙂 … the pictures last for an hour, if you are lucky to find the parking place where you want it, or if there is not some rain to have you wait in the car for long time, etc … writing the text in both languages ​​lasts about 3 hours, processing the photos lasts another 45 minutes … and searching the net for the clothes I am dressed in, or some similar ones,  it can take more than 2 hours … when I am ambitious enough to find something to present you. 🙂 I did not make a calculation, but certainly there is not little time … Perhaps the only advantage is that you can make all in more days, but I do not recommend … you forget your ideas, you lose a good light, a inspirational moment .. 😛 I went back to „the office” with the first post in 2018.

I’ve prepared an outfit that works like a charm on your first day of work. It’s comfortable, it’s chic, it’s versatile, it’s portable. A girlfriend accused me of presenting „unwearable” fashion ideas on this blog … 🙂 Mihaela, this is for you! 😉 Ingredients? Some tapered navy-blue pants,  some felt shoes (important fashion element in the last months  :o), a poncho, an oversized sweater and many „stones” round the neck. Do not forget the colorful counterpoint! It can be a bag, as I chose to do. Equally, we could use statement big red beads … or a more colorful poncho (you can find one in the link below, for the description of the outfit).

I would advise you to choose an oversized sweater with cuts on the sides, so you only put the front inside your pants and leave the back loose. The visual effect is as stylish as possible. I’ve combined stones, pearls and small beads, but we should not stop here with our imagination. If you feel the need for an amalgamated „metal” among them, you should probably put it on. Do not forget, Coco Chanel has always chosen to „oversteer” the number of ornaments on her chest … and the effect has always been a style and elegance handbook. I wish you an easy Monday and kiss you all loud and pressed! 😉

I am wearing

Zara tapered pants here

similar poncho here

similar pullover here

shoes from the same matherial here

Baldinini hand bag, similar here