
A venit, a venit iarna… Sa ne-acoperim repede cu ceva..! 🙂 Da, dragile mele, actiunea de „a ne acoperi”, sau de „a ne inveli”, atunci cand afara sunt minus multe grade, este cea mai naturala si indicata. Cu cat mai multe straturi, cu atat mai calduroaase ne vor fi hoinarelile prin oras. Nu trebuie sa renuntam la ele, dragutele 😉 , din cauza vremii.

Ieri Romania a sarbatorit centenarul marii uniri a provinciilor istorice locuite de romani, prilej cu care doresc sa urez din tot sufletul, fiecarui cetatean in parte, un La multi ani  impreuna, intr-u dainuirea neamului nostru!  Evenimentele prezentate la TV au fost impresionante, am plans foarte mult si am realizat ca istoria noastra este o „superputere” menita sa trezeasca in sufletul romanului autentic, dorinta catre un viitor menit sa ne faca cinste in fata copiilor nostri. Nu intru in politica, dar prezentul pare desprins din filme SF cu buget redus. Acum… la „premiera” am mers pentru ca am sperat la o pelicula de calitate… dar de ce tot cumparam bilete la noi si noi proiectii, este peste puterile de intelegere acceptate de o minima decenta si buna crestere. Jale. J A L E ….

Sa ma introc insa la moda mea, caci in materie de politica si patriotism, nu sunt cu nimic mai buna decat majoritatea… 🙂 Vorbii mai sus despre suprapuneri, in scopul obtinerii unui confort termic sporit in aceste perioade mai friguroase… Ideea cu suprapunerile este ca sunt si un apanaj al obtinerii unor tinute foarte chic. Evident, nu orice suprapunere de piese vestimentare asigura succesul tinutei! Sunt anumite variante „clasice”, care dau bine cam in orice varianta, spre exemplu: un sacou strans in talie cu o curea, peste care se pune un palton lung, eventual supra-dimensionat. Dar, revistele de moda gem de variante in care suprapunerile au in componenta atat nelipsitele paltoane, cat si geci de iarna umplute cu puf, scurte sau lungi. Literalmente, fie suprapuneti mai multe geci de acest fel… fie incercati combinatii intre ele si clasice haine din lana, stofa sau blana.

Locul unde mereu am gasit paltoane supra-dimensionate sunt magazinele second-hand din oras. Va dau si un pont: sunt ascunse in zona umeraselor cu haine XXL … 🙂 pentru ca doamnele vanzatoare nu fac diferenta intre notinunea „one size” sau „over size” si hainele pentru oameni mai corpolenti… spre norocul nostru. 🙂 Pe haina neagra pe care o port scrie „one size”, ceea ce inseamna ca sta la fel de bine pe oricine ar imbraca-o. Iar sub ea… pot sa pun linistita multe straturi de haine, care sa-mi asigure atat confort termic, cat  si o valenta „artistica”… . 🙂
Daca considerati ca informatiile primite in acest articol sunt de ajutor, v-as ruga sa-l distribuiti  ca sa ajunga la cat mai multa lume! Cred ca este prima data cand va rog asta, asa ca o sa ma iertati pentru indrazneala. 😛 Va multumesc anticipa, si va pup tare si apasat! 😛


It came, the December came … the winter came. Let’s quickly cover up with something ..! 🙂 Yes, dear ones, the action of „covering up” or „wrapping up”, when outside are many minus degrees, is the most natural and indicated. The more layers, the warmer our wanderers in the city will be. We do not have to give up on them, the dear ones… because of the weather. I simply can not stay in home all day long!

Yesterday, Romania celebrated the centennial of the great union of the historical provinces, an occasion with which I want to wish to every citizen, from all my heart, a Happy Birthday together, to our nation! The events presented at the TV were impressive, I cried a lot and realized that our history is a „superpower” meant to awaken in the soul of any authentic romanian, the desire for a future  to be honored by our childen. I do not go into politics, but our present seems to be the script of a low-budget SF film. Now … at the „premiere” we went because we hoped for a quality film … but why we still buy tickets for new and new projections, is over the powers of understanding accepted by a minimal decency and good taste. Fatality…

But let’s return to my fashion… because in terms of politics and patriotism, I’m no better than most … 🙂 I was mentioning above something about layering, in order to get an increased thermal comfort in these cooler periods … The idea of overlapping is that there is also an opportunity to get very chic outfits. Obviously, not every overlap of clothing parts ensure the success of the outfit! There are some „classic” variants that do well in any outfit, for example: an office jacket wrapped with a belt with a long coat on top of it,  possibly over-sized. But, fashion magazines are jamming with variants in which layering is made with both coats and winter down jackets, short or long. Literally, we either overlap several such jackets … either try combinations between them and classic ones, made from wool or fur.

The places where I’ve always found over-sized coats are the second-hand shops in town. i will give you a tip: they are hidden in the XXL … clothes hangers, because the selling ladies do not make the difference between „one size” or „over size” and clothes for big people … to our luck. 🙂 On the black coat that I wear it’s written „one size”, which means that everyone can look just as good with it. And underneath it … I can put many layers of clothes, which will provide me both thermal comfort and an „artistic” valence …. 🙂
If you think the information received in this article is helpful, I would ask you to distribute it so it will reach as many people as possible! I think it’s the first time I ask this, so you’ll forgive me for the boldness. 😛 Thank you very much and kiss you all loud and pressed! 😛

I was wearing

black coat, down jacket, hat, bag and cowboy boots from Textile House Romania

Motivi culotte pants

Hand Clothing yellow leather gloves

Photos by HD Photography