
Stiu ce o sa ziceti: cum a putut sa poarte ceva ce o face sa arate atat de rau? Pentru ca am vrut si pentru ca mi-am asumat. 🙂 Exista o estetica a uratului extrem de bine aspectata in zona de fashion a anului 2018. Oamenii au nevoie de o schimbare, de ceva inedit. Macar din cand in cand. 🙂  De aici piesele deconstruite, suprapunerile nebunesti de materiale si imprimeuri, supradimensionarile exagerate (da, nu este pleonasm) si machiajele dubioase. Via a vis de asemena manifestari artistice, poti avea fix doua reactii: sa iti placa enorm, sau sa-ti displaca profund. Evident, ma situez in gasca de fani. Am fost cucerita iremediabil de acest curent, in secunda in care am vazut modelul SS18 de pantofi sport de la Vuitton… Ge-ni-ali! Au trecut in capul listei dorintelor „pentru viata asta” si se pot califica si pentru lista pe viata urmatoare. 😉 Fashionistele mele stiu cu siguranta la ce OZN-uri fac referinta. 😛

Va rog sa nu confundati o estetica a uratului cu o eventuala uratenie a pieselor vestimentare in sine, caci nu inseamna acelasi lucru. Mai mult decat atat, astazi port o creatie Atelier Teodora Mot absolut superba, care ma face mandra de potentialul designului autohton. Ii multumesc pe aceasta cale pentru rochia supradimensionata (mi-ar fi placut sa o port ca atare, dar imi lipsesc niste atuuri feminine esentiale unor decolteuri atat de generoase 😛 ), cat si pentru minunatia pe care mi-a imprumutat-o in acest weekend la Timisoara Fashion Week. A fost una din putinele dati cand m-am simtit un autentic blogger de moda roman. Hai Romania!

Sunt indragostita de tot ce inseamna tricotaje. Cine imi urmareste blogul inca de anul trecut, stie ca le-am dedicat multe articole. Probabil este de vina copilaria petrecuta in perioada comunista, cand toti eram imbracati in costumase, botosei, caciuli „aviator” si fulare crosetate sau tricotate de bunicute si mamici. Bunica mea a fost croitoreasa, lucru care s-a reflectat nu numai in imbracamintea mea si a parintilor mei, ci si in aspectul general al casei noastre: fete de perne decorative pentru sufragerie din lana cu diverse modele (absolut incredibile, pe care masinile de tricotat nu le pot reproduce in ziua de azi), cuverturi de pat, mileuri, fete de masa impodobite manual, fete de perna pentru pat partial crosetate, etc… Ma intreb unde au disparut toate acele comori. Mama, ai vreo idee?
Mi le amintesc in detaliu si ma bucur enorm cand vad o revenire a lor in tendintele actuale. Caciulile de tip „cagula” sunt elemente esentiale ale colectiilor de toamna-iarna 2018. Nu stau bine oricui, adevarat… dar faptul ca alegi sa le porti, denota un rafinament si o intelegere superioara a tot ceea ce inseamna nebunia aceasta obsestiva cu moda si stilul, in care incercam din rasputeri sa ne gasim locul.

Am organizat shooting-ul acesta pe sistem „editorial de moda”, pentru ca piesa centrala merita o asemenea atentie. Multumesc frumos Dianei care se multeaza atat de usor pe toate nebuniile mele. Suntem niste reale partenere in crima, chiar daca uneori, aceste „crime” atrag poante de proasta calitate din partea trecatorilor. Cu aceasta ocazie, un baiat tinerel ce sprijinea o masina pe strada pe care am pozat noi, mi-a aruncat ceva de genul „eu ma voi trezi din betie, dar tu din uratenie nu…” 🙂 . Mi-a placut faptul ca a amutit complet cand mi-am scos piesele tricotate de pe mine, pentru a le pune cu grija in husa la finalul shooting-ului. Nu se astepta ca „ratusca cea urata” sa etaleze o talie de 63 de cm, niste solduri lucrate , un abdomen complet plat si o silueta atat de armonioasa la venerabila-i varsta… 🙂 😛  Mesajul privirilor a suferit o modificare de fix 180 de grade, nici mai mult, nici mai putin… 😉 In mod clar, omul nu a stiut sa aprecieze estetica acestei tinute… 😉  Bine macar ca a apreciat modelul! 😛 Va pup tare si apasat!


I know what you will think: how could she wear something that doesn’t suits her at all? Because I wanted to and because I assumed it. 🙂 There is an „aesthetics of ugliness”  very well aspected in the fashion of 2018. People need a change , they need new bounderies. At least from time to time…  🙂 That is why the deconstructed pieces, the surprising layering of strange materials and prints, the exaggerated oversized clothes  (yes, it is not a pleonasm) and the dubious makeup. In front of this artistic manifestations, you can have two reactions: just love it, or deeply hate it. Obviously, I’m in the gang of the fans. I was irrecoverably conquered by this whole madness, the second I saw the SS18 sport shoes model from Vuitton … Ge-ni-us! They have gone to the top of all my lists „for this life” and can also qualify for the next lifetime lists. 😉 My fashionists know for sure what UFOs I am referring to. 😛

Please do not confuse this aestetichs with plain ugliness, or a certain ugliness of the clothes it’s based on, because it is completly wrong.  Moreover, today I wear a Teodora Mot Workshop cretaion, absolutely gorgeous, which makes me proud of the potential of Romania’s native designers. I would like to thank Teodora for this dress (I would have loved to wear it without anything underneath, but I miss some feminine essentials in the décolleté area :P) and for the wonderful piece she borrowed me this weekend, at Timisoara Fashion Week. It was one of the few moments when I felt like an authentic romanian fashion blogger. Go Romania, go!

I’m in love with knitwear. Whoever has been following my blog since last year, knows I wrote many articles about this subject. It is probably the childhood spent in the communist era, when we were all dressed in costumes, socks, „aviator” hats and shawls knitted by grandmothers and mothers. My grandmother was a seamstress, which was reflected not only in our clothing, but also in the overall look of our house: decorative handmade cushions for the livingroom with various designs (absolutely incredible, that knitting machines can’t reproduce today), bed covers, pillows, hand-decorated tablecloths, partially knitted bed pillows cloths, etc … I wonder where all those treasures disappeared. Mom, have you got any idea? 🙁
I remember them in detail and I am very glad to see they returned to the current trends. Hood type hats are essential elements of the autumn-winter collections in 2018. They do not look good on everybody 😉 , but … the fact that one chooses to wear them, denotes a refinement and superior understanding of what this obsessive madness about  fashion and style means.

I organized this shooting as a  „fashion editorial”, because the central piece deserved such attention. Thank you very much dear Diana, for being so adaptable to all my crazy demands. We are real partners in crime, even if sometimes these „crimes” attract low quality replies from the passers-by. On this occasion, a drunk young boy that we saw on the street we were shooting, said something like… „I’ll wake up from this, but you will be just as ugly …” I liked the fact that he completely silenced when I removed my knitted pieces, to put them carefully in the cover, at the end of the shooting. He did not expect this „ugly duckling” to show a 63 cm waist, some worked hips, a flat abdomen and such a  harmonious silhouette… 🙂 😛 The message of his eyes had undergone a full 180 degrees change, no more, no less … 😉 Clearly, the man was not sufficiently evolved to appreciate the aesthetics of this outfit …;) I kiss you all loud and pressed!

I was wearing

Knitted dress by Teodora Mot

Wolford jumpsuit

Stefanel uppers

Calvin Klein winter shoes

Photos coutesy Handra Diana