
Discutiile despre problemele momentului sunt normale si inerente: COVID 19. Sunt insa rare momentele cand se discuta despre solutii. In mod clar, preventia este cea mai buna arma. Dar aceasta este in linia defensiva. Minunat ar fi, sa putem purta acest razboi din pozitii ofensive..

Tatal meu, profesorul de fizica Marian Ion Sarbu, m-a rugat sa fiu vocea sa in mediul online. Este tipul de om care inca scrie de mana… si il ador pentru asta.
A gandit o posibila solutie, o arma ofensiva. Eu nu sunt expert, dar poate vreunul dintre dumneavoastra este. Aruncati o privire! Orice distribuire ajuta. 😉

„Dimensiunea corona-virusului denumit COVID 19 este cuprinsa intre 120 nanometri (nm) si 160 nm, iar spiculele (plepomerele) acestuia au dmensiunea de 24nm.

Exista posibilitatea generarii unui semnal sonor cu frecventa cuprinsa in intervalul de la 2 la 3 gigaherti? Daca da, ar exista posibilitatea ca acesta sa intre in rezonanta cu semnalul sonor si sa fie distrus (sa faca explozie). Pentru spicule semnalul sonor ar fi de 14,1 gigaherti si ar putea fi rupte (arata ca niste pendule, evident nanometrice). Daca ar prezenta proprietati electromagnetice ar putea fi distrus de un semnal electromagnetic cu frecventa avand valori de ordinul de marime prezentat mai sus.

Astept raspunsuri din partea specialistilor, chiar daca intrebarea de mai sus ar parea cretina multora.”

Probabil solutii sunt deja pe tapet, deoarece sincronicitatea isi face de fiecare data treaba. Dar orice voce conteaza.


Discussions about today’s problems are normal and inherent: COVID 19. But rarely we discuss solutions. Clearly, prevention is the best weapon. But this is on the defensive line. It would be great to be able to battle this war from offensive positions…

My father, the physics professor Marian Ion Sarbu, asked me to be his voice in the online world. He’s the type of man who still writes by hand … and I adore him for that.
He thought of a possible solution, an offensive weapon. I’m not an expert, but maybe one of you is. Take a look! Any distribution helps. 😉

„The size of the coronavirus aka COVID-19 is between 120 nanometers (nm) and 160 nm, and its spicules (plepomers) have a dimension of 24nm.

Is it possible to generate an audible signal with a frequency ranging from 2 to 3 gigahertz? If so, it would be possible for it to resonate with it’s wave and be destroyed (to explode). For spicules the sound signal would be 14.1 gigahetrz and could be broken (they look like pendulums, obviously nanometric). If the COVID 19 molecule would had electromagnetic properties, it could be destroyed by a electromagnetic signal with frequency having values of the order of magnitude presented above.

I am waiting for answers from the specialists, even if the above question would seem stupid to many. ”

Probably solutions are already on the table, because the synchronicity is doing its job every time. But any voice matters!