
Bine ai venit, primavara draga! Ah…soare, flori in culoare, bleu ciel, pasari, oameni frumosi, terase forfotinde, selfie-uri, trubaduri, portrete… iar azi chiar am vazut un papagal cu ravase ( cei ce s-au nascut inainte de revolutie, i-au mai prins pe la mal de mare pe micii strengari 🙂 ). Mi-au inflorit ciresii in curte! Ce explozie de … roz! Cred ca din cauza imaginii idilice cu care deschid ochii in diminetile astea, mi-a venit ideea de a ma „rozui” atat de sinistru.. 🙂


Nu sunt o iubitoare de roz. Deloc. De fapt, pastel-urile ma sperie un pic… sunt prea „fetitistice” daca imi permite Maurice Munteanu sa il citez.. 🙂 (love the man, btw..) Dar azi am fost impreuna cu baietii mei la o sarbatorire a carnavalului vest-european si vazandu-i asa frumusei, un Charlie Chaplin si un cavaler medieval, mi-am dorit dintr-o data sa fiu fetita din nou. Dar nu neaparat fetita care am fost – mai mult un baietoi ce juca fotbal, somata si avea genunchii pe veci ciopartiti – ci o varianta pe care baietii mei ar fi vazut-o delicata, fragila, docila (?!), pe care sa o danseze printre mese, sau sa o salveze din ghearele vreunui balaur. Acum… nu am mers atat de „in extremis” incat sa apelez la tüll si fundite, dar… ” the almighty pink” isi face treaba, chiar si pe aceasta tinuta 100% „garcon” ( deh, vechile deprinderi mor greu.. 🙂 ). Daca stau bine si ma uit la poza asta, nu doar ca m-am „rozuit”, ci m-am si „pastelat” fara limte 😛 .

In acest moment sunt pe mod „multitask-ing”: fac o supa, am un ochi pe Fashion TV si incerc sa termin si acest post. Baiul este ca de fiecare data cand incep sa scriu, recitesc ce am debitat deja…si tot imi vine sa schimb. Trebuia sa imi aloc 3-4 ore doar pentru scris, asa cum bine spunea Rox Sarafolean 🙂 intr-o postare despre cum si ce sa ai in vedere cand pornesti un blog, dar am vrut sa scot produsul cat inca e frumos afara, iar roz-ul isi are locul binemeritat in tinutele noastre. 🙂

Fetelor, va invit sa va „roz-uiti” excesiv, lasciv, apoteotic, „bombonistic” 🙂 (tare asta…), dar asumat! Pup la voi, tare si apasat! 😛


Welcome dear spring! Ah… the sun, the flowers that have found their colours, bleu ciel, birds, beautiful people, „talkative” terases, selfies, troubadours, sketches… and today I even saw a fortune cookies parrot ( the ones borne before 1989 – the year of our revolution – have seen those on the Black Sea Coast in summer 🙂 ). Back at my home,  the cherry trees are in bloom! What a „pink” explosion!! I guess is because of them I  considered „pinken” myself in such a sinister way 🙂 .

I am not a pink lover. Not at all. I fear pastels… I find them too „fetitistice” ( something like girly), if Maurice Munteanu allows me to quote him. 🙂 ( love the man, b.t.w…). But today was the day my boys celebrated the west-european Carnival, and seeing them so sweet and pretty, a Charlie Chaplin and a medieval knight, made me wanna be a girl again. But not the girl I used to be – some kind of tomcat playing football, somata (a game the boys used to play, where you had to hunt opponents with toy pistols)  and always having my knees messy, but that fragile, delicate, docile (?!) damsel in distress my boys would have loved to rescue. Now… I didn’t get in the tüll and ribbons area, no siree 🙂 , but I feel that the „almighty” pink does a great job even on this boyish outfit (old habits die hard).  😛

I function on multitasking mode right now: making a soup, having an eye on Fashion TV and trying to finish this post. The problem is that, every time I write something, I start by reading what I already debited and have a tendency to overwrite. I should have spent 3-4 hours just writing, as Rox Sarafolean 🙂 said in a post about what a young blogger should consider when writing something, but I wanted to finish while the nice weather is still on, because in warm spring days, „pink” deserves it’s place in our outfits … 🙂

Girls, I invite you to „pinken” yourselves excesively, lascivious, „bombon-relared-way” (this is cool…) but assumed! Kiss you loud and pressed!! 😛

I am wearing

Zara Pants (collection summer 2016)

H&M hat

vintage jacket

Puma by Alexander McQueen sport shoes