Este prima zi a Pastelui ortodox si pe aceasta cale urez tuturor crestinilor, dar nu numai, multa sanatate, noroc, fericire si belsug! Sper sa va odihniti, sa petreceti inconjurati de familie, de cei dragi voua si… sa va bucurati de vremea minunata de afara. Eu? Iaca… la poze de la ora 9 dimineata. La fel si Diana. Nu mi-am imaginat ca o sa ma insoteasca astazi… dar m-am bucurat sa vad chiar o usoara insistenta din partea ei… Cred ca s-a virusat. Mi-am dorit foarte tare sa mai prind poze langa bolta roz din spatele catedralei timisorene, iar aceasta dimineata s-a dovedit a fi alegerea perfecta: nu a fost nimeni pe strada, eram singure. Ciudat este ca nu prea m-am putut poza sub bolta… caci jocurile de umbre si lumini s-au dovedit a fi putin prea intense… fapt ce a neindreptatit tinuta, care alcatuita fiind prin asocierea unor materiale cu print-uri fine, necesita soare si multa lumina pentru a fi scoasa in evidenta.
Cred ca m-am intors cu succes la tinutele de inspiratie masculina care ma consacreaza, nu-i asa? Iubesc aceste piese… si imi place cum arata combinate. Este o tipologie de styling care se potriveste foarte bine femeilor fara forme, asa cum sunt eu. Imaginati-va cum ar arata acest sacou pe un bust generos… Uneori (dar rarisim…!!! ), ma bucur ca nu am sanii mari.
Daca alegeti sa purtati acest gen de tinute, este important sa includeti in look si un element cu puternice vibratii feminine… in cazul de fata, maleta din tiul cu imprimeu floral-acuarela. V-am mai spus depre treaba cu elementul feminin, dar nu stiu de ce simt nevoia sa o repet iar si iar. Probabil, mi-e frica sa nu cumva sa uit eu! La un imprimeu floral este ideal sa asociem fie piese uni, fie piese cu imprimeuri geometrice extrem de finute. Feriti-va sa mai puneti pe voi un alt imprimeu asemanator, sau unul dintr-o zona prea „organica”. In concluzie, la doua-trei imprimeuri geometrice finute (linii, puncte, pepit-uri, etc), merge un al treilea cu flori, frunze, fructe, diverse volute, tipologii baroce, rococo,etc. Dar… dupa parerea mea, ar fi ideal ca toate sa se „invarta” in aceeasi gama cromatica, pentru a „usura” incarcatura compozitiei. In acelasi timp, cred cu tarie ca alegerea culorilor depinde foarte mult de personalitatea fiecareia dintre voi, sunt anumite tipologii care arata minunat in combinatii de print-uri impinse catre zona khitch.
Este ok sa asociem o palarie din paie la materiale de tip stofa? Da, atat timp cat stofa este extrem de subtire! Daca purtam un sacou gros, sau niste pantaloni de stofa cu o tinuta mai rigida a materialului, ideal ar fi sa ne punem o palarie din fetru… Sosetele „la vedere” sunt la moda in aceasta primavara. Fie ca sunt purtate cu sandale, bascheti, papuci sau pantofi eleganti, important este sa iasa cu ceva in evidenta: imprimeu, culoare, material.
Toate aceste sfaturi, pe care incerc sa le dau prin intermediul blogului, sunt subiective. EU asa vad lucrurile, nu inseamna ca acesta este adevarul absolut! Nu sunt un specialist in fashion, dar am o pregatire vasta legata de arta compozitionala, de combinatii volumetrice, colaje, asocieri de materiale, etc… Pe langa acestea, puteti adauga si sute de ore petrecute lunar cu nasul in reviste de specialitate, pe site-uri de moda sau la programe TV asociate acestui domeniu (si nu refer aici la „Bravo n-ai stil!” ). Am mare incredere in mine si in gusturile mele, dorinta mea cea mai arzatoare ar fi ca si voi… sa credeti in mine. Asta mi-e dorinta, iepurasule de Pasti! Va pup tare si apasat!
It is the first day of the Orthodox Easter and I wish all christians, and not only, much health, luck, happiness and prosperity! I hope these tree days you will be resting, spending time with the family, the loved ones and that you will enjoy the wonderful weather outside. Me? Well… since nine o’clock in the morning I’ve been out for pictures. So was Diana too. I did not imagine that she would accompany me today … but I was glad to see even a slight insistence on her part … I think she got „the virus” too. I really wanted to take pictures near the pink vault behind Timisoara’s cathedral… and this morning proved to be the perfect choice: there was no one on the street, we were alone. Strange is that I could not really take a picture under the trees … because the games of shadows and lights turned out to be a little too intense … for my outfit, one made by associating fine prints materials, that required lots of light to be highlighted.
I think I have returned successfully to the masculine-inspirational outfits that are always enshrining me, am I not? I love these pieces … and I like how they look combined. It’s a styling typology that fits perfectly narrow women, just like me. Imagine how this jacket looks on a generous bust … Sometimes (but very rare … !!! ), I’m glad I do not have big boobs.
If you choose to wear this kind of outfit, it is important to include in the look an element, with strong feminine vibrations … in this case the tulle turtleneck top, with floral-aquarelle print. I told you about the feminine element, but I do not know why I feel the need to repeat it again and again. Probably, I’m afraid not to forget it myself! For a floral print, it is ideal to associate either uni pieces, or pieces with fine geometric prints. Be sure not to put another similar print, or one from a too „organic” area. In conclusion, two or three fine geometric prints (lines, dots, peppers, etc.) look good next to one with flowers, leaves, fruits, various volumes, baroque, rococo typologies, etc. But … in my opinion, it would be ideal for all to stay in a similar chromatic range, to „ease” the load of the composition. At the same time, I strongly believe that the color options, depends a lot on the personality of each of you, there are some typologies that look great in print combinations pushed deep into the khitch area.
Is it okay to associate a straw hat with suiting material? Yes, as long as the cloth is extremely thin! If we wear a thick jacket, or trousers with a more rigid fabric, it would be ideal to put on a felt hat … Visible socks are fashionable this spring. Whether they are worn with sandals, baskets, slippers or elegant shoes, it’s important to stand out with something: print, color, material.
All these tips, that I try to give through the blog, are subjective. That’s the way I see things, it does not mean that this is an absolute truth! I’m not a fashion specialist, but I have a great deal of knowledge about compositional art, volumetric combinations, collages, material associations, etc. Besides, you can also add hundreds of hours spent per month „inside” specialized magazines, on fashion sites or TV programs associated with this domain (and I do not mean by that watching „Bravo n-ai stil!”- romanian TV show:) ). I have great confidence in myself and my tastes, my most burning desire would be that you …start to believe in me too. That’s my wish, Easter Bunnie! Kiss you all loud and pressed!
I am wearing
Clockhouse jacket, similar here
Steilmann pants, similar here
Rococo shoes, similar here
vintage bag
Stradivarius hat
cool socks here